Trigger foods suck

fitmek Posts: 277 Member
I have lost 14 pounds in a little over 3 months. I'm a popcorn and potato chip freak apparently. I was able to avoid late night pantry attacks for almost 2 months, but slowly started "cheating" and now I'm craving salt every single night at 10pm.
First it started with black pepper skinny's completely ok for one serving, but I was taking the bag to the couch and eating 2 servings or half the bag---120 calories became 240 really quick.
Now currently its reduced fat kettle chips. If i dont measure out 15 chips and walk away after putting the bag back in the pantry, then I will come back for more, even though I know its terrible.

My husband takes his lunch everyday and he has a very physical job, so the chips arent a big deal for him--so I dont want to discontinue buying them, but seriously...a little self control back in my life would be great.


  • amongstthewildflowers
    amongstthewildflowers Posts: 89 Member
    I hear ya on this one! There are just certain foods I can't even buy because I have no self control, usually carbs for me, like cereal or bread. I can easily eat the whole box of cereal in one sitting so I just don't even buy it anymore.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have lost 14 pounds in a little over 3 months. I'm a popcorn and potato chip freak apparently. I was able to avoid late night pantry attacks for almost 2 months, but slowly started "cheating" and now I'm craving salt every single night at 10pm.
    First it started with black pepper skinny's completely ok for one serving, but I was taking the bag to the couch and eating 2 servings or half the bag---120 calories became 240 really quick.
    Now currently its reduced fat kettle chips. If i dont measure out 15 chips and walk away after putting the bag back in the pantry, then I will come back for more, even though I know its terrible.

    My husband takes his lunch everyday and he has a very physical job, so the chips arent a big deal for him--so I dont want to discontinue buying them, but seriously...a little self control back in my life would be great.
    Learning moderation is one of the toughest things to do. I could not keep chips or nuts in my house because I absolutely love them and use to eat way more than a serving at a time.

    When i decided to lose the rest of my weight last year, I made a commitment to eat what I want while staying in my calorie goals. For me,this was all about learning to eat the foods I love in moderation.

    Now, I keep nuts and chips in my house. What I do is take out the food scale, measure out the serving, put the container away, and eat the one serving. If my calorie goals allow it, might have a double serving of chips, but not often.

    I also make sure I eat enough foods and calories each day so I don't binge. Sometime I go over my calorie goals, but I have not binged in the almost one year while using MFP. I have control over food. I now eat to live not live to eat. I have completely changed my relationship with food. I no longer see anything as good or bad, and the only things I avoid are those food I am intolerant to.

    It helps me to pre-log my foods. I weigh everything. Even if the bag says "10 chips" it was give the serving size in grams. I eat 28 grams, which is generally less than 10 chips.
  • Emporor_Augustus
    You know what I found really helped me with avoiding "cheat" or "trigger" foods altogether? The same mentality my friend used when he quit smoking.

    If you eat this now, you are losing the progress you've made up to this point. So eating half the bag of popcorn isn't going to make you gain back 14 pounds, but over time these things get out of control, and that's how we end up overweight (at least, it is for me). Yes it's hard to resist them in this moment, but you know what? If you cave, not only are you probably going to end up feeling guilty, but it's going to be just as hard next time. Maybe harder. Why go through that over and over?

    I know you like the popcorn and the chips, and i know your husband doesn't need to focus on avoiding the calories, but if you know eating them is going to prompt you to eat more than you should, you should probably just stop buying them. Even if it's just for a while.

    Try eating plain popcorn for a while (a few weeks, say). Once you're used to how it tastes, you'll find flavoured popcorn and salted chips too much and you won't crave them anymore. It's rough at the beginning, but it pays off in the end.

    Hopefully that didn't come off as bossy, just hoping to help...
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    You know what I found really helped me with avoiding "cheat" or "trigger" foods altogether? The same mentality my friend used when he quit smoking.

