Ladies who started at 200+ pounds!



  • dkapplejacks1
    dkapplejacks1 Posts: 59 Member
    My start weight was 220. Have a long way to go to where I want to be. I need lots of motivation & accountability! Feel free to add me here & on kik: deekfitness .
  • charl2110
    charl2110 Posts: 4 Member
    CW: 196lb (89kg)
    SW: 227+ (103kg)
    GW: 150lb (68kg)

    I'm 170cm. Lost most of my weight using MFP last year but stalled for a good few months and actually gained about 6lb back during my finals revision time.

    Have joined a gym and am mainly doing cardio (gym machines, zumba, body pump, swimming) right now.
    Planning to start stronglifts 5x5 in 2 weeks- need to be shown how to use all the equipment and am a bit nervous!

    Looking for some support/friends on here in a similar position?
  • Busmom183
    Busmom183 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello, I started in Feb at 256 and my goal is eventually 145, so far I'm at 227 and counting...... I'm looking for friends to chat and be motivated with. Please feel free to add me.
  • charlottejackson7731
    charlottejackson7731 Posts: 6 Member
    I am at 224 right now.. tired of gaining.. i just cant seem to keep track of calories.. or get my exercise in.. i have a fit bit.. and now trying to use myfitness pal.. i need motivation and someone to kick me in the pants... feel free to add me.. charlottejackson7731 i would love to lose at least 50 lbs.. 75 would be nice..
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    I started at 263 and I'm down to 213. My goal is to be 130.
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    I can't believe how much I needed this thread right now. I was just about to get on and vent.

    I spent my youth under 115 but I was that weight because I threw up every day. I gained most of my weight during my two pregnancies 18 years ago. My body was so happy to have me eating healthy food and not vomiting that it held onto every pound. During stressful times in the last 18 years I would gain weight. I tried diet after diet, fad after fad, I worked out for hour upon hour.

    I have went up and down over the years but I have never gotten under that 180 mark. Right now, I am back at my heaviest...225. I am so tired of carrying around this weight. I am tired of the daily concentration it takes to stay at this weight or maybe nudge the scale a pound or two down. I need people who are also working with these numbers. I need people who are going to be here for awhile...working on the really hard journey we are on.

    I would love to be part of this group!!

  • Alta_
    Alta_ Posts: 5
    I started at 210 and am now 120. I'll add you and you can message me anytime!
  • kaylerrz
    kaylerrz Posts: 77 Member
    i started out as 230 and now down to 223 so far .. still have a lot to lose. aiming to get down to 160 for now . you can add me if you want :)
  • yamiangie
    yamiangie Posts: 2
    Getting re-started. I lose motivation and feel like I have no support so now I'm at a whopping 262 :( This is my heaviest and if I don't do something now it's only going to get worse. Add me I'd love to have a friend in this journey. :D
  • youcrazything
    youcrazything Posts: 32 Member
    I started at 230 in August 2012. I am now down to 152. I have not been as motivated and as on track as I once was, so the weight is coming off much slower now. I am trying to get back that drive, as I was doing really well for a while.
    I am always looking for more friends to help keep me on track if you want to add me.
  • ketowerdefense
    ketowerdefense Posts: 397 Member
    Hey ladies, I'm reviving this thread, because it was so inspiring when I started out two months ago, and added some really great friends who had posted on previous pages.

    I'm now two months (+1 day) in, and down 19.8 lbs. I'm .2lbs from my first goal of sub-240, with an UGW of 169. Anyone have any updates? Feel free to add me!
  • Hello! I've been on MFP on and off for the last two years. At 240 pounds, with the wait going nowhere except up, I decided it was finally time to get off my unfit behind and take charge. I'm hitting the gym 3-4 days a week and working Chris Powell's carb cycling plan.

