Please Help! Workout Schedule

newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I would really appreicate some guideline on a good workout schedule.

I feel like when I go to the gym I'm just floundering around and have no real purpose so I don't think I'm using the time effectively.
I would like to lose weight and strengthen and tone my body (not build bulky muscles).

I'm curious what type of things people are doing and how well are they working.

How long do I do cardio and how often?
Do I only work out a particular part of my body each day?
Do I do all the "pulling" exercises one day and all the "pushing" exercises another day?

Obviously I'm not sure what to do when and I don't want to be counter-productive. I would really appreicate any help. :bigsmile:


  • Good question with lots of potential answers. Do they have any instructors/trainers at your gym? Might be a great investment - they can help you tailor a plan for YOUR needs
  • mirahonthawall
    mirahonthawall Posts: 236 Member
    when i had a gym membership i was going monday-friday in between classes or after class.

    everyday i'd do some type of cardio (elliptical, treadmill, rowing, class)
    twice a week i'd do strength training, one day would be arms (4 machines + weights), one day would be legs (5 machines)

    and yes i've ignored my abs altogether, it shows :\

    if i were you, i'd figure out what kind of workouts you want to do and try to build a schedule based on your goals
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Ok here's what I do. Do what you like and to others don't pick on me. At least I'm doing it. :)

    At least 20 min on treadmill (I aim for 2 miles).
    Then Mon. I do arms
    Wedn. I do legs
    Friday I do core/abs

    I work out with my gf who works at the gym so she helps me with the machines when I first started. I basically do the circuit machines then add weighted squats to legs, and do a bunch of dumbbell weights with arms as well as the machines. For abs and core I generally look up some workout on an iphone ap or self mag or something to mix it up. :)

    It takes me an hour to an hour and a half depending on how long it takes me to do the 2 miles. :) Hope that helps!
  • billylindsay
    billylindsay Posts: 102 Member
    I agree way above u will find yr groove keep plugging away try everything u will find what yr looking for.
  • you should do a minimum of 30 minutes of cardio at least 5 days a week. here is a 3 day split for weight training.

    exercise sets reps

    squat 3 12-15
    leg extension 3 12-15
    leg curl 3 12-15
    calf raises 3 20
    crunches 3 20

    flat bench dumbell bench press 2 15
    inclined dumbell bench press 2 15
    low pulley cable row 3 15
    lat pulldown 3 15
    reverse crunch 3 15

    standing alternating dumbell curl 2 15
    triceps pushdown 3 15
    shoulder press 2 15
    side lat raises 2 15

    be sure to challenge yourself with your lifting. if the prescription is for 15 reps, the excercise should be pretty tough around 12 reps or so.
  • skinnyack
    skinnyack Posts: 683
    You're going to get a million different answers! My advice is invest in a couple training sessions if you can- it's worth it. Other than that variety is good and see if you can incorporate things you like with things you hate. ie- take a group hip hop class (say if you like to dance) and then after it do 20 minutes of abs (if you really hate it). Most of the time we hate something because it is difficult for us- and those are definitely things we need to strengthen and we'll be the most proud of later. Try to switch up your routine every 2-4 weeks.
  • kittytrix
    kittytrix Posts: 557 Member
    My time is limited since I go during my lunch hour and I have a specific goal in mind.

    I go on the treadmill for at least 20 minutes on varying inclines at about 5-6 mph. Then I do high reps with light weights, usually in a circuit for another 20 to 25 minutes.

    On the weekends, I try to stay out of the gym by running hills and hiking.

    Try finding something you enjoy and change it up every so often. Don't be afraid to ask questions, either. Find a buddy to help make you accountable.

    Good luck to you!
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member

    I see you've had a couple of great suggestions! My plan (since I'm switching it up for the New Year) is to workout a total of 5 days a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays, I plan on doing 30-45 minutes of cardio plus strength training. And then Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm going to go running. If you're just starting out: aim to do 20 minutes of cardio 3x a week, and add in 1 day of strength training. And with time aim to do cardio 5x a week, with 2-3 days including strength training. I suggest that cause for me I know that if I aim to high to start off with (like start off with a goal of going 5x a week, I don't stick to it, but when I changed it to aim for 3x a week, I would find myself going 4 days...and now I'm aiming for 5x a week.

    My motto is "something is better than nothing", so, mix-and-match you workouts. I get bored with going to the gym for all my workouts. I got The Biggest Loser Challenge Wii game for Christmas, so I'm going to incorporate that into my weekly workouts. When I don't feel like hitting the gym to lift weights, I have Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred video. I like to run outside every now and again (and I find myself running farther and longer outside). When I can afford it, I go to a dance studio and take one of their classes--last month I did a Ballet Fit class. Or sometimes, I just turn on some music and dance around my house for 30 minutes (I like to pretend I'm a professional dancer :-)

    But all in all-- just find things you LOVE or enjoy doing, add it into your workout, and just keep moving! When you incorporate things you enjoy, it helps you stick to an exercise routine longer--like a self-reward. I also recommend getting a heart rate monitor (I use a Bowflex Pulse HR watch), and that way you can still accurately track your caloric burn if you go to a dance class, or go hiking or something outside of the gym.

    I hope this helps! Best of Luck!
  • LMac423
    LMac423 Posts: 82
    I would agree with a few of the above least 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week.

    I think the real key is switching the cardio up, as in, not running everyday or doing the elliptical everyday. Try the stair climber, try swimming, try a spin class...that stuff makes it fun and much easier to lose weight! Keeping your body confused is the key.

    As far as lifting goes, I wouldn't do a particular area of the body more than once per week. So, you could do:

    Monday; biceps, triceps

    Wednesday: legs

    Friday: back, chest

    Sunday: shoulders

    Also, adding in yoga is a great way to tone the upper body and depending on what type of yoga you do, can also count as cardio for the day! Start out with maybe a beginner DVD until you get used to it and then bump it up to a more advanced form.

    Hope that helps! I'm a triathlete and runner and I've never seen more of a difference in my body and performance than when I added in different things to keep it interesting! =)
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    Thanks so much everybody! I really appreciate all of your input! :bigsmile:
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