New too the sitte

raglant Posts: 16 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I M new to the site. I. Would like to know for those of you that have done weight watcher on line what have been the major differrences in the two sites other than cost? Imm loooking to settingg realistic goals during this journey and. To learn from ootthers. Accountability is also really huge for me so it will be nice tohave a support system thatbunderstands what I'm going through.


  • Hi, I'm new here as well. This lifestyle change is taking place w/ my daughter-in-law. So far I feel good, excersised today and came in under calories. Good luck to you! Kathy
  • raglant
    raglant Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks! I. Started last week with the hope I can get a head start with changing habits and yes each small accomplishment feels greatt! Good luck to you also!
  • Hi, how as it been going for you? I'm doing well so far....coming in under calories by a bit each day, and not missing the oreos too much, lol. Kathy:laugh:
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