5'9 - 5'10 ladies



  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Thanks for starting this topic! Good to read posts that seem attainable instead of completely foreign. I could never be 120 lbs. I'm 5'10" and currently 168 lb. My first goal is to get under 160 lb and we'll see from there.
  • brfull
    brfull Posts: 3 Member
    Love the topic! I'm 5'10.5" and have 45 lbs to lose...again. Gained it over the past 2 years after foot injuries put a hault to my workout routine and man did I use that excuse to the extreme! Tried to start my program over the holidays but never made it past a day or so at a time so today is technically my first day of this journey. I'm brand new to MFP and I love it - quick and easy to use. In my experience there is one huge difference being this tall and losing weight - the shorter girls can lose 10 lbs and drop like 3 sizes. For me, 45 lbs equals a 2 size difference. I went from a 10 to a 14 with this 45 lbs so dropping just one size will take a good 20 lbs. But, focusing on the scale and measurements will keep me moving forward! My goal weight is 162. (Which is probably what I weighed in my profile picture.) Good luck to us all! We can do it. :smile:
  • [/quote]

    You guys are right! and again, I am glad this thread was started! I think I could be a size 6 if I was in great shape. I got pretty close last time, and I was not even bikini worthy, so I think it is doable for me. I DEFINITELY have big hips/butt, which is ok with me. I like having curves :) It is where I carry all of my fat... and it makes it hard to ever get tone looking thighs or butt :( I refuse to wear shorts or swimsuits. I am hoping that after a consistent few months on here I will be able to wear shorts confidently this summer.

    I definitely know how you feel. Even at my smallest, I refused to wear anything above my thighs. Wearing a swimsuit without a waist cover is something I have never done. Hopefully after losing the weight I will wear my swimsuit with confidence.

  • You guys are right! and again, I am glad this thread was started! I think I could be a size 6 if I was in great shape. I got pretty close last time, and I was not even bikini worthy, so I think it is doable for me. I DEFINITELY have big hips/butt, which is ok with me. I like having curves :) It is where I carry all of my fat... and it makes it hard to ever get tone looking thighs or butt :( I refuse to wear shorts or swimsuits. I am hoping that after a consistent few months on here I will be able to wear shorts confidently this summer.

    I definitely know how you feel. Even at my smallest, I refused to wear anything above my thighs. Wearing a swimsuit without a waist cover is something I have never done. Hopefully after losing the weight I will wear my swimsuit with confidence.
  • Maybe we need a tall guys site too :-)

    lol Maybe you should start one yourself like I did.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    And another thought for all of us tall girls, dont get hung up on your clothing size! When I was in high school and 130lbs I still wore a 12 because my hips are wide. And I was too thin! We tall girls dont have the same size standards as the more average heighted folks! When you look good, everyone can tell. They dont need your pants size to decide if you look good! Lots of us will look perfect in the 150-180 range.

    I have a large build and a classic hourglass frame, so I won't ever be tiny. My thinnest ever was 155 pounds and I looked, well, gross. I was all bony and had these nasty pokey ribs and yet I was only a size 8. I will be happy if I ever get down to a Size 12, which is what I was at 180 pounds before, because I looked fit and healthy at that size.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I have a large build and a classic hourglass frame, so I won't ever be tiny. My thinnest ever was 155 pounds and I looked, well, gross. I was all bony and had these nasty pokey ribs and yet I was only a size 8. I will be happy if I ever get down to a Size 12, which is what I was at 180 pounds before, because I looked fit and healthy at that size.

    Same here. I have a drastic difference between my waist and hips/chest. So I'm very hourglass and larger in general.

    I'm currently a loose size 12 in pants and I have once been a size 8. It'd be nice to get close to that again.

