
I have been reading a lot about an imbalance in the digestive tract caused by a natural yeast called 'candida'. I have not been tested for it, and I won't be, truly, but based on what I've read... I display a lot of the symptoms of those that have been confirmed to have an overgrowth of these little organisms.
As it sits, I went almost 8 years eating simply pizza and pizza rolls and other crap food--not a lot, generally once a day... but it's about all I ate.
So, that being said, I'm just curious: out of those of you who have had similar situations, what sorts of probiotics did you end up taking, and which ones worked the best to help 'cleanse' the imbalances in your digestive tracts?


  • nursedodie
    I just watched a video on YouTube about this....I also wonder has anyone had these problems and did probiotics help?
  • ahoier
    ahoier Posts: 312 Member
    I've tried a couple different brands.....and YES, I personally notice a difference in my energy (especially yes, my BMs.....) on the days I remember to take my probiotic.....I typically take mine first thing in the morning.....I try to remember to leave it next to the night stand, so I take it on an empty stomach.....I've heard this is the best way to take it, so that by the time food hits your digestion tract, those probiotics are READY to attack and break down the food you just fiance had extremely bad indigestion/heart burn when she met......I went over to Sam's Club and got her/us the big king size pack of generic "Align" - and we both take 1 a day.....well, actually this month we switched out for a different product, InSync Natural Probiotic Digestive System Balance.....I will warn you, it was kind of pricey, I think I paid like 20$ for it......but it has 120 1 a day, that's not a bad deal, especially in my fiance's case.....her indigestion is damn near gone......she doesn't have bad gas (burps only...) after eating, etc.....

    If we know we'll be going out in public or out to eat and dealing with food we aren't preparing ourselves, we'll take an extra dose, just to help break down the "processed garbage".....if you know what I mean......

    So far, I have not noticed any adverse side effects or anything, other than my BMs have been Mild constipation, gone :) Can't say it's helped break any plateaus or anything, but I'm still developing! :)

    Biggest advice though, is just shop around, I'll definitely be "rotating" my probiotic they say, too much of something too good.....your body adapts ;) But so far, we've had good luck with the generic "Align" and this InSync a kid, my mom always swore by "Pearls" - but I always saw it as a big marketing hype.....most all of these modern probiotics have to be coated in SOME way to survive the stomach acid......and that was their biggest "gimmick" per se......
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    Probiotics are really useful if you take them after taking antibodics. When you take medications for infections the meds destroy all bacteria including the good ones. When the good bacteria is gone yeast will flourish because the bacteria isn't competing against the yeast for food.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,679 Member

    "Probiotics are foreign bacteria that are not a normal part of your gi tract, they do not enhance or immune system and, in normal people to note promote the nebulous bowel health.
    If you are a normal human, with a normal diet, save your money. Probiotics have nothing to offer but an increased cost."

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    After doing a fair bit of reading into this subject - maybe just add some resistant starch foods into you diet.

    If you are eating a balanced diet you may already be getting some naturally anyway.
  • bluntlysally
    bluntlysally Posts: 150 Member
    probiotics are great - i highly recommend them and so does my gastro dr! probiotics are better for you than a multivitamin, since most of your immune system lives in your gut.

    and if you don't take them regularly, you should definitely take them after taking antibiotics to replace what was just killed.

    personally, my gut was in very very bad shape after a lovely combo of bad diet, too much splenda, and tons of stress. now, even though i've been eating healthier for years, a probiotic is something that is key to keeping my body working properly (in more ways than just digestion).

    i use different brands, and like another person said, switch up the brand every few months to get a different mix. i'm currently taking florajen 3 (refrigerated pill). i've liked trubiotics (non-refrigerated pill) and good belly+ (refrigerated drink, when i could afford them).


    as with anything, please check with your drs for interactions w/other meds/conditions/etc.

    eta - i have never heard of 'candida' so i cannot give any feedback on that.
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    "Candida" is a type of yeast that will grow aggesively when the condtions are correct. It's the main yeast in 'yeast infections'.
  • mom2sons02
    mom2sons02 Posts: 111 Member
    I have IBS. I take one almost every day. The refrigerated kinds are the best. They have decreased my "episodes", and that is worth any money!