I started at golds gym last week. They have some great classes that I have been doing. I just dont want to do to much. I have done the body combat twice. First one I burned 707 and the second I burned 658. Tonight I am doing body pump. Saturday I did the elliptical and some weights and burned 345. Obviously I like what my heart rate shows when I do the classes. Do you think 4 classes a week is to much?

My cal intake for the day is about 1460. I usually hit it and when I do big workouts I will eat about 100 cals of it. If it is a small workout (elliptical) I normally do not eat it. But I am not starting myself I am just not hungry.


  • Nathalia2009
    Nathalia2009 Posts: 75 Member
    :bigsmile: ANYONE?
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Nope sounds good to me.

    Weight lifting is good too, keep that up.
  • Nathalia2009
    Nathalia2009 Posts: 75 Member
    They have a weight class. But its not til Thurs so that will be added into the mix =)
    Nope sounds good to me.

    Weight lifting is good too, keep that up.
  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 526 Member
    If you feel good doing four classes a week - then it is not too much. If you feel weak and exhausted all the time, then it has become too much.
  • BChanFit
    BChanFit Posts: 209 Member
    Les Mills body pump is a weight class - if that's what you're taking, sounds like you're doing a weight class tonight as well. :) When I was at the Y I would do 5 or 6 classes a week. I don't think you're doing too much and if you're having fun I'd say go for it.
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    I prefer to do classes, because the time goes by faster and I'm more motivated to really push it. I have an RPM instructor who will yell your name and tell you adjust resistance, go faster, etc. Some people probably wouldn't like getting called out during class, but it really keeps me from slacking off.

    I've been bad at getting motivated to lift lately, but I do a 4 or so days a week of that too. I'm usually a positive little bundle of energy (most of the time) so I can always tell I'm over training if I'm unusually tired/fatigued or getting emotional over stupid stuff that doesn't really matter.