Back to Running, now running 7:16/km - any advice?


I am 27yo and have recently started running again after a 3 year hiatus. I started 3 years ago but was overzealous and got terrible shin splints. I got distracted (and fat) along with university and work life. In 2011 I started smoking (I blame my Eurotrips and adoption of the laissez-faire lifestyle hahahah). In 2012, while still smoking around a pack every 2 days, I decided to try my first 5k at the Toronto Oasis ZooRun. I ran the 5k in 50:19....

I quit smoking around 5 months ago after a family tragedy and have trained ever since, slowly. I finished the Toronto Goodlife 5k yesterday; May 4, 2014, in 36:35.4 while jogging and keeping pace all the way. A huge improvement on my part, and I felt really really proud of myself.

I am planning to do another 5k in September and aiming to have a time under 30 minutes. Is this possible? Any tips or advice from someone who has worked hard to improve their time significantly? Also, I am a 36D can anyone recommend a supportive sport bra aside from the Under Armour one which costs $70+tax. So far I've just been running with my wired bra which also cost a lot but has great support, but I am wearing out. Trying to keep the cost down.

My stats:
Height: 5'5
Weight: 140lbs
Body type: Mesomorph
Train: 3-4 times a week, 12-15km/week
Cross-train: Mountain bike a few times a month, a lot of walking

Thank you in advance

Also, I will start doing squats and lunges..hopefully, this will help me out


  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Read this (best advice for new runners that I have read):
  • toronto27
    toronto27 Posts: 7
    Thanks! I've read so many articles on you think it's possible to run a 5k under 30 by September?
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    I highly recommend the Couch 2 5k app. Since you already run the full distance and just want to get faster, instead of walking during the walking segments you could run at your current comfortable pace. Then during the running segments push the pace faster. Yes, it is entirely possible to reach your goal by September!
  • toronto27
    toronto27 Posts: 7
    Thanks! I've already completed the Couch to 5k...maybe I'll restart from week 4 and run the walking segments..great idea..thanks!