Grocery List HELP!

jcgordon550 Posts: 19
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi I need help with my grocery list. I need speedy answers as I will be going in 45 minutes! I am on a 1200 calorie/day diet. I work at a desk 8 – 5 so I mainly need quick snack/lunch food ideas for during the day, quick breakfasts (to go), and a couple of good items to pick up for dinner. I prefer easy recipes for dinner, but wouldn’t mind a couple of nice sit down meals. I am mainly on the go and have an 8 month old son, so quick and easy is the way to go for me! Thank you so much in advance!


  • Doyou have an Aldi's near by? They are great line called Fit and Active. Their popcorn is awesome. My cupboards are filled with the stuff. They even have an item that is comparable to Hot Pockets.
  • Yes we do. I have never been there. Are they expensive? I guess I forgot to throw in that I am on a budget!
  • Jillian
    Jillian Posts: 88
    Almonds, celery, baby carrots, tuna, string cheese.
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    Perfect :) I work a desk job as well, and this is what was on my last list

    Mixed Veggies (Frozen)
    Black Olives
    Yoplait Yogurt

    Some of my recent take to work Lunches:
    Tuna(w/ Mayo), Celery, Relish on small Tortilla (5mins prep time)
    Lettuce, Tomato, and Black Olives(pre-made the night before w/ Chicken Corn Chowder Soup (2seconds considering it is pre-made)

    Grapes and Strawberry bowl
    Yoplait (Vanilla, Key Lime Pie, Strawberry or Mixed berry)

    Hope that helps :D
  • what are the fruits with lowest calories?
  • what are the fruits with lowest calories?
  • thank you Sigra! Thats what I'm looking for! :)
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    If you like fish, I have started buying a lot of Beacon Light Steam Series. They are in the frozen food section, they are fish in a microwave ready bag. You steam them for 3-5 minutes and then eat. They are very fast, low calorie, and tasty. Combine a few veggies and you are in great shape. I keep these at work.

  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    It all depends on what you like to eat. But, in general you should be eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Even though you're busy, stay away from processed and prepackaged foods as much as possible. Even the healthier, organic options aren't that great for you. Fresh=Healthy!

    For lunches I like to have a sandwich, an apple, and some carrots, celery, and cucumber.
  • chicken breast, a bunch of veggies that look good to you. yogurts are good. bags of baby carrot sticks. i'm also sorta addicted to veggie crisps right now from trader joes. quinoa...maybe make a huge salad for the week that you can split into little salads for lunch. i am always guilty of this, but bringing your own salad is so much more affordable than going to the salad bar every day. oh and individual soups are good for this cold weather!
  • Chellsy302
    Chellsy302 Posts: 11 Member
    If you are careful and check labels, some of the skillet meals in a bag are acceptable amount of calories as a main meal and it is quick.

    I like english muffins - also for a quick breakfast sometimes I get blueberry toaster waffles....the blueberry is enough sweetness for me. Toast and run!

    Asparagus is low calorie and yummy!

    Chicken in a crock pot with salsa, canned corn and black beans is delicious.

    I am a fan of chocolate and I found that chocolate rice crisps (I used the Meijer brand) was a nice snack.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    natural cheese slices, Greek yogurt, almonds, walnuts, lowfat milk, fresh fruit and veggies, boneless skinless chicken breast, tuna in water, whole wheat bread, oatmeal. I shop at Aldi's too, buy all my nuts in bulk at Sam's ( no salt ). Fresh salsa and baked Tostitos. and my fav evening snack is good ol popcorn, air popped! eat high fiber foods that fill you up!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    Fruit calories

    1/2 cup blueberries - 40 calories
    1/2 medium grapefruit - 40 calories
    1/2 cup grapes - 55 calories
    1 medium orange - 60 calories
    1 medium peach - 40 calories
    1/2 cup pineapple - 40 calories
    1/2 cup strawberries - 25 calories
    1/2 cup watermelon - 24 calories

    1 medium apple - 80 calories
    1 medium banana - 110 calories
    1/2 medium cantaloupe - 95 calories
    1 medium pear - 100 calories
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Quick breakfast: hardboiled eggs with some toast or fruit or some other carb (boil a dozen eggs at the beginning of the week and keep them in the fridge)

    Lunches: salads or wraps - cut up veggies ahead of time (on the weekends or whenever you have 10 min. or so) that way you can just throw what you want each day in a tupperware container. Include ingredients such as avacado, beans, quinoa, etc. to add some high-quality calories. Cook protein for your salads ahead of time as well (a couple chicken breasts or a batch of ground turkey or whatever you prefer). You can put the salad ingredients (with a little less lettuce) in a wrap with some olive-oil mayo or mustard or even greek yogurt.

