College girl in need of support!

kimcook91 Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone I'm 19 and a sophomore in college and really need to lose some weight! I'm 5'4" and 203 lbs. I would like to lose 50 starting now. I was 160 two years ago and was so happy with myself and would love to get back to that and lower. I slowly find myself growing out of all the clothes I just bought last year and it's depressing. I go to school every Monday Wednesday and Friday and eat at the cafeteria and on the way home almost always stopped at a fast food place because I was so hungry by the end of the day (I drive to my college and I live an hour away) According to my calorie count I should only be eating about 1200 calories per day and would love some encouragement and to hear others' stories about how you lost weight quickly. Add me so we can be friends :)


  • Dteg
    Dteg Posts: 86 Member
    Hey!!!!!!!!! i am a college girl myself. it is so hard.I completely understand. When i was in high school i use to dance and when i stopped i shot up to 196. I am now down a bit and my main goal is to get fit and eat right. OF course i want to be able to fit back into those clothes i use to wear and someday not be able to fit in because they are to big. I am here for support if you like. :happy:
  • mirenner
    mirenner Posts: 205
    you can do it, make sure you couple your dietary restrictions with exercise for maximum results, even if its a half hour walk after dinner

    do it!
  • kickchick
    kickchick Posts: 19 Member
    Bring easy to pack healthy snacks with you to campus in ziplock baggies...peanuts, carrots, celery, radishes, etc. Stuff that will make it through the day without spoiling or getting gross. Or bring an apple or two. This could help you make it through the day so that you don't stop for fast food on the way home. Also, there are lots of great high protein bars out there that help curb hunger. Oooh, or Special K bars. They are very yummy and low calorie. The only other suggestion I have is to try the healthier options at the fast food salads or chicken or turkey. Be careful about your calorie intake may say 1200 calories, but how much burning of calories do you do walking to and from classes?!?! If you don't get your full calorie intake, your body could go into starving mode and end up storing fat rather than helping you to loose. Good luck and perservere!!:bigsmile:
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I'm in a similar situation in that I'm back in college and drive a long distance to school. It's tough to get good nutrition when you aren't at home. I pack a cooler to carry with me so that I can get some healthy meals and snacks in between classes. Also, my campus has a couple of places other then the cafeteria that do offer salads and such so I try to eat there if I'm eating on campus. Does your school have a gym? Often they are free for students. Makes it easier for those of us who are 2 hours away from home or our local gym to get a workout in during a break or right before or after class. I love mine.
  • dzstephku
    dzstephku Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same limit on calories. What I have started doing is oatmeal and REAL juice (mostly V8 juices) for breakfast, low sodium soup for lunch, then you can have whatever you want for dinner pretty much. 20 minutes on the elliptical a day at a fast pace takes 300 calories off. I've lost 2 pounds in less than a week doing this. It's easier than I thought since I'm limiting myself early in the day that way if you have a craving for dinner you can have it. I found it easier to plan out meals also before the day comes so you can see where you stand that week because calories are better counted weekly than daily anyway.
  • simplexserenity
    simplexserenity Posts: 116 Member
    I've lost all of my weight while being in college as well. I can send you some "before" pictures if you like but I used to weigh 265 pounds and I looked absolutely huge. Losing weight while going to school is NOT easy especially when every social event involves food & alcohol. Your thought process about wanting it to happen "fast" needs to kinda go out the window..none of this happens fast. I lost 30 pounds in 3 months when I first started because of Jenny Craig and LOTS of working out..but it was during the summer so I wasn't going to school or working at the time. When school started in September I continued to lose weight throughout the year because I kept REALLY busy and said NO to every piece of pizza that was thrown in my face or cake because it was someone's just have to say "No."

    Two years later..I've lost 80 pounds and I'm very proud of myself. I have 20 to go, and out of the whole journey these final pounds have been the toughest. Your body adapts to the low amount of calories you've been eating, so if I eat out of my usual it's easy to gain weight. I've accepted that even after I lose the last 20 this will be my lifestyle forever..egg whites, veggies, fruits, chicken, ground turkey, sushi, etc. Everything else is for special occasions in my eyes.

    You can do this, and you will if you allow it to become your every day lifestyle. Good luck, and feel free to add me if you need someone to talk to!
  • chelcscarbrough
    chelcscarbrough Posts: 45 Member
    Girl I am going through almost exactly the same thing! I was at a great weight my junior and senior years in high school and even first semester of college. But now I'm in my sophomore year too and I have gained so much! We can do it though! The elliptical machine is YOUR. BEST. FRIEND!
  • fat_beyonce
    fat_beyonce Posts: 133 Member
    I'm 19 and and in uni or as u guys call it college lol.:wink:
    Throughout all my life I was always skinny or slim and I used to do two sports a week plus performance arts which meant 2-3 more hours of dancing a week. However, When I got to college a.k.a high school I stopped doing all of that and put on a little weight but just enough to be curvy think beyonce or kim kardashian.
    Then @ the end of college with final exams I just ballooned staying home and studying so much and then I took a gap year and couldn't find a job for 6 months which left me home alot with alot of unhealthy cheap food and then I started working and was balancing 2 jobs and working 60 hours a week eating even more unhealthily and finally I started uni and the cheapest foods are never healthy. I now look more like a cross between jennifer hudson post weight loss and nicki minaj. Which is not good.
    Finally I had enough and decided to get serious and get back to my early college figure. So far I've lost about 19 pounds but I still have about 50 pounds to lose ahead of me. It's not easy and It involves making some very hard decisions like not to drink alcohol (too many calories), No fast food, gym at least once a week etc. This is especially hard when you're at university and alot of your friends are skinny :cry:
    But as someone wise once said where there is a will there is a way

    P.S i added you too
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