Let's Motivate One Another and Be Friends!

Howdy to all in MFP land! I joined today after 6 weeks of regular workouts and zero results. Although I'm slightly discouraged, this certainly does not mean I'm down for the count. Just a hiccup in the plans. Anyone else having this early-plateau issue? I'm on workout hiatus right now to recover from the flu, but hopefully I'll be back in the gym tomorrow and be able to break through this invisible wall.

I'd love to hear back from some people, hear the stories of your journeys, and become a support system for one another.

Happy lifestyle change to all!

- Jessicah


  • mezmez73
  • nikki91950
    bump :)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I feel like I hit mini plateaus all teh time. uasually it has to do more with my food portions that the exercise I do. I lost with just exercise but my fisrt 5lbs came off in a sanp since I began tracking my calories.

    Good luck ! And feel free to friend me if you wanadditional support.
  • yumcheese
    yumcheese Posts: 30 Member
    I'm joining for the same reason. After losing some weight a few years back (and keeping it off), I'm now in a total rut. I've found that going to the gym a few days a week helps me maintain, but I can't lose real weight unless I change my eating habits and really focus on calorie counting. Otherwise I sneak far too many snacks.

    I started this morning with an early morning workout and a healthy oatmeal breakfast with dried cranberries. Hopefully the community aspect of this site will help me stay motivated.

    Good luck to you and others out there. Let's be friends and start a community of support!
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    I'd love to be friends and help keep each other motivated! My biggest challenge is nutrition. Thats why I tend to hit a wall. Losing weight isn't just exercise...you have to eat the right foods too and being a junk food junkie for most of my life thats a hard habit to break. We can do it though! This site is full of helpful motivating people!! Feel free to add me : )
  • rachpiper720
    Hey! I have been on here for 6 months and only lost 10 lbs, with 6 of them lost since Thanksgiving. It took me forever to lose any weight and I followed MFP to the T and was doing the 30 Day Shred and then went to P90x. I think I was just switching over from fat to muscle. I've lost about 10 inches over my whole body and am much stronger.

    My best advice is watch how your cloths are fitting, take measurements, notice how your endurance improves from workout to workout, and most of all DON"T GET DISCOURAGED!

    I think eventually if you are following MFP, and making sustainable lifestyle changes, you'll eventually see results.

    Add me if you want more support and we can get through this together!
  • jrhodges20
    jrhodges20 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi! I just joined after an emotionally and physically taxing year. I have hit a high in my weight and find myslef not being motivated. I am by myself in this it seems, and I really want to make a change, and am hoping to find friends to keep me motivated and on track
  • grammax9
    I'm new to counting calories. I have been maintaining a 100 plus weight loss and it doesn't get any easier. I want to count calories and keep track on this web site and lose a lousy 10 pounds. I've been trying for ever with no luck. This is the year. Count calories, avoid junk food, eat smart, weigh and measure and exercise, exercise, exercise. Hope I can find some friends on this site.<a
  • jenmacha
    jenmacha Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to be part of this. I'm just starting myself -- hoping to lose a whole lot of weight and definitely need the support!
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    I'd love to be friends and help keep each other motivated! My biggest challenge is nutrition. Thats why I tend to hit a wall. Losing weight isn't just exercise...you have to eat the right foods too and being a junk food junkie for most of my life thats a hard habit to break. We can do it though! This site is full of helpful motivating people!! Feel free to add me : )

    I'm with you Jenny!! Nutrition is key for me too!