Best Probiotic?

For the past eight or so months, I've been taking the probiotic align and I've found that it's helped MASSIVELY with my digestion issues. The summer before I was taking them, I was constantly bloated (pretty much every type of food seems to cause bloat for me), looked five months pregnant in the days leading up to my period, and was in constant pain from my belly being stretched out so far. I grabbed a box of Align out of desperation one day after seeing a commercial for it, and it has been helping. I still get bloated, although not as often, and I can actually fit into my t-shirts on most days without looking like I'm expecting. The only bad thing about Align is that it's so expensive! Over 30 bucks for a 28-day supply! Now, I'm alright with paying that every month since it has made the majority of my misery go away, but I'm wondering if anyone has any success stories with other cheaper probiotics? I've been looking at the Jamieson probiotics for a while, specifically the super-strain ones and the 30 billion count ones. I would prefer a brand that's not refrigerated, but will consider pretty much anything. Any thoughts or suggestions for probiotics that worked good for bloating and constipation for you?


  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    Probiotics are great. You could try Culturelle, but it may be the same price. Have you seen anyone for this problem since it doesn't sound like it has completely eradicated the symptoms? There could be something else going on as well since you are not completely symptom free.
  • deliahbaggins
    deliahbaggins Posts: 3 Member
    Yeah, I've considered going to get it checked out, but since taking probiotics has helped so much, although not completely, it's not a top priority anymore. My grandma and my brothers all have iffy digestive tracts, so it's definitely genetic. I'll look into the bran you recommended though! Thanks :smile:
  • ValeriePlz
    ValeriePlz Posts: 517 Member
    I drink kefir, it's delicious and has lots of probiotic strains!
  • ness8484
    ness8484 Posts: 42 Member
    I have issues with dairy causing bloating and I started with Align and could almost feel the bloat happening. I switched to Culturelle (Dairy and Gluten Free) and had no bloating because it was dairy free. You might try it and see if it helps with the rest of your symptoms. Price wise I think it might be a couple dollars cheaper depends where you shop.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Not cheaper, but I love the Garden of Life RAW products. In addition to the probiotics, I also use their protein powder and superfood mixes which also contain probiotics. Back when I took a multivitamin, I took theirs, and it also contained probiotics. I used to have major digestive troubles similar to yours. They thought I might have IBS. I cleaned up my diet and started taking this stuff, and I hardly ever have digestive issues any more.
  • callie006
    callie006 Posts: 151 Member
    Another vote for culturelle. I've used it myself (and have given it to my IBD kitty). It costs about $16.00 to $18.00 for a 30-day supply at places like Target or WalMart, but I've found it cheaper at Amazon in bulk (around $30.00 for an 80-day supply).
  • deliahbaggins
    deliahbaggins Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone :) I will check all of these out!
  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    Not cheaper, but I love the Garden of Life RAW products. In addition to the probiotics, I also use their protein powder and superfood mixes which also contain probiotics. Back when I took a multivitamin, I took theirs, and it also contained probiotics. I used to have major digestive troubles similar to yours. They thought I might have IBS. I cleaned up my diet and started taking this stuff, and I hardly ever have digestive issues any more.

    I can vouch for this stuff. It's wonderful! I have the one made for women. It has 80 billion strains per 3 capsules so I take one a day (2 if I've been eating badly). I used to bloat EVERY SINGLE DAY. I was so gassy it was embarrassing, I would have to excuse myself from class at school to let her rip (sorry if thats TMI, but its true) . I used to have IBS going from C to D...

    now: normal toots, lol. hardly any bloating. normal bowel movement everyday.

    well worth the 40$ for three months worth.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Bumping for more replies