Do I need to gain weight?

0nesecret Posts: 44 Member
Hello. I'm about 164.5 cm (5'4) tall and roughly 102 lbs (+/- 5 lbs as I'm really unsure about my scale). Regardless of the inaccuracy, I'm pretty sure I'm underweight according to the BMI scale. Last year at this time I was around 114 lbs, but I started exercising and eating really clean (I've cut out junk food and cut down on rice and bread, both of which I ate copious amount of. I've been pescetarian since February, and I used to never exercise). I will say that I haven't been menstruating but I will check with a doctor soon as summer approaches.

HOWEVER, despite the stats, I don't FEEL nor do I LOOK underweight. I've asked my friends and my family, and they admit that I look thin ("fit looking" thin), but I do not look alarmingly underweight, nor do I look like I need to gain weight at all. This is true to me too as I do still have rather thick/healthy-looking thighs and some belly flab (which I have never gotten rid of and have just accepted as part of me).

Moreover, I don't feel sluggish, and I would say I often have more energy than some of my friends. I sleep well and I have no problem exercising. I don't even exercise a lot now due to being busy (2-3x a week? varies from 30 min HIIT workouts to 5k runs). I estimate that I eat 1700-1900 cals a day (my maintenance is said to be ~1700?). I eat A LOT of fruits (a lot), nuts/nut butter, veggies. I eat fish regularly.

I have always been light or even towards the underweight range as a child. I got flabby over the last few years due to inactivity and overeating and eating unhealthy but as I changed my habits (for the better), I got to this point. I do think I have a smaller frame as I am half-Asian.

SO now I'm just really confused. I don't know if I am even considered unhealthy??? I don't know if I should go out and try to gain weight???? When I gain weight, I don't want to gain fat back. I know gaining muscles is a way but I dislike strength training, and even if I can motivate myself to do it, I often lack the means (no equipment, not close to gym, inexperienced, etc.). What is your take on this?


  • Grumpyanon
    Grumpyanon Posts: 20 Member
    BMI isn't always accurate. It all depends on your frame. If you are a very petite person then your normal weight will probably be rated as underweight on that scale. Vice versa if you are a big framed person with a bit of additional muscle you are considered overweight.

    I have known very petite girls that were around your weight and height. They weren't unhealthy. As long as you are eating reasonable amounts of food and feel good I wouldnt worry about it.
  • jfauci
    jfauci Posts: 531 Member
    I agree with Grumpy - BMI isn't everything. I am 5'7" and I weigh 118. I am at the low end of "normal" BMI, but definitely don't look too thin. I work out, have good muscle tone and, I feel GREAT. I have a pretty small bone structure, so I take that into account too. Some women at 5'7" and my weight would look too thin. It sounds like you are doing great - although I would definitely see someone about not menstruating.
  • bunnypanther
    bunnypanther Posts: 110
    I would see a doc asap if your periods have stopped. It may be due to some other reason but if they have stopped due to your weight then you may risk fertility problems. I have a friend who lost a lot of weight (this was extreme however) and can now never have kids.

    Just go make sure! xx
  • callie006
    callie006 Posts: 151 Member
    What concerns me is the stopped periods not really the scale weight. Of course, there are other potential reasons for those to stop, but the fact that it coincides with lifestyle change and weightloss is suspicious. Have you had your body fat tested?
  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    like the others said, bmi may not be right blah blah bblah
    and like the most recent said: get your body fat tested. if its too low, learn some healthy techniques for gaining.
  • 0nesecret
    0nesecret Posts: 44 Member
    How do I get my body fat tested?
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    An 18 yr old with stopped periods = GO TO THE DOCTOR NOW!

    Trusting other 18 yr old girls to judge if you're too thin is a risky proposition. You post indicates a major red flag health issue that needs professional assessment. You "estimate" a caloric intake with no indication of weighing/measuring and your diary is closed. You don't resistance train, which leaves a lot of cardio which you may or may not accurately estimate your burns. Everything is a guess ... except for the stopped periods at a young age.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    How do I get my body fat tested?

    Talk to your doctor about it while you're there for the missed periods.
  • 0nesecret
    0nesecret Posts: 44 Member
    I use Nike+ running app to estimate my burns (from running), and I don't like weighing/measuring portions because I don't want to be too obsessive & I don't own a scale. I can open up my diary now but I honestly eat the weirdest things at the weirdest time and I can eat a lot in one seating... and I pretty much eat whatever I want (which includes a lot of fruits as I have mentioned).
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    I agree. Go and see a doctor before you continue on your path. Nothing we say can replace the opinion of a professional!