
I'm restarting again after years of trying... looking for some supportive and motivational friends!


  • 09tbuzze
    09tbuzze Posts: 9 Member
    Hello! I am restarting also. I have been a member of MFP for a while but fell off the wagon, gained back a bit, so I am back on it and trying harder! Welcome and feel free to add me if you want some support. I could definitely use it as well!
  • VastBreak
    VastBreak Posts: 322 Member
    I start again everyday! Been a struggle this past year but I'm getting my eating bak on track now!

    Best of luck to ya!
  • jmarcin78
    jmarcin78 Posts: 34
    I lost 25lbs last year on this, fell off the wagon, and gained 20 back. Starting again. Feel free to add me, everyone!
  • 33Freya
    33Freya Posts: 468 Member
    ^^^With all three of you. I was doing great, then got injured, then made excuses, and stopped keeping track... three months later, here I am, 1lb down from back then and a bit less muscular. Feel free to add me. Let's do this!
  • Kim24S
    Kim24S Posts: 22
    I'm in the same boat. I do good for a few weeks, then stop for no reason. Let's support eachother!
  • lsamllr7
    lsamllr7 Posts: 12 Member
    I am restarting as of today. Been trying to talk myself into it for weeks but today is the day. Need some support if you would add me.
  • lsamllr7
    lsamllr7 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello, I have tried this before and didn't stick to it. :( Hoping today is my new start. I am heavier than I have ever been in my life and feel terrible. Need some support.