I lost 24lbs and then gained 39lb

ChantalGG Posts: 2,404 Member
I started MFP in 2011 i lost 24lbs that year, it was a good time in my life.
Since then I have been gaining and getting more depressed about it. I lost all my inspiration, motivation to even move. My bones ache my joints hurt, I feel old. I was on here 3 years ago and it helped me get to my goal weight. At that same time in my life, i had a death in the family, I fractured a bone in my foot. it was Christmas and i stopped exercising every week then every month, 6 month later i busted my knee and then I just stopped moving.
I forget how to beginning. I dont know where to start. I wish i could talk with myself from 3 years ago. Im living unhappily ever after at the moment and i need to change.

Can you share with me some quick fun exercises to do that will give me strength to take on a exercise program or class. I would not be able to walk into one right now. Im not physically or mentally ready but I know can do it if i try.


  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I find what helps me is NOT jumping back into the routine in complete overkill mode. Over exercising, extreme dieting, eliminating food groups.....it's just a recipe for failure. Ease into it. Set small but consistent goals everyday. Pick a sensible calorie goal and stick to it. Personally I love working out in the comfort of my own home. When I'm feeling sluggish and really have to push myself to work out my go to's are - Leslie Sansone's Walk at home program (a lot of her workouts are free on youtube). And I also love Jessica Smith TV (free on youtube). In addition, just do a search on youtube and there are TONS of free workouts! Pick one that looks fun, don't take it too seriously, cut yourself slack, and just give one a try. Have fun and just move!!

    Walking is also a great way to ease back into a workout program.
  • mfclingan
    mfclingan Posts: 158 Member
    Don't underestimate yourself.....just get up and move. If you are uncomfortable with entering an exercise class (I should actually tell you to just face it and do it and enjoy the process as your body becomes stronger...but I know how very real fear is).....then start walking. start running. Get a bike. MOVE MOVE MOVE!!!!!

    Weight gain is a domino affect. When one things crumbles so often the whole thing eventually fails. We stop exercising....the scales go up.....we get disgusted and eat a piece (or two) of cake.....which makes us then feel slugish so we don't exericise....and that makes the scales.....you get the idea...vicious cycle. But the good news is that weight LOSS also is a domino affect. Get your butt moving...and you'll find that it's easier to keep your calorie intake under control. The healthier you are eating the more you will want to move.....the more you see the numbers on the scales drop, the more you will want to do!
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I think finding a buddy is a great motivator. See if a neighbor or co-worker would like to start walking or doing a 30 day challenge with you. The internet has TONS of 30 day challenges to chose from be it squats, planks, or whatever.
  • livinatthegym
    livinatthegym Posts: 81 Member
    I felt the same way at 330 lbs...my wife signed me up to a gym and with a personal trainer. I grunted, grumbled, and even screamed through the first week. Now I'm in the gym twice a day doing 5 miles, weight training 5 days a week, swimming, and TRX. Don't be embaressed, shy, or worried. You will start out slow and in pain...maybe even awkward, but in a week or two you will hit your stride and it will be second nature. As the saying goes "every long journey starts out with a small step". Take that step, do what you can do, don't worry about other people...do it for yourself and you will be better for it. Best of luck!!
  • Schtroumpfkin
    Schtroumpfkin Posts: 123 Member
    Look up fitnessblender workouts on youtube. I plug this stuff any opportunity (which is suspicious, I know), but I love it. The workouts are easy or difficult, depending on your ability / mood - most can be done without equipment and the narration is really balanced I find - motivating enough but also friendly and un-threatening. You can also do them in the privacy of your own home, until you build your confidence. (Something I've appreciated when just getting back on the wagon). I particularly enjoy their barre workouts - they're as tough as you make them and you see results FAST if you work at it.

    Otherwise - be a bit kind to yourself. Of course, you are disappointed at how things have gone, but don't labour the point. You'd never talk to a friend like that - going on about their shortcomings as they feel worse and worse. At MOST, you'd give them a quick ticking off and then encourage them in their effort to improve things. Be kind!

    You did it once, you'll do it again.

    lots of luck.
  • ThenewCharisse
    ThenewCharisse Posts: 20 Member
    I use the walk at home 2 mile walk by Leslie Sansone. It is a indoor walk and it is easy and it gets the heart rate up and burns calories, you can find it on youtube or buy the dvd. It really helps me. its only 32 minutes long and after doing it you will feel great and it does not leave the body tired and sore. Try it, it works for me.
  • nycoleyrides
    nycoleyrides Posts: 29 Member
    I have a lot of motivation issues as well. Even after I do a class that kicks my *kitten* this little voice in my head says its not enough. I tell it to "shut up, something is better then nothing."

    Remember to - BE KIND TO YOUR SELF!!! Verbal abuse can do more damage then you realize. Just try and think of something kind to say to your self when you start to depreciate.

    I have bad ankle issues. I am always surprised how good it feel to lay down and do the yoga moves on my back. Its sometimes the only time in weeks that my ankle doesn't hurt. Its amazing how my ankle can be killing me and getting on my back and doing some ab work will take my mind off my ankle. Just start by laying on a flat surface and hugging knees in and stretching legs out. Do that a few times. I do hip rotations a lot as well. You can do that in a bathroom stall at work if you feel self conscious.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I did something very similar. Lost weight from Feb-Apr 2013 on MFP, regained it plus another 12 pounds and started again Jan 2014. I have yet to get back to my low of 2013 despite being at it for much longer this time. MFP uses my 2013 starting weight to announce total weight lost, so, when I had lost 13 pounds this time around, it gave my total weight loss as 1 pound. If that is going to bother you, perhaps a new userid is in order. As to losing it more slowly, some of that is on purpose. I am trying to make this a "forever" thing, so extreme measures are a no no.

    As to what exercises to start with, even when I am feeling too blah for cardio, I can manage a little strength training with dumbbells. But you know the deal, just as you found yourself spiralling downwards, you can spiral upwards too.
  • BrownEyedSister
    BrownEyedSister Posts: 74 Member
    I wanted to throw out my plan for you to consider. I was feeling the same way as you. I had successfully lost 11 pounds but put back on 15 when I changed jobs.

    To start back, I am doing pilates. It's a bit slower and somewhat less intimidating to me than some of the video workouts. Plus flexibility or lack of it is one of my issues. Already, after only two weeks I'm feeling better.

    One tiny step and you'll be started. Best of luck!