Secret to Your Success



  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    Getting to eat pancakes and bacon. And Oreos.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    My food scale.
    Getting to eat pancakes and bacon. And Oreos.

    And this.
  • caseydevil
    caseydevil Posts: 11 Member
    First: Find out how you gained weight in the first place. In most cases, there is something wrong with your lifestyle.

    Second: Change a few things. Swap regular soda for diet. Try to drink more water. Eat a piece of fruit instead of a cookie.
    After a few weeks you will be used to it. Then evaluate again what you can change.

    Don't try to swap your lifestyle overnight. Then this will feel like a diet and you will fail.

    Do this step-by-step. Change your lifestyle step-by-step. You have to create a lifestyle with which you are comfortable. Because you have to live like this you'r whole life.

    And hey, if you like to have your piece of chocolate every day, then why not. But remember moderation is the key!
    Only eat your guilty pleasures that you absolutly enjoy. And leave the rest be.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    my food scale and desire that's it.

    Desire is what keeps me scale keeps me accurate
  • caseydevil
    caseydevil Posts: 11 Member
    Logging consistently and being honest about my logging. I've cut calories before but the weight loss never stuck until I committed to logging my calories. I think the biggest eye opener for me was that I didn't have to severely limit my food intake. I could still eat what I loved (in smaller portions) and lose weight. That was my ah-ha moment. Knowing I didn't have to suffer to weigh less. The rest just fell into line after that. I don't think I would have had that ah-ha moment if it weren't for MFP.

    And this ofcourse!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Happiness and enjoying the process.


    Also this quote (related)...

    "Honoring personal preference is one of the most powerful yet underrated tactics for achieving optimal health and body composition"
    --Alan Aragon

    Excellent quote.
  • kbkeats
    kbkeats Posts: 103 Member
    Water! Reaching for the teapot when I'm feeling munchie.
  • adstott
    adstott Posts: 102 Member
    logging my food daily
  • knitcandi
    knitcandi Posts: 9 Member
    Never skipping a Monday. Even if I fall off the wagon a bit I always restart on Monday with healthy food choices and exercise.
  • Sfeola
    Sfeola Posts: 107 Member
    it started with Mud runs...I would train to complete the run, but I have been noticing the improvements of my training in other areas, and that alone makes me want to do better. I play ice hockey and seeing the diffence in stamina and speed on the ice, has me wanting more. using the mud runs as a goal was great when I started, but if i could only fit one or two in per year, I'd slack off afterwards...I think for me it has to do with seeing results in performance not just the mirror, and thinking I can do better.

    logging food, and exersise on MFP helps track it
  • RitaPotter67
    Someone told me once that becoming over weight didn't happen over night. It took awhile. It will take awhile to lose it as well. So I learned not to be in such a rush to lose the weight and starve myself. Patience was the key. Be honest with myself and logging every item correcting. Changing the way I eat by switching to diet soda, eating three small meals and two low calorie snacks a day, and eating more fruits and vegetables. Before long fruits replaced the craving I had for sweets. In three months I have lost 17 pounds.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    realistic expectations
  • jmsspr93
    jmsspr93 Posts: 117 Member
    NOT eating breakfast
    Eating a small lunch
    NOT listening to people saying youve lost enough or youre doing it too quickly.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Being consistent, getting a food scale and eating delicious food every day... makes life much more enjoyable and understanding that it won't happen overnight
  • SharonCMach
    SharonCMach Posts: 305 Member
    Eating alot more healthy foods & exercise, exercise, exercise. :)
  • adipace815
    adipace815 Posts: 112 Member
    In terms of overall success, for me it has come down to a healthy dose of determination. Like everyone else, I have learned the best ways to ensure some level of success such as logging religiously, using a food scale, heart rate monitor, activity monitor... But it's that determination that has me being as accurate as I can be in order to reach my physical fitness and health goals. I really never had any success until my heart was in it and I was determined to succeed.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Wanting to be slim > wanting to gain comfort from eating.
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Not giving up.
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    Getting into a routine.
    Having a 'why'.
  • Yabiwaz
    Yabiwaz Posts: 17 Member
    Moving away from my family. They all eat very large portions and even when I ask for small portions I still get too much food and my mother would still have food to put in the bin (my pet peeve!).

    Living on my own gives me a lot more control over what and when I eat. Not hungry at 6pm? No problem, a small meal of soup will be fine.