Gaining 2 weeks in a row....

Hi everyone. Let me start off by saying that I started at around 216 in March. I decided to give up all kinds of junk for the Lenten season so instead of sweets I would eat fruits and I couldn't have chips or soda so I was eating yogurt and raw vegetables. Now that Easter has come and gone, I haven't started eating any chips or candy or soda or pretty much anything. Now I am on 1200 calories, but I normally eat 1100 calories 5 days a week and then 2 days a week I eat 1400 and 1500 calories so that I am calorie cycling and staying at a total of 1200 calories per day average. This was working wonderfully for me up until 2 weeks ago. I had gotten down to 206 pounds from March until Easter Sunday, so about 10 pounds in 6 weeks and I was losing inches as well. I am not currently exercising ( i know bad) I find that it causes uncontrollable hunger so I wanted to lose 15 pounds first.
Now on to my dilemma... I ate a lot of carbs on Easter Sunday I told myself I could have whatever I wanted in a small portion, so I did. I gained weight almost overnight - 7 pounds and when I weighed in a week later I was still up 2 pounds, but had lost an inch off of my bust, waist, belly, and hips so I figured it was just residual water weight. I weighed this morning a week after and I am up 2 pounds again. When I measured I have lost around .5 an inch a few places. So should I change what I'm doing or ignore the scale since the measurements are decreasing? I'm not exercising so I'm not sure if I'm building muscle that would cause me to weigh more while getting smaller and what could be causing the steady weight gain while I am getting smaller in size? If I wasn't taking measurements I would probably be sobbing to think that a month's worth of hard work is back on the scale.
Any ideas anyone?


  • Selena125t
    Selena125t Posts: 41 Member
    Could it be too much fruit?
  • sunseeker43
    sunseeker43 Posts: 17
    |I have nothing to say that would be helpful other than to tell you I too have lost 4 lbs, gone up 3 lbs and then back down 2.5 in the past 4 weeks. I am getting frustrated too b/c I am exercising and logging everything. I guess for some of us 'it happens' but good for you to have a substantial loss over the past month overall!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Weightloss is not linear you wont lose weight every week, your weight will naturally fluctuate sometimes up to 5 pounds a day (some people even more). As for overall weightloss specific foods make no difference as long as you are in a calorie deficit you'll lose weight. Give it a couple more weeks if still no loss double check all your figures and that you are weighing and measuring your food accurately.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    If you're losing inches, I wouldn't worry just yet. Give it some more time, and continue to take measurements.
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member

    My weight curve looks like a downwards sloping jigsaw.
  • CA_Underdog
    CA_Underdog Posts: 733 Member
    Now on to my dilemma... I ate a lot of carbs on Easter Sunday I told myself I could have whatever I wanted in a small portion, so I did. I gained weight almost overnight - 7 pounds
    My guess is you ate high-sodium, and you're retaining water.
    and when I weighed in a week later I was still up 2 pounds, but had lost an inch off of my bust, waist, belly, and hips so I figured it was just residual water weight.
    So 5lbs was water weight. :)
    When I measured I have lost around .5 an inch a few places. So should I change what I'm doing or ignore the scale since the measurements are decreasing? I'm not exercising..
    If you're confident in your measurements, and the scale isn't particularly important, this is a good moment to celebrate the positive changes! I strive to eat a fairly consistent amount of sodium and weigh-in at the same time and hydration level. That helps minimize the zig-zag of my weight. Otherwise, I might look more critically at about both your "calories in" (food scale) and "calories out" (heart rate monitor).
  • Selena125t
    Selena125t Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks everyone for your replies! My clothes are fitting looser and I'm thrilled about that. Hopefully next Monday I'll see a loss on the scale and the tape measure. I strive to limit my carb intake and eat mostly protein vegetables, fruits and fats like olive oil, avocado and a little nut butter. I've heard that some people have to limit dairy or fruits because it causes weight gain and I wondered for a moment if I was one of those, but really I consume one serving of yogurt a day, I know I need more fiber and was hoping I would naturally get it from all the vegetables and fruits but I'm still falling short.

    Another suspicion I've been having is that "set weight" phenomenon people experience. The first time I was diligent in losing weight I went from 257 to 206 and I stayed there for about a year and then life started getting in the way and I slowly gained 20 pounds over the next year, could it be I need to just push my body past this weight it's been once before, before I can get lower? Did any of that make sense lol? Should I drop my calories lower or try increasing them a tad for a week?