Help with compulsive food shopping

marytatford Posts: 1
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
New year & I must lose weight. One of my major problems is that everytime I go out to do any type of shopping I end up buying myself treats of sweets/cakes/biscuits. I need help to give me the willpower not to do this. Any ideas most welcome.


  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Plan out your meals/snacks ahead of time - make a grocery list. Make sure you give yourself a treat or two occasionally, and include that in your list. ONLY buy what is on that list - nothing else. No excuses.
  • My personal rule is NEVER going grocery shopping when Im hungry. The best time to go is right after a meal when you feel satisfied and you can focus on only getting what is on your list.

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  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Plan out your meals/snacks ahead of time - make a grocery list. Make sure you give yourself a treat or two occasionally, and include that in your list. ONLY buy what is on that list - nothing else. No excuses.

    This is exactly what I do. I also try and do the shopping as much as possible, because I am less prone to getting treats than my wife is.

    Also, try not to go to the grocery store hungry. That old adage is true for me...I am more likely to overbuy when I am shopping on an empty stomach. After having just eaten, I am less likely to pick up something to satisfy a craving.
  • bmmadden
    bmmadden Posts: 499 Member
    eat a small meal before you shop as well as the other suggestions
  • SweetPea120
    SweetPea120 Posts: 16 Member
    Don't go to the store feeling hungry! Keep a stash of sugar free hard candy at home and/or in your car. Watch the quantiy you eat, because sugar free does not mean calorie free! But the sweetness may help curb your sweet tooth!
  • fitoverfifty
    fitoverfifty Posts: 192 Member
    All I can think of is to make sure you are NOT hungry when you are shopping.
    It helps a lot.
    ( oops).......I just saw all the other replies.......It didn't look like there were any replies when I read your post...very odd.
    O well.....we all agree on the same thing at least :-)
  • SweetPea120
    SweetPea120 Posts: 16 Member
    Until you get in the groove of shopping without picking up extra snacks, is there an accountability partner that can shop with you...a friend/partner/etc?
  • Find a store that will let you shop online - not only will you avoid the temptation of junk food, but you will save money because you will get only what is on your list.. If you can shop online (Shop Rite and Acme have this option), some stores will even deliver. My local store does not, but for a $10 fee, they pull all of the food and bag it, I choose a pick-up time, pull into the designated parking space, they bring the food out to the car for me, I pay and away I go! Good luck in your efforts...
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Don't go down the aisles...veggies, meats, don't really need to walk down the cookie aisle

    Treat yourself to a magazine or fresh flowers for a success!!!
  • is there anyone that can go food shopping for you? make a list and send them with just that list, that way you arent there being pressured to buy all the snacks you see! also a lot of foodstores have a thing now where you can call in your order or do it online, and then pick it up. that way everythings done for you and you can avoid the temptation
  • I have made this mistake many times! And I end up spending way more money and buying unhealthy foods!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Avoid the cookie/cakes and sweets aisle!! If you don't see it, you won't want to buy it as much.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    is there anyone that can go food shopping for you? make a list and send them with just that list, that way you arent there being pressured to buy all the snacks you see! also a lot of foodstores have a thing now where you can call in your order or do it online, and then pick it up. that way everythings done for you and you can avoid the temptation

    Doesn't work for everyone. I have to look at the nutritional information...its a habit now. Like today, I thought the oatmeal I had started buying recently was pretty good, but I just found a new one (by snooping around the nutritional information on the different boxes) that has less sodium and sugars, and more fiber and protein.

    I also have too many food allergies for someone else to follow. It would just get tooooo confusing.
  • I used to have a problem with this and I made a list of non food treats. I had categories of items such as less than $5, less than $10, etc.

    Once a week if I stayed on plan, I would go and get something on the list. From a money perspective, you end up spending less. Those food treats can be costly! That feeling of reward became less from food and more from the list.

    I slowly changed the list to be focused on working out. Winter running gloves, yoga mat, etc. Then I began to slowly build up my workout gear. I started shifting my purchases to once a month because they became more expensive. BUT, I was getting excited about the workout gear and managed to outfit my bike (speedometer, bell, trunk bag, handlebar bag, etc.) with these new types of treats. I now have the tools I need to stay on track and those cookies and cakes are becoming a distant memory. :)

    Good luck!!
  • netter43
    netter43 Posts: 110 Member
    This journey to lose weight and be healthier is such a mental game (for me anyway) - I am fortunate in that my boyfriend does 90% of the grocery shopping. I just ask him to pick me up the things I know I need to pack my lunches for work and this works well. When I go, it becomes a challenge of reading the labels to try to find the healthier, higher fiber/protein foods. Do I long for those sweets/"junk" - OH yes I do, but I just look at them as I walk by, telling myself that they are not worth buying if I want to reach my goals...You just have to "train" yourself. I know easier said than done, but keep the positive thoughts and be proud of your small successes when you purchase things that are healthier for you - Best of luck!!
  • Have u tried low calories alternative??? Exercise bit more or do some extra activity to burn little bit of extra calories to allow u'rself a room for little treats. And like already said, plan u'r shopping and treats ahead, so u'll know what u having for afters this week. Make sweeties u'r reward for a day or week for either being good with food or losing some lbs. Good luck
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