Return of the Michigan 30 Day-Shred

manetta1 Posts: 138
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Well here it is!!!! This is a personal thread for Marie, Ben, Liz, Fu, Jenny and Charlie. Since my computer doesn't have excel May have to wait till I go back to school to make the sheet unless Liz's comp has it. Anywho some of the things I would like to track is:

1.start weight
2.weight last week
3. new weight
4. change this week
5. week % lost
6. Total change
7. Total % lost

These categories seem to be the broadest for us. We can even narrow the categories. I believe we should use this thread as a tool to motivate one another and maybe tips/snacks we try to eat to curb cravings. Good luck to everyone and lets shred! Email me your weight and goals tomorrow and we'll get this puppy started. Liz has Microsoft Works so should be able to use their excel.

Liz and I are still in transitions between a program and Insanity so we won't be bouncing to a specific program till 2 weeks. Gonna stay on my plan till than.


  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    let's get this started. it does not have to be just use. if some other MVP person is interested in our awesome group then join use as we lose weight.

    I have a long way to go. 40 pounds but I know I can do it. I am 225. I want to get to 185 and be ripped. I have a few physical goals. run 5 k under 25 by April with my wife. climb mt. rainier again but by a harder route, and do half ironman.

    I will get you mine and maries numbers. I know Marie is going to kick butt

    good luck everyone
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Here is how the thread will look. So give me the numbers and I'll fill in the data:

  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    looks good.

    my start weight is 225 goal 185

    Marie start 136 goal 105
  • nofunforfu
    nofunforfu Posts: 4 Member
    Start weight: 164.6
    New weight: 164

    Looking good so far....
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    glad to see you post fu. I think we should try to post tips/tricks to dodge the calorie binge. If we have any great ideas, swing it away or even recipes. I'm sure marie is whipping up so low cal ones!
  • lizf02
    lizf02 Posts: 41
    Yay so glad you figured it out!!!!! And Christopher wow look at you posting stuff on MFP lol
  • nofunforfu
    nofunforfu Posts: 4 Member
    One facebook post meant two MFP post today. That's my formula at the moment.
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Your going to get addicted. My friend Christi will be joining also. I will update the names and weights tomorrow. Good luck everyone
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Hey Everyone:

    This is how the sheet will look. Maybe I'll add some colors when the paint program isn't so touchy. Anyhow some of you lost weight this week and others gained, but I only wrote down what your weight was this Monday that way we are all on a fresh start together. Consider everything else preliminaries... Heres how everything will look Monday. There are error messages and random numbers because of the formulas embedded so pay no attention.

  • chrit4u
    chrit4u Posts: 34
    Hello all.

    Start weight 168
    Goal weight 150

    Who would think it was so hard to lose so little weight!
    I am going to do Turbo Fire with some running and weight training. When finished with Turbo Fire I will go back to Insanity and start over and complete it!

    Good luck everyone!
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    wow. looks like I am the big boy of the group. no one else hitting the 200.

    Marie and I had a hard first couple of days and did not meet our goal of exercise yesterday vutboth did out workouts today and we have been eating well.

    I did 24 minutes of running on the new treadmill today in my newtons and will see how the calves feel. also did some climbing training by putting a 20 pound pack on and walking at 2.3 at 12 % incline. did those in newtons also. may switch to my vibrams in a couple weeks.

    Marie and I might start p90x next Monday.

    Mike might need your help bringing in my lat pulldown. I don't think my door frame pull up bar is going to work. I will check out those bands.

    Marie did 2.0 mph at 15% incline for 30 minutes with the 20 lbs weight vest.

    we just figured out how to track calories on the new treadmill.

    good luck everyone!!!!!!
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Nice job Ben. liz and I are still messing with Chalean, but I think i've convinced her to do p90x with me in 2 weeks vs. Chalean. I feel like p90x is harder and works our body better so if you wait it out 2 weeks, we can all do p90x same time.
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Liz and I got one more week of Chalean than that following Monday which is the 17th is when the p90x rumble is going on!!!!!!!!!!!! Do it at the same time with us so we can all be on the same page. Also What are the 5 poses for pictures do you take for p90x, i want that free shirt!
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    to get e free shirt I think they will want to see that you purchased the program. hahaha.

    I will see with Marie. maybe we will do 5 weeks of phase 1. then we will all be on board together.

    I ate some chocolate cover pretzels last night and then decided to burn off the calories with 30 minutes of workout on the treadmill.

    we have a funeral tonight but we will both do our card. I will do bike and elliptical. oh did that last 30 in my vibrams
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    My feet are banged up from r-ball and wallyball so I can't wear my vibrams yet. We have a birthday party saturday to survive, but as far as i know we are doing really well on the diet. Monday should be a nice weigh in.
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    any chance you can come by before next Monday to bring that lat pulldown in
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    The one in the Garage? If I can switch my dumb government class, I should be able too. I have class all the way till 10 pm on mondays...
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    thanks for helping me set up the lat pull down. I kicked butt in cardio today. getting back in form. makes up for slacking yesterday
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    you guys are weak I have not seen you guys post in awhile.

    I did 1300 calories in 90 minutes. let's hope I get down to 220 for Monday
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    HA. Just cause i'm not posting doesn't mean I'm not working it son!!!!!! I've still worked out everyday, stuck to my routine and reduced my calorie intake each day by about 200. Though I had a horrific Monday so its tough to say where I will be at come Monday weigh in. Fu and Woody had their son's b-day party saturday so that may have damaged us, but we will see. We just finished yoga. Hope you got your cardio in!

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