I'm brand new...

I sure hope this works! This is only my third day and I only want to loose 10 lbs. but I've been trying to do that for 2 years. I'm 52 so if I don't do it now it will just get harder and harder. Good luck everyone, (including me)! :heart:


  • tish30930
    tish30930 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm brand new too, and I chuckle at your post as your "10 pounds" delimia sounds much like my story!!! If you want to friend me, you'd be my first friend and maybe we can get through this together!?!?!?! I find exercising the hardest part. It's not like I don't own plenty of equipment (including my own two feet), but I just can't get started. If you've found something that helps motivate you, I'd love to hear it.
  • melissarforlife
    melissarforlife Posts: 47 Member
    Welcome! Whether its 10 or 100 its still hard! Takes time. I hope you use this site! Its an amazing tool for me.
    Again, Welcome!
  • Debtappe
    Debtappe Posts: 164 Member
    It's true - 10 or 100 it's hard. I have been here since early October and I have lost 9 pounds but I hit a wall between weeks 3 and 7 and didn't lose anything. However, my shape changed dramatically during that time. I'm 58 and my goal is to lose around a pound a week and I've been doing well at it. Today I recorded my exercise in the morning before work and some of my friends commented on the good job I did. Well, once I put my exercise out there I had to follow through so I came home from work and exercised right away. This is how I force myself to get my exercise done.
  • Kathycooper
    Kathycooper Posts: 6 Member
    Friends it is! I have 10 lbs to get to 136. I've only been doing this for 3 days but each day my message once I've updated everything that says "if every day were like today in 5 weeks you would weigh X" keeps going up. Thing is, I'm staying below my calorie allotment by about 100 - 200 calories. What's with that? Iexercise everyday, walking, hiking or areobics, geez.
  • tish30930
    tish30930 Posts: 77 Member
    Kathy, yes, I get the same thing. It's sort of depressing because it says I'm only going to lose 4 pounds in 6 weeks! That doesn't sound right! I've done WW and things before (it's all the same thing basically -- calories in/calories out = how much you weight; don't need a bunch of scales and new programs to tell you that). I'm not knocking it, it's a wonderful program I've done about 6 times over the last 20 or so years -- and it does work obviously. It's just the attitude about what works for you to track "points" or calories. Also the expense is way too much. Sorry I'm on a rant now... What I meant to say was that I'm going to ignore that little "if everyday was like today" blurb. I'm still rejoycing in the fact that I actually made it thru one day even thought last night when I layed down in bed... I wanted a steak and thought about it for like an hour! But I didn't get up and get any food! :)
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome aboard. You are in the right place for motiovation and support.
    Ive been here since July and altho I went off track a little during the holidays I have been very successfull.
    When you really want it this is definitely a great way of doing it.

    The principles behind this method will stand you in great stead for a long term life style chnage that we help you avhieve your goal.

    This is a marathon, not a sprint. some weeks you might not lose or even gain, but by logging everything you eat you can see where you went off track and learn from that.

    Good Luck, try to get a group of friends on here who will comment and support you on your journey

    Gem x