Protein Shake Despiration!!!

coffeen14 Posts: 27 Member
I have a huge tub of plain chocolate protein powder and it isn't very good. Despite all the things I have tried i can't seem to make delicious low cal shakes like my local protein shake place. Any good recipes? I like to keep them 350 calories or under.


  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    What I do with chocolate protein powder is throw a scoop in the blender with about 3/4 cup almond milk, 1 T cocoa powder and a frozen banana. Peanut butter bumps up the calories, but is good in it. I don't know if it's worth messing with a lousy brand of powder, though.
  • WittLace
    WittLace Posts: 14 Member
    Try a little bit of PB2 and a banana. That might make it take a little better.

    What kind of protien are you using? I use ON platinum hydro whey, its pretty good!
  • coffeen14
    coffeen14 Posts: 27 Member
    @Swiftdogs that sounds pretty good I'll have to try it, I've heard banana is a really goof flavor masking ingredient

    @WittLace I just have the local grocery store brand that could be half my issue I can usually get through half a shake before giving up on the nasty flavor. Is PB2 the powder peanut butter?
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    The protein powder I'm currently using I also don't like. But, I find that it's really good in simple shakes. Weird.

    I just mix it with a cup of milk (either regular or almond, today though I tried chocolate - haven't drank it yet) a banana, and some ice cubes. I blend it until ti's super frothy. The more ice, the frothier it tends to get.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    Add frozen banana pieces, peanut butter, maybe a little greek yogurt and unsweetened vanilla almond milk. Frozen strawberries might be good too.
  • WittLace
    WittLace Posts: 14 Member
    @Swiftdogs that sounds pretty good I'll have to try it, I've heard banana is a really goof flavor masking ingredient

    @WittLace I just have the local grocery store brand that could be half my issue I can usually get through half a shake before giving up on the nasty flavor. Is PB2 the powder peanut butter?

    Yep PB2 is the powder pb.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Just some unsweetened cocoa powder should help.
  • pinkshiningstar
    pinkshiningstar Posts: 141 Member
    PB2 is on Groupon right now, BTW. Pretty good deal.