Seeking Male Friends successful changing their lives here


I'm a 53 year old fat guy, recipient of a couple very valuable late-life gifts (my 8-year old daughter, and my very, very patient wife of 10 years).. Also a former competitive martial artist and runner (10,000 meter) Now...I'm crashing, and burning....I'm 6" 4", 310....I eat probably two or three times the amount I should...Anxiety, emotional eating, whatever. It's all bull****.

Can't tie my shoes, short of breath, my package hasn't been seen for a long time........etc, etc.

I'm here because I truly feel like I'll be dying soon, of some fat man's disease, and I refuse to continue on this path. I half-assed this thing a couple times before...Started strong and quit. That's not happening again.

My plan is to regain my life. To lose weight and exercise down to 240. SEVENTY POUNDS!! It seems like a LONG way off, but I know, one day at a time, I will do it. I have a bicycle and about a million martial arts exercises I remember how to do, and using these tools will be the key to my success.

Big words, but I feel it, and I want to change my path, right now..... Could sure use your support.

I work a lot, and can't chat a lot on the computer, but I promise to read everything sent to me, and to be as supportive as I can. Thank you for reading this, and I look forward to meeting you.



  • kuntry_navySD
    kuntry_navySD Posts: 106 Member
    i'll help motivate you if you'd like to add me
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    They say the most important (and most difficult) step towards recovery is admitting that you have a problem. You've won your first major battle by coming here so welcome!

    You have my support my friend, and I'd love to offer some friendly advice coming from one fat man to another. I've lost about 20 lbs since I've started using Fitness pal and weight watchers before that (now at 252). Both programs are great and help develop long lasting benefits.

    First things first, I highly recommend that you consult with your primary healthcare physician before starting any major weight loss program, and from the sounds of it you may want to consider talking to a counselor about your anxiety. The human body is a complicated machine that responds to stress in different ways. It's important not to hate this or ourselves, but to recognize that this is why we as a race and why we are still alive today. To treat your body you must also consider treating your mind, consider that.

    Now on to the good stuff, it's never too late to change your life and lose weight and gain muscle mass, even at 53 years old. Here's what I recommend,

    1. Establish your calorie goal on fitness pal and stick to realistic rate of weight loss. It doesn't sound as fun, but I'd highly recommend starting off at .5 lbs per week. That's a slow rate of weight loss but you need to remember that it took time to put on this weight, it'll take time to take it off. Your body will also need time to adjust to any calorie deficit and this will help to re-educate you. Weight loss experts do not recommend losing any more than 2 lbs per week so please consider that as well. You're looking for a consistent downward trend.

    2. Exercise- Given your current weight, I'd start with walking at a comfortable pace and get a pedometer. You'd be surprised how many calories you can burn if you just got in 10,000 calories per pay, and you don't have to kill yourself doing it. It's important however not to over-exert yourself as it will do more harm than good, start off small and work your way up. The expression "no pain no gain" does not apply and is the worst exercise myth I've ever heard.

    3. What is weight loss- Weight loss is a simple formula, Calories consumed - calories burned. If you burn more than you consume, you will lose weight. A pound of fat is 3,500 calories, if you were to only cut 100 calories a day from what you burn, that's 1 pound of fat in 35 days, amazing.

    Good luck my friend, you've come to the right place.
  • Functionuk
    Functionuk Posts: 4
    I know it's all cliche Papa Grande, but I agree with Martinel fully,you've taken the first step by admitting that something needs to be done, I'm in a very similar situation to you apart from age but that's not that big a difference. Out of all the motivation you would need, use the obvious one, you're obviously very proud of your daughter and you'll want to live to see her grow up through life. You've faced up to the problem, now lets get going and every day is a step nearer what is ultimately your main focus which is your family and being around for them.

    We're on the road to recovery, lets keep going. :wink:
  • dmd5252
    dmd5252 Posts: 12 Member
    Good luck on the journey man! We can do this.
  • Papa_Grande
    Papa_Grande Posts: 63 Member
    Let's do it.
  • pwdoktor
    pwdoktor Posts: 4 Member
    I'm the same age, but a lot shorter (can't change that...oh well).
    Similar story; health scare. Don't want to die from a fat man disease. Want to live to see my kids graduate; everything else is a bonus.
    BMI was over 32 (obese), walking up stairs was a strain. Pre-kids, was fit and active.

    The longest journey begins with a single step! Congratulations on your first steps.

    Feel free to add me for mutual support.
  • colli026
    colli026 Posts: 12 Member
    Let's do this! I'm 45 years old. 6'2 and weigh 282 as of this morning. I have lost 11 pounds in a little more than 2 weeks. A couple of years ago I had a health scare. I had a really stressful job and to top it off, got news that my company was going through a re-org and my position was being terminated. During a meeting one day, felt like I was having a heart attack. I was sent to the hospital and was told that it wasn't a heart attack. It was stress related but I was severely de-conditioned. NOT what a man wants to hear, right? Well, it's taken me this long to get serious but I'm serious now. I have a beautiful wife and 2 beautiful teenaged daughters that need me around. I'm glad for MFP and for other guys support. Together we can do this!
  • 4Pick
    4Pick Posts: 25
    anybody on this thread please add me...guy buds would be appreciated
  • marvinq42
    marvinq42 Posts: 31 Member
    I've been successful in other areas in my life that were challenging. Not necessarily weight loss. But I'd be happy to help give you some support!
  • felonebeats
    felonebeats Posts: 433
    Good luck,it's never too late.Be strong and disciplined and you'll get where you want to be :smile:
  • Grumbers
    Grumbers Posts: 111 Member
    Hi Mate

    I'd be honoured to have you as a friend on here and offer/give support.

    I've been on here for about 5 months now and have lost 39lbs so far. Started at 262, now down to 223lbs, the lightest I've ever been.

    I'm 6ft 5, and whilst always been reasonably sporty, that's almost always been inspite of my weight.

    Anyway, avoiding my whole life story, I'm doing my first half marathon in 2 weeks and I've taken 8:09 minutes off my 10km pb in the time I've been losing weight.

    Still got 15-20lbs to go and then I need to really tone up, but basically this place works. Stick with it and you'll get there.

    Simple less in, more out, you lose weight. It's so simple!

  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    Hey Papa Grande, welcome to MFP, it's a great place to start your weight loss journey. Take a look at this thread which is a good helper for new folks here, it has a lot of useful stuff that even if you use just some of it will help. I don't agree with every thing on here but all in all it is very helpful.

    All the best in achieving your goals!
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome. It is never too late to get back into shape. I am 58. And I have a 9 year old son. I have been running and lifting for many years. But like most guys there have been times when things were not as good as they could be. The time I spent on the East Coast between 2004 and 2010 left me with about 30 extra pounds. Within the past two years I have managed to get myself back into pretty good shape by doing all the right things I used to do. A few more stubbron pounds and I will be almost where I was in high school. If a can stay on top of it, believe me, anyone can. If you need any support just let me know!
  • bighara
    bighara Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in as well! I'm just re-starting MFP again. All for motivation. Kind of in the same boat..older, fatter..desk job. Find myself at 43, and way away from my old fighting weight! So I'm with you guys! Add me, and I'll do the same gentlemen!