    If you eat this now, you are losing the progress you've made up to this point. So eating half the bag of popcorn isn't going to make you gain back 14 pounds, but over time these things get out of control, and that's how we end up overweight (at least, it is for me). Yes it's hard to resist them in this moment, but you know what? If you cave, not only are you probably going to end up feeling guilty, but it's going to be just as hard next time. Maybe harder. Why go through that over and over?

    I know you like the popcorn and the chips, and i know your husband doesn't need to focus on avoiding the calories, but if you know eating them is going to prompt you to eat more than you should, you should probably just stop buying them. Even if it's just for a while.

    Try eating plain popcorn for a while (a few weeks, say). Once you're used to how it tastes, you'll find flavoured popcorn and salted chips too much and you won't crave them anymore. It's rough at the beginning, but it pays off in the end.

    Hopefully that didn't come off as bossy, just hoping to help...

    Not bossy at all! It makes perfect sense. I think my hubs would be a little irked if he couldnt take those things in his lunch, or he would end up buying them on his own somewhere during the day, which stinks for him. I just need to find some self control. I used to always say "At least what I'm over-eating is healthy compared to other things I could be eating." Going over on my calories is going over, regardless of how healthy something is. I need to practice what I preach! Ugh
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    You know what I found really helped me with avoiding "cheat" or "trigger" foods altogether? The same mentality my friend used when he quit smoking.

    If you eat this now, you are losing the progress you've made up to this point. So eating half the bag of popcorn isn't going to make you gain back 14 pounds, but over time these things get out of control, and that's how we end up overweight (at least, it is for me). Yes it's hard to resist them in this moment, but you know what? If you cave, not only are you probably going to end up feeling guilty, but it's going to be just as hard next time. Maybe harder. Why go through that over and over?

    I know you like the popcorn and the chips, and i know your husband doesn't need to focus on avoiding the calories, but if you know eating them is going to prompt you to eat more than you should, you should probably just stop buying them. Even if it's just for a while.

    Try eating plain popcorn for a while (a few weeks, say). Once you're used to how it tastes, you'll find flavoured popcorn and salted chips too much and you won't crave them anymore. It's rough at the beginning, but it pays off in the end.

    Hopefully that didn't come off as bossy, just hoping to help...

    And, about the plain popcorn.....we have been making that lately, the plain white popcorn on the stove, but then I realized the oil (even if its extra virgin olive oil) is probably going to make the calorie count sky high in that as well. :-/
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Assuming you are getting enough salt (and all other nutrients) sometimes just calling it an early night and going to sleep works. Or at least it does for me. Or saving some calories and buying one thing that is yours to eat. But that one I have to be honest doesn't work for me because I'm a pig. I don't want one little bag, I want all the treats. Others have good luck with that, though.
  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    If it's that hard for you tell him to bring them
    To work or keep in his car..
  • suetois
    suetois Posts: 6 Member
    Maybe you should get a hot air popper. They're pretty cheap. Then you could have popcorn without any oil/fat at all.
  • fitmek
    fitmek Posts: 277 Member
    Assuming you are getting enough salt (and all other nutrients) sometimes just calling it an early night and going to sleep works. Or at least it does for me. Or saving some calories and buying one thing that is yours to eat. But that one I have to be honest doesn't work for me because I'm a pig. I don't want one little bag, I want all the treats. Others have good luck with that, though.

    I have blood pressure that's on the lower end of the scale, which is good, but my dr has always told me to eat more salt --so maybe my body craves more. Who knows.

    And another reason I think the late night snacking is hard is because of our schedule. With our kids going to bed around 830 or so, my husband and I spend the next hour or two after they go to bed cleaning the house, washing bottles, making lunches for the next day etc. So, by the time I sit down to watch one show with him, it's almost 10:30 or 11. It kind of stinks that neither of us get to sit down before 10 pm every night, but I guess thats just how it goes.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Assuming you are getting enough salt (and all other nutrients) sometimes just calling it an early night and going to sleep works. Or at least it does for me. Or saving some calories and buying one thing that is yours to eat. But that one I have to be honest doesn't work for me because I'm a pig. I don't want one little bag, I want all the treats. Others have good luck with that, though.