  • I'm a little taller than 5'10, but I love this topic!! Have already lost 50 pounds and want to lose the final 40! When I was in high school/college volleyball player and I was in the 150s. Loved it!
  • marindak
    marindak Posts: 168
    Hi! I am also 5'9 and so happy to have found this thread! I am currently working on getting back on track to my final goal weight of 160. Right now i'm at 215. Like most of you have said, I have felt that since I am tall I could hide the weight easier, but its just not working anymore. .haha. Bring it on 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love: :love: :love:
  • Another thing about pant size (as you can tell, this is an issue close to me!) I have lost almost 25 pounds and have not dropped a pant size yet. I still wear a 16 at 194. Only difference now is that I can wear a Victoria's Secret or Banana Republic 16 when those were too tight before. And yet, if I was hung up on a label size, that would be discouraging. I am all woman with the hips to prove it! What I note is that I look good. When I sit down my stomach doesnt pop out farther than my boobs. My thighs are seriously smaller. That I am still in a 16 is just a function of the fashion industry, not my actual weight or my progress!
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    hey, i'm 5'10 and currently weigh 159lbs. I started my journey on MFP in August at 192lbs.
    My goal weight is 140 & i'd like to LOOK fit. I don't want people to look at me and think "wow, she's skinny" I want them to look at me and think "wow, she must workout" ya know?
  • Sumatra
    Sumatra Posts: 181
    I'm taller, but it seems that this has turned into a tall woman thing. I'm 6'1" and I'm currently bouncing around low to mid 160s and I'm actually not too unhappy with where I am now, but I would really like to lose another 10 lbs. I'm guessing that I would be really happy to stay right around 150, but I guess I'll see when I get there. I'm currently in a size 8 pants and either a medium or large top, just depending on the brand and/or cut. Right now, I'm pretty much smaller than I've ever been except my stomach. I don't know why but my stomach is still very big, maybe it's having two babies that can do that to you, I don't know, but I'm seriously going to be working on that this year!
  • kingkimi1213
    kingkimi1213 Posts: 132 Member
    Heyy ladies!!!!! Im 5'9 and I weigh as of today 212... Growing up I was super skinny like 5'7" and 116... It didnt look right but thats just how it was. I finally was about 145 - 150 where I loved my body type and when I picture myself skinny thats what I picture. When I was 16 I went on the shot and gained about 30lbs in 3 months, and my body def suffered from it! I was always overeating which to me is my biggest addiction. Im ready to be healthy and fit. I stopped wearing bikinis last summer and Ive been with my husband for 4 years and have yet to wear sexy lingerie for him!!!!! I was TTC but I need to focus on me getting healthy and then worry bout the babies! Im def looking for friends and people to stay motivated with!
  • classyleo77
    classyleo77 Posts: 98 Member
    Love this thread. I am just shy of 5' 10 and my goal weight is 165. I am 189 right now. I have a very muscular build, the only place I have left to lose is my stomach. The lowest weight I can ever remember being in my teens until now is 170.
  • I'm 5' 9.5". My normal weight before kids was 168-170. I got to 227.6 during my last pregnancy.

    My goal is 150lbs. I was 155lbs in college and liked it, but I just picked 150 because it's the weight that's automatic on the machines at the gym lol.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hows everyone getting on? After seeing the scales startimg to crep up again, I've ben back to doing this seriously again the last few days.
  • I am so happy to have found this post! I'm 5'9 and looking to get down to 150, currently I'm at 179. Anyone have any good tips? I've kind of been stuck at this weight for the past couple weeks! :/
  • Lauz_88
    Lauz_88 Posts: 29
    I'm 5ft 9in and the heaviest I have been is 190. I'm currently 182 and am aiming to get down to 140 by June/July hopefully. I've just started doing the 30 day shred DVD which is hard work!
  • I'm 5'10" and have a goal weight of 180 but that is because I am built like a line backer. My highest weight was 290 and the smallest I have been in my adult life was about 200 and a size 18. Currently I am a size 22. Once I hit about 180 I am going to reassess my goal and see if there is still more without looking too skinny. This is a great thread to see what other people have in mind. Thanks!
  • Frozenmango
    Frozenmango Posts: 207 Member
    Glad this thread popped up as well. I'm 5'10 and at my heaviest which was eight years ago, I was 260 lbs (a serious low point in my life) but I lost 30 lbs and have managed to keep it off. I also have larger bone structure, which makes it difficult for me to figure out a practical goal weight. The last time I was at my thinnest and in good shape I believe I was at 171 lbs (or in that neighborhood) and I think that may be where I'd like to end up. When I was 13 and the right weight (and shorter than I am now) I was 130lbs, so I don't see me making 150lbs or the like, despite what the BMI says lol. But for now, I'm going to focus on getting to 175 and if I can go lower (and feel that I'll be healthier if I do), then I will. So glad to see more goals that are in my range lol. 120 lbs was sixth grade for me haha!
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