Fitbit One, Fitbit Zip or Fitbug?

Trying to lose a couple of stone. Just joined the gym and now wondering if one of these pedometers would be helpful. I have quite a sedentary lifestyle at the moment (office job at my desk most of the day).

Any recommendations on the above products - is it worth paying the extra cash for the Fitbit One (about £80 in UK) compared to Fitbit Zip or Fitbug (about £50).



  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I also have a sedentary job. I found the best way was to just do more! Not just the gym, (in fact I never go to the gym, just one Zumba class a week at the local school), but walking more - take a walk at lunchtime for example - and doing short workouts at home (20 mins of Rosemary Conely before breakfast!) PLus Wii Zumba2/Wii Zumba core burns loads of calories in a short time.

    I kept wondering about a fitbit but never got one!
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    Depends what you're looking for. Personally, I love the sleep monitor and alimeter. Are they necessary? Not at all - do they help remind me there's more than just steps that can affect fat loss, absolutely.
  • michelle_getfit
    I also have a sedentary job. I found the best way was to just do more! Not just the gym, (in fact I never go to the gym, just one Zumba class a week at the local school), but walking more - take a walk at lunchtime for example - and doing short workouts at home (20 mins of Rosemary Conely before breakfast!) PLus Wii Zumba2/Wii Zumba core burns loads of calories in a short time.

    I kept wondering about a fitbit but never got one!

    Yes I am thinking using the stairs (instead of the lift) at work and home - I work on the 3rd floor and also our flat is on the 3rd floor - so this will burn off some calories and improve fitness. Also going to try and do some Wii Fit and exercise videos at home during the week. Then at the weekend gym and swimming.

    I thought a pedometer might help with just getting a bit more active - I'm sure I am not doing the recommended 10,000 steps per day. Will give it some more thought.
  • taniav44
    taniav44 Posts: 10 Member
    I got the same question about the fitbit. I been thinking of getting one for myself. I'm a stay at home mom with kids at school. I walk to the school and everywhere since that i don't drive. It would be nice to check how many steps i do a day with the school runs, shopping, house cleaning and cake making.

    It costs quite a lot (£80) for a fitbit one so i was wondering if anyone in here would be able to help with advice before going out and spending this kind of money on a device.
  • sjs227
    sjs227 Posts: 428 Member
    I have owned the fitbit One for about a year now. If you have a phone that actually will let you sync it (like a samsung galaxy s3), it is perfect. I like how the accuracy, the alarm feature, and it tells me how "active" I actually am. The app is cool. If you have sleep issues (hard time falling asleep, restless sleep, etc) then it is good. I am a Mom with 2 young kids, so I know a "good night's sleep" is usually when the kids stay asleep all night.
  • kmariet7
    kmariet7 Posts: 229 Member
    I have the fitbit zip and love it! If you want to track sleep and stairs I'd go with the fitbit one. I work from home so not to many stairs and don't have sleep issues in general. I love getting to my daily goals! I even pace the bedroom at night if I'm not quite there! Lol