    I have blood pressure that's on the lower end of the scale, which is good, but my dr has always told me to eat more salt --so maybe my body craves more. Who knows.

    And another reason I think the late night snacking is hard is because of our schedule. With our kids going to bed around 830 or so, my husband and I spend the next hour or two after they go to bed cleaning the house, washing bottles, making lunches for the next day etc. So, by the time I sit down to watch one show with him, it's almost 10:30 or 11. It kind of stinks that neither of us get to sit down before 10 pm every night, but I guess thats just how it goes.

    I have low blood pressure too, even when I'm chubby. And sometimes I crave salty foods, so you never know. Potatoes also have potassium, though after they're done getting turned into potato chips, perhaps not.

    It stinks that your schedule is so hectic. Perhaps you could try a salted baked potato instead of chips? (Only go organic if you can, from what I read recently, potatoes-and presumably potato chips-are full of nasty chemicals).
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    You know what I found really helped me with avoiding "cheat" or "trigger" foods altogether? The same mentality my friend used when he quit smoking.

    If you eat this now, you are losing the progress you've made up to this point. So eating half the bag of popcorn isn't going to make you gain back 14 pounds, but over time these things get out of control, and that's how we end up overweight (at least, it is for me). Yes it's hard to resist them in this moment, but you know what? If you cave, not only are you probably going to end up feeling guilty, but it's going to be just as hard next time. Maybe harder. Why go through that over and over?

    I know you like the popcorn and the chips, and i know your husband doesn't need to focus on avoiding the calories, but if you know eating them is going to prompt you to eat more than you should, you should probably just stop buying them. Even if it's just for a while.

    Try eating plain popcorn for a while (a few weeks, say). Once you're used to how it tastes, you'll find flavoured popcorn and salted chips too much and you won't crave them anymore. It's rough at the beginning, but it pays off in the end.

    Hopefully that didn't come off as bossy, just hoping to help...

    And, about the plain popcorn.....we have been making that lately, the plain white popcorn on the stove, but then I realized the oil (even if its extra virgin olive oil) is probably going to make the calorie count sky high in that as well. :-/

    Try popping it in the microwave. Take a brown paper lunch sack, put in about 2 T of kernels. Pop until it's done, just like you would with regular microwave popcorn. No added fat unless you want to drizzle on some butter, lol. It's pretty good and you can control the sodium by how much or how little salt you add. I've even seen lots of sprinkle on flavors in the popcorn aisle lately.

    Also, can you just plan for it? I found that "trigger" foods stopped being trigger foods when I planned to have them every single day. Once I made the plan and knew I could have it if I wanted it, after just a few days usually I stopped wanting to have it every day. I've struggled with all kinds of triggers, but leaving room in my daily calories for a decent sized snack at night (not just 100 calories or something) means that I'm not feeling the urge to binge on chocolate or sea salted caramels or chips and salsa or whatever I fancy. I eat what I have room for and if I really want more, I do a little extra exercise to have the extra calories.
  • I've had the best success with avoiding cravings by brushing my teeth as soon as the craving comes. Good luck :smile:
  • asaber13
    asaber13 Posts: 11 Member
    I am also a chip and popcorn freak! I have used this little trick at night to help alleviate some of my cravings...Brush My Teeth and use a Really Strong flavored mouth wash. Because lets face it who really wants to eat after brushing teeth. If you have to have a snack, drink an entire glass (Minimum of 8 ounces) first. This will help you feel fuller.

    You can also chew gum. Try a new hobby. Have you every done knitting or crochet? If your hands are moving, you cannot put food in your mouth. I do not suggest reading with food in front of you. It is too easy to absently put food in your mouth and not realize that you are eating.

    I applaud you for your efforts in what you have all ready accomplished. I have struggled tremendously since January. I know exactly what to do and how to do it, but it is difficult. If you want another friend feel free to friend me. I am always looking to make new friends.

