Emotional Overeater

I'm new here... I lost a lot of weight due to barely eating due to stress/separation/work back in 2012. I started a new job last June and since I've been here I've noticed the weight creeping back on- put back about 25 lbs. I read somewhere that trying to take note of how you feel when overeating can help you figure out how to stop. Well, I've noticed I tend to eat unhealthy foods or eat too much (graze) when I'm angry. I'm an odd one, in that I don't eat when I'm depressed or sad. Only when I'm mad. And sometimes when I'm bored.

Has anyone been successful in stopping behavior like this? I don't want to replace one bad habit with another, like taking a shot of Tequila or something, haha. But to be honest, I'm stressed and fuming quite a bit these days although I am really trying to learn to keep calm and carry on. I work full time and go to school full-time, and have a 3 year old. Any advice?



  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    What really helped me to overcome my emotional eating issues was to journal. Any time I found myself in the kitchen for reasons other than a legitimate meal, I would sit myself down and journal what I was feeling in that moment. By the time I was done I didn't feel the need to eat anymore. If you have a good friend that doesn't mind you calling them up when you're ticked, go that route! What you want to do is find a way to deal with your anger in other ways besides eating. Journalling, talking it out with a friend/family member/therapist, working out (this is ideal as it distracts you, you can get your anger out by working out harder and it creates endorphins so you feel better), engaging in a hobby, doing housework or a combination of them.

    Hope that helps! Feel free to friend me!
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    Since emotional eating is tied to so many things, you're probably going to have to try a few methods before you figure out something that works for you. Be patient and try not to get frustrated!

    Here's a few ideas:
    - Designate something that you consume when you are upset that makes you feel better. For me, it's diet soda. I know it's not totally healthy, but it's better than pasta and chocolate. Tea is a healthier option though, if you find one you really like, plus it can actually affect your mood (I sometimes drink chamomile and honey to help me sleep when I'm anxious.)
    - Speaking of, have some emergency chocolate. Chocolate protein powder makes a healthy chocolate milk, or you can get some nonfat, sugar-free chocolate ice cream for sad days. You're allowed to eat emotionally... you just don't want it to totally ruin your progress.
    - Go to the gym or do something active. I used to overeat a lot when it was exam time, but now I prefer to get a workout in. It clears my head and releases endorphins... plus I get to eat after! God I love eating.
    - Separate your diary into "planned" "snacks/grazing" and "emotional eating." Works well if you are totally aware of your emotional eating but can't necessarily help it. I have a "munchies and alcohol" section for this so I know when my partying is getting out of hand. This uses MFP's system to keep you aware and help you improve!
  • Siigh_duck
    Siigh_duck Posts: 161 Member
    If I feel like no-one cares about me then I'll eat... a lot. If I love myself then I pay attention to my diet because I want to be the best I can be, I don't eat when I'm extremely depressed, I eat when I'm happy xD god, I'm glad this site exists because my natural instinct with food isn't exactly great
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Frankly there is no way to cure this problem by directly attacking it. If you simply try to resist you will eventually cave. You need to find and fight the underlying cause of such behavior to be truly victorious over it. In other words you need to repair your self esteem and find new things that you love to spend your time doing. If you are constantly busy and generally happy and upbeat then comfort eating will simply dissapear. Trust me ... I know. I had really bad comfort eating for about 20 years after I was bulled through most of my school years and something really horrible happened to me. I tried everything. but as long as I needed the food to be happy there was no victory to be had. Sorry if that's bad news.
  • trinity5703
    trinity5703 Posts: 78
    I know when I'm angry, food is the last thing on my mind.
    Bored?.... Anxious???.. yea I will graze like a cow on anything in the kitchen.
    What I've found helps me is activity... if I'm anxious or bored... I take a walk.
    A FAST walk for about 30 minutes usually works it out of me, It either takes my mind off whatever is bothering me, and gets me out of the house if I'm bored.

    Sounds like you are under a good deal of stress at the moment. Might a good brisk walk (or run if that's your thing) before or after work? Put that 3 yr old in a stroller and take off.. it would be good for both of you :) If your finding that you are angry at work, maybe a walk during lunch?
  • caliv0608
    caliv0608 Posts: 18 Member
    Walk or exercise helps me when I'm anxious but when I'm angry not as much. I know it's weird that I eat then, haha. What usually goes through my mind is that my life sucks I may as well get/stay fat, not like anyone cares. I can't take my anger out on the people causing it so I guess it just turns inward. This is a new thing, never in my life have I used food to cope or anything. I think journaling is a good idea, I used to journal a lot and it was a good habit. Thank you all for the suggestions, I will give anything a try to get out of this rut.