Joining the gym - how to get over fear?

Hi there

I know this is absolutely ridiculous, but I'm joining a gym next week and I'm so nervous about it as the thought of having to exercise in front of other people terrifies me... I know that the other people in the gym are going to be getting on with their own workout and probably won't even notice I'm there, but how can I get past it? This isn't me being vain, thinking everyone stares at me as soon as I walk in the room, but more the fact that I feel so rubbish about how disgusting I look, that I think everyone else thinks it too. This isn't a sympathy post, I was just wondering if anyone else felt the same way when they first started, and if anyone has any tips etc. I'd be really grateful to hear them!

Thanks :)


  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I understand where you're coming from. I live in a college town next to an air force base so freaking EVERYBODY is in better shape (most of their dogs are too). I can easily be the fattest person in my school's gym or the fattest person running outside. How do I get over the fear? I don't care. People are going to think what they want to think and that doesn't matter. Am I going to let the opinion of a stranger stand in the way of my goals/hobbies? Hell no. I'm gonna do what I wanna do, end of story!
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    I hope that helped at least a little
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    Whatever you do don't wear jeans while working out.
  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
    You will be very pleasantly surprised. Most people who are in good shape want nothing more than to help other out of shape people get into shape. Very few fit people enjoy criticizing those who are in bad shape.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    put some head phones in listen to some music that gets you pumped and then go HAM good to go.
  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
    Whatever you do don't wear jeans while working out.

    and This^
    Definitely listen to this advice...
  • rachface1234
    rachface1234 Posts: 227 Member
    Go in with music or a book on tape or get on a cardio machine with a book, you will be amazed once you start you stop noticing everything around you. If I happen to see someone who is larger or obviously out of shape my only thought is, awesome! look at them making good choices! Mostly though I'm focused on getting my own workout in. You just have to give yourself a prep talk, get in there and get it done. Maybe sign up for a training session or two so that you have an idea of some routine to start and then you will be so focused on your goals you wont care about anyone else or feel self conscious! Maybe start with just a short visit, don't overwhelm yourself, then build it into your routine. Kudos to you for facing your fears!! :)
  • JenOman
    JenOman Posts: 97 Member
    Wear clothes you are comfortable in, and that are good for a workout - no matter the style. I wear tighter bottoms, because I have chubby thighs and don't like to chafe. Do I look good in them? Probably not. Do I care? nope, because they are allowing me to workout.

    Make sure you have music you love.

    Then just go in and do your thing. Don't worry about what other people are thinking or doing. They are not important to your workout.

    Good luck and have fun!
  • poohbah4
    poohbah4 Posts: 127
    I started at the gym having 80 pounds (at least) to lose and being old besides. I was very self-conscious, but two very nice older women who were regularly beside me on the treadmills quickly became my gym buddies, and now I look forward to seeing them every morning as I get in my workouts. The first few visits will be the worst. Just smile pleasantly at people and say "Hello," and pretty soon you'll be an old hand. :flowerforyou:
  • azztkk
    azztkk Posts: 26
    Just figure, the first time you go in will be the worst. After that, you get over it and you mind your own business. Each time gets easier and easier because you get more comfortable with the equipment and environment.

    At first you think that everyone is watching but in reality, no one is and no one really cares. This is one of those times when you can be your own worst enemy.

    Make it your routine and everything gets better .... fast.
  • Minouche1922
    Minouche1922 Posts: 23 Member
    People do not really care - they are in in their own little bubble and dot really notice other people. What gets me though is that people are so unfriendly, they never smile back at me and make me feel like if I have just come out of a mental institution. Do not worry, you will only be a newbie for a day.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Whatever you do don't wear jeans while working out.

    and This^
    Definitely listen to this advice...

    Definitely this. Or someone will make a post about you in the forums. I just joined a gym at the end of last year. I hadn't been in a gym in 16 years, and never one as big as this one. I was a little self conscious mainly because I had to learn to use the equipment, but after a couple of times, I walked in like I'd been a member for years. Just go in and do your thing, and don't be afraid to ask questions. That's what the staff are there for.
  • worwa
    worwa Posts: 9
    It definitely did, thank you! I know I shouldn't care what anyone else thinks, going to start pretending I don't care, and if I look like an idiot then so be it :)
  • ms_lindsay
    ms_lindsay Posts: 22 Member
    I just joined a gym last week! For the past couple of years I have always worked out at home so I know exactly how you feel! But trust me, nobody cares and for the most part everyone is very nice. There is usually always someone around to answer a question if they see you are struggling with something. Just smile and own being a rookie, if anything people give you props for stepping out of your comfort zone and doing something new! Good luck, in no time you will find your routine and you'll love it!
  • liz_low7
    liz_low7 Posts: 9 Member
    I was terrified when I first joined the gym. The only advice I can give you is just to go for it. Check out some workouts online - has a ton of programs with videos or you can youtube workouts. Knowing what you're supposed to be doing beforehand helped me tremendously, but the first time I tried a bench press I was still freaked out that everyone was looking at me. Now that I've been there for over a year, I can honestly say I never pay much attention to anyone else.
  • worwa
    worwa Posts: 9
    Thank you so so much everyone, I feel better about it already. Don't worry I've got my gym clothes at the ready (no jeans!) and got headphones and playlists ready to go. I know that the first time will be the worst, I just worry about going when it's busy there.... Gonna have to get over it!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Just get in there and do it. I get nervous going anywhere new where I don't know anybody, but I've come to realize that after a couple of weeks it's not's just that initial comfortableness but it goes away.
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    I'm that way too, for the most part....but over time, with my advanced age (I'm 48, LOL), I'm doing better. I go to the gym almost every morning. I worry more about making a fool of myself (I'm not very coordinated and sometimes I don't "get" the machines), but I've encountered very nice people there (for the most part), and some who will help me. Other than that, I just listen to my music and zone out while I'm working out. :smile:
  • Forty6and2
    Forty6and2 Posts: 2,492 Member
    Thank you so so much everyone, I feel better about it already. Don't worry I've got my gym clothes at the ready (no jeans!) and got headphones and playlists ready to go. I know that the first time will be the worst, I just worry about going when it's busy there.... Gonna have to get over it!

    Also, if you don't know how to use something, don't be afraid to ask. Especially if you start lifting.
  • kitkatkarr
    kitkatkarr Posts: 97 Member
    Buy a good pair of shoes to run in too. I cannot believe I wore chucks the first time I started going to the gym. -.-