Healthy eaiting and exercise

Hi guys new to the forum but ive had MYF for a long time now.

i am really stuck on my weight loss.

my main goal is to reduce my overall body fat percentage, especially in the belly region.

I'm 20 years old, I'm 5'6", and I currently weigh about 175 lbs. (12stone 5)

My routine for exercise is an hour of HIT training exercise class , really intense stuff working every part of my body, 2-3 times a week, is this enough? i dont know how many calories i burn with this class but when i put it into MFP as circuit training its ruffly about 600-700 calories?

i have been doing that juice plus but realized its a load of Cr*p (for me anyway)

i just want to eat normal and healthy and exercise to loose weight.

could anyone please give me tips and help on making my own healthy plan i could follow daily.. my struggles are the weekend.

my aim is to loose 28lbs (2 stone) end of august as im having a operation,

On MYF my calorie goal is 1200



  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member
    Any help will be appreciated!!!
  • weatheredcheese
    weatheredcheese Posts: 112 Member
    1200 Calories might be a little low, are you making sure you eat all 1200?
    Some times a lack of food can cause the body not to lose weight.

    Exercise wise, sounds like you are doing okay, if you have time, adding in walks or a quick jog can help.

    I no expert but it sounds like you are doing the right things, as long as you are eating the right foods.
  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member
    Sometimes i eat them all sometimes im under, just say if i eat all my calories then do exercise it put calories back on that i can eat.. but i never re-eat my calories that i burn.
  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    My suggestion would be to get a food scale and weigh your food to make sure your calories are spot on. Second, I would start lifting heavy.
  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member
    im just struggling with what to eat, what foods to buy.. want to cut most carbs out i eat too much brown bread with meals :/ ... we do some lifting at the class but not really heavy , im a beginner its quite challenging for me at the minute i ache for days after (good thing i suppose)
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Why do you want to cut carbs? And I'm not sure what class you are doing, but you are not doing HIIT. Sounds more like circuit training. Nothing wrong with that, it's just more helpful to people here to have an accurate picture of what you are doing in order to give advice.

    What is your TDEE? Your goal should be 1lb/week loss, so your calorie goal would be TDEE minus 15-20%.
  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member
    sorry i really dont know what TDEE is so calculated it on the internet i got back :

    Your BMI is: 27.9
    Your BMR is: 1576
    Your TDEE is: 2168 calories
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Ok, so with a TDEE of 2168, your daily calories to lose 1 lb per week should be 1668. You do not eat back exercise calories with TDEE, just eat that amount each day. Stop with the 1200 calorie nonsense, that is far too low for someone with your stats.
  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member
    and what about which kinds of food, 3 meals a day (healthy) with clean snacks in between?
  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    1200 is stupidly low and will result in your losing tons of muscle, binging etc you don't need to starve yourself to lose weight

    figure out your maintenance:

    eat 500-1000 cals less than maintenance depending on how fast you want to lose, 500 cal deficit = 1 lb a week, 1000 deficit = 2 lbs etc

    lift weights 2-3x per week, if you diet down but don't lift weights you'll lose a ton of muscle and end up skinnyfat, skinnyfat = not a good look

    ignore mfp's calorie recommendations they are stupid
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    and what about which kinds of food, 3 meals a day (healthy) with clean snacks in between?

    The right kind of food to eat is food that you like and food that doesn't make you sick in some way. There are no foods that are going to aid in weight loss. There is no magic formula in which eating a certain number of times a day will lead to weight loss. The time of day that you eat doesn't make a difference. Clean food doesn't make a difference. A calorie deficit is needed to lose weight. That's it.

    You really need to read these:
  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi nosebag,

    yeah i was just following MFP calorie recommendation...

    okay i wont aim for skinny-fat then lmao.

  • ambzdee94
    ambzdee94 Posts: 59 Member
    i will give those a read over & knock some knowledge into me and be on my way.