    Snacks: I second what Jillian said. I'd throw in there fresh fruit (unless you eat it for breakfast).

    Dinner: so many different possibilities - I aim for simple dinners - a protein, a high quality carb and a vegetable. Carbs include things like quinoa, barley, brown rice, yams/sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc. I'd just pick up items that you know you would be willing to eat together. You can also do a quick stir-fry - chicken broth (low-sodium) with some cooked protein and various veggies. I usually add the veggies first to give them time to soften, then add the protein and let it simmer for a few minutes. This can be spooned on top of rice/quinoa/etc.
  • Chellsy302
    Chellsy302 Posts: 11 Member
    Oh my gosh! If you are on a budget you will LOVE Aldi!! They are WAY more inexpensive than the regular grocery store and there stuff is good
  • My biggest obstacle right now is I need to feel full. I need some ideas (fiber, whole grains) that will stay on my tummy so I'm not starving between breakfast at 8 and lunch at 1. Then dinner is at 6! I am a "boredom eater" so I am trying to break that habit. Today is day one and I did pretty well, but I have been chocked full of fiber today.
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    If you search the message boards for slow cooker recipes, there are some really excellent ones. The Slow Cooker salsa chicken is especially good.

    I like to snack on Cocoa Roast Almonds 100 calorie packs. My husband thinks they taste like a Hershey bar. Frozen grapes are always wonderful to snack on if you have access to a freezer at work.

    If you don't know about Hungry Girl, you might want to check out her website too, for lunches that are a little guilty pleasure without all the guilt.

    The best advice I can give you is buy food from the perimeter of the store mostly. There isn't much in the aisles that you need. Fruit is always a good grab and go breakfast, and you can pick up a bag of granola if there's a good selection in the store. We make our own on the weekends and always have it during the week. It can be a little calorie-heavy, but if you portion it out correctly and stick to your portion it's satisfying.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Go for whole wheat breakfast items if you can swing it. I like the Thomas Whole Wheat English Muffins and the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter Light with some light jam. Tasty and filling.

    For lunch, flatbread sandwiches are tasty and easy to prep with whatever you like on a sandwich the night before then grab n' go. Grab some of the 100 calorie snack packs for a side item for your sandwiches. I make mine with a light tuna salad or with smoked turkey breast, lettuce, tomato, and pickle.

    Small apples, bananas, and other fruits make good snacks as well as light granola bars.

    For easy healthy dinner, two words: CROCK POT. You can make a lot of great foods in the crock pot: Veggie soups, shredded chicken meals, lean pot roasts, etc. Just do some google searches for crock pot recipes. You can store the leftovers then munch on it for the rest of the week if you make large size meals or just a few days for smaller meals. Best thing is that you can set the crock pot before you leave for work in the morning then come home to a delicious homemade meal.

    Most microwave meals are really high in sodium and although low calorie and sometimes low in fats, can really add a lot of water weight. Also, make sure your water intake is high because this can help you feel full throughout the day and help prevent high-sodium water retention.
  • daniface
    daniface Posts: 338 Member
    AM: oatmeal and bananas

    SNACKS: greek yogurt, natural fruit bars, baby bel cheese, nuts

    MAKE 2x THE DINNER SO YOU WILL HAVE LEFTOVERS FOR LUNCH: homemade pizza, stir fry, curried lenitls/cauliflower, veggie chilli, chicken and rice, baked potatoes....

    thats all i can think of right now, thats pretty much all i eat hahaah
  • LadyBarb
    LadyBarb Posts: 116
    Wow, these are some great ideas. I keep a lot of nuts( no salted), granola bar sat my desk. I work at a desk 7-4 too, so some days it hard to get out and there so many fast food places that i have avoid.
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