    I would love to be a part of this group and add some friends to help me be accountable. Any tips, tricks, advice is welcome. I need all the support I can get! :smile:
  • evilqueenT
    evilqueenT Posts: 28 Member
    My highest was 195 at 5 ft 8 inches tall. I didn't grow up overweight and actually put it all on after the stress of my divorce was over and topped out during nursing school. I have had 2 kids but was only 118-120 after the birth of my last child so that wasn't an excuse I could claim. I lost down to the 130s then went into a job where I was working 12-18 hour days M-F plus one weekend a month and over a few years allowed the weight to creep back up to 187 by the time I left that job and basically said to my self "oh hell no this isn't going to be who I am". I'm now currently at 144 and can comfortably wear a size 10, could wear some 8s but like jeans just feel a little to tight. I have been as low as 139-140 (my issue seems to be quite frankly plain old stupidity when I'm within 10 lbs of my goal lol). I have arthritis and am 47 y/o so my exercise consists of walking every other day, swimming occasionally in the summer, and occasionally biking. I count my calories and log everything here. I have a day once in a while where I just have to say to myself restart tomorrow and I don't stress over those anymore. I don't have anything that is forever out of my diet, if I did I'd obsess over it and eat it constantly. If I drink a soda it's diet with rare exceptions otherwise it's water. I also save myself 150-200 calories to have in the evening/before bed otherwise I over eat and I hate trying to go to sleep hungry. I don't do it as often anymore but it really helped when I was initially dieting. I am also fortunate enough to live near family so several households of us cook/clean/shop and make the evening meal so we're both support group and what I call obligated motivation to avoid things like being lazy and just ordering in a pizza. We originally followed the basics of a cross between a Mediterranean diet and low carb diet. We still follow those basic dictates but have learned how to work in and adjust things we're more use to eating. Try not to give up. Don't freak out if you have a bad day(s), when you go on vacation, or when you hit a plateau. I didn't have a specific deadline when I started all this because I look at it as making a lifestyle change not a temporary diet. I know I can't eat like I did when I was 20. I find using a food scale when I can and actually measuring things like my pasta keeps me honest. I'm pretty good at eyeballing it when I'm eating out now but it took a lot of practice. Good luck and don't get discouraged!
  • vmills41
    vmills41 Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to join this group. I really need the motivation and support. My CW is 224. I would like to get down to 155-160. I need tips on planning meals, how to stop overeating in the evenings and to stay off the couch. Last year I lost 30lbs and I have now gained it all back. I need the extra push from people like you.
  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    SW 276
    CW 174
    GW 169

    I started with Weight Watchers June 2011. BTW I am 5'9".
  • Feel free to add me!

    Growing up I was always skinny and graduated high school weighing 115 lbs. I have had 3 children and am currently at my heaviest weight at 230 (twice the person I use to be). After having my third child I got down to 160 lbs but put it all back on and then some. Of course all that weight was lost not by dieting and exercising but by exclusively BFing my baby and the weight was literally melting off - I would go buy new pants and would have to buy new ones by the end of the week. When I stopped BFing is when all the weight came flying back on. I am very ashamed of gaining all that weight back, but am determined to lose it again and hopefully then some. My goal weight is currently 150.
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,285 Member
    SW: 225
    CW: 151
    GW: 140

    It's been a long process... but so worth it!! :)
  • FrancescaWebb
    FrancescaWebb Posts: 211 Member
    5'4" and 202...will send you a friend request! :)
  • ChristinaOrtiz23
    ChristinaOrtiz23 Posts: 1,546 Member
    started at heaviest: 202! 5'3 mother of 1

    i was 198.8 today this is from my "friend" and my sucky eating this past weekend!!! i actually was 200.2 yesterday! I was 190.6 on Friday! CRAZY!! i weight in every Friday, i know ill be up, but i will log it!! Im back and ready for this weight loss!!
  • lulugoesketo15
    lulugoesketo15 Posts: 15 Member
    Wow i was wondering why I had so many new friend requests lately! I had no idea this thread was still around, but sadly I'm still stuck in my rut! I got pregnant and it ended with my third miscarriage and i spiraled out of control after that. I'm back at it and already getting some of this weight off (slowly!) so feel free to keep adding me I'd love to hear your success stories or help each other vent frustrations!