Anyone lose weight with Jillian Michaels?

TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
I've tried her Ripped in 30 in the past and was thinking about trying her Kick box Fast fix or Banish Fat Boost Metabolism. But I want to get one that will give me results as we get closer to the summer.

Just curious what has worked for others. Thanks,:drinker:


  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Hi there! I've got almost her whole collection here, since before people posted them on youtube, and all of them can make you cough up your lungs, if you make an effort.... However, the workouts don't burn a bunch of calories, and you have to stick to a pretty tight meal plan, if you're aiming for weight loss. I'm 5'5", 134 lbs, 17% BF, and I train with a heart rate monitor. During most of the sessions, I burn about 150-250 calories in 30 minutes, depending on my energy level of the day. I don't use them for weight loss, though, just to spice up my weekly training program.
    Happy training!
  • linzbarker
    linzbarker Posts: 19 Member
    I burn 300 calories according to my HRM with 30 Day Shred. No weight loss after 10 days but a few inches from hips and waist! (And I eat very clean every day)
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    Ah, sounds like the same results I got with Ripped in 30, not a lot of weight loss, but I seemed to tone up a bit. Thanks.
  • I'm currently doing the 30 Day Shred and losing weight, but I am also doing a LOT of other activities throughout the week.

    I would think that if you do the Shred (or other Jillian workout) and are counting calories with MFP and staying under your goal, you should lose the predicted amount of weight for whatever goal you've set up (1 lb/week, 2 lb/week, etc). Even without ANY exercise, if you're watching your food intake properly, you will lose weight.

    Working out is going to help tone you and build muscle, so you WILL replace some of the fat weight with muscle weight, which is why I always remind people to pay more attention to your measurements (inches) than the scale.

    All that said, I am loving the results I'm getting from doing the Shred in addition to my usual workouts (classes at the gym, Pilates, running, hiking, etc). I've never seen such noticeable results SO QUICKLY than when I'm adding in 3-4 Jillian workouts per week. My shoulders and arms are visibly more defined after just 10 Shred workouts (over the course of about 3 weeks), and I see some new definition in my abs, too. So, it's worth it -- even though it gets a little old doing the same couple of workouts over and over.

    If all you care about is dropping pounds, CARDIO CARDIO CARDIO. But if you want overall health, more toned muscles, AND weight loss, any strength training you add to your workout routine will help that!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    They all "work" depending on you. :smile: As she says in many of her vids, it's about effort.

    Depending on what your goals are, weight loss is mostly about diet - eating the right number of calories for your stats and to fuel your exercise. The exercise part is for fitness. JM tends to do a nice blend of cardio and some form of resistance training, which is great.

    I started with her 30 Day Shred years ago (and couldn't walk for three days after) with super light dumbbells. As I added more of her vids and improved my strength and fitness level, I did the same routines with heavier weights - the heaviest I could handle and still maintain good form.

    A reasonable calorie deficit is great for fat loss with minimal muscle loss, and using your muscles is good for that too. :smile: Any exercise that incorporates a good mix of strength/weights/resistance training and some cardio is good - enjoying it is helpful too - more likely to stick with it.

    I found her workouts good for the variety in exercises, formats and lengths, but eventually grew tired of them and moved on to other things. The only one I still do is Kickbox FastFix a couple of times a week after weights.
  • TayJoMama
    TayJoMama Posts: 348 Member
    Good info, thanks guys.