    Good Luck!
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    Are there any flavors of these foods that your husband likes, but you don't?

    For example, I could eat half a box of Kashi Autumn Wheat in one sitting, but I find the Vanilla version revolting, so I get the Vanilla. That way, my husband can have his cereal and I don't eat my weight in shredded wheat every week :)
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I have lost 14 pounds in a little over 3 months. I'm a popcorn and potato chip freak apparently. I was able to avoid late night pantry attacks for almost 2 months, but slowly started "cheating" and now I'm craving salt every single night at 10pm.
    First it started with black pepper skinny's completely ok for one serving, but I was taking the bag to the couch and eating 2 servings or half the bag---120 calories became 240 really quick.
    Now currently its reduced fat kettle chips. If i dont measure out 15 chips and walk away after putting the bag back in the pantry, then I will come back for more, even though I know its terrible.

    My husband takes his lunch everyday and he has a very physical job, so the chips arent a big deal for him--so I dont want to discontinue buying them, but seriously...a little self control back in my life would be great.
    Learning moderation is one of the toughest things to do. I could not keep chips or nuts in my house because I absolutely love them and use to eat way more than a serving at a time.

    When i decided to lose the rest of my weight last year, I made a commitment to eat what I want while staying in my calorie goals. For me,this was all about learning to eat the foods I love in moderation.

    Now, I keep nuts and chips in my house. What I do is take out the food scale, measure out the serving, put the container away, and eat the one serving. If my calorie goals allow it, might have a double serving of chips, but not often.

    I also make sure I eat enough foods and calories each day so I don't binge. Sometime I go over my calorie goals, but I have not binged in the almost one year while using MFP. I have control over food. I now eat to live not live to eat. I have completely changed my relationship with food. I no longer see anything as good or bad, and the only things I avoid are those food I am intolerant to.

    It helps me to pre-log my foods. I weigh everything. Even if the bag says "10 chips" it was give the serving size in grams. I eat 28 grams, which is generally less than 10 chips.

    See this? It's terrific advice. Use it and be happy!!! :drinker: :happy:
  • brc912
    brc912 Posts: 43 Member
    Get an air popper and put parmesan cheese or a little salt and pepper on it... great snack that isn't fattening, and you can control the salt content. I am bad when it comes to chips... I buy them innocently, but for some reason when I open the bag... I eat the WHOLE BAG! It is a problem. Being a single guy, though, I can just NOT buy them (which is what I do).
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    And another reason I think the late night snacking is hard is because of our schedule. With our kids going to bed around 830 or so, my husband and I spend the next hour or two after they go to bed cleaning the house, washing bottles, making lunches for the next day etc. So, by the time I sit down to watch one show with him, it's almost 10:30 or 11. It kind of stinks that neither of us get to sit down before 10 pm every night, but I guess thats just how it goes.

    This is us too ^^^^ with the kiddos. I've found, as hard as it is to unwind, that if I just go to bed, I'm a lot less likely to eat. For whatever reason, staying up late and being tired drives me to binge on crap.
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    oh, and air popper plus nutritional yeast. you boost the nutritional value of the popcorn and it tastes like parmesan cheese.
  • lorigrocks
    lorigrocks Posts: 123 Member
    I have always craved Sour Cream and Onion chips in the evenings and couldn't just have a few...I would almost eat the entire bag!! So what I did was I bought the Special K Sour Cream and Onion crackers...they are really good and I still get that flavor. Sometimes I also eat Rice Crackers which still give me that crunchy feeling and they are also salty. So now I no longer crave Sour Cream and Onion chips. If you could find a healthier replacement for the potatoe chips and popcorn...I bet your cravings will stop.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    Can you buy an air popper? They're cheap. You can spray butter substitute on it. It would be a huge difference. And nutritional yeast, if you like. The yeast is very high in B vitamins.
    You've lost weight pretty quickly. Any chance your calorie intake is too low?