Coffee...yes or no?

What's the word on coffee...caffeine in general, really? I drink 2-3 cups of black coffee/day. I mainly wonder about the caffeine more than anything. I don't drink soda or any other caffeinated drinks (other than the occasional tea with lunch/dinner). Is there anything particularly "bad" about caffeine?


  • eglass64
    eglass64 Posts: 180
    Yes for me :)
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I also drink 2-3 cups of black coffee per day and have lost 48 lbs to date, doesn't seem to be a problem for me :)
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    Yes for me too. I stick to one cup and I use a lactose free creamer and no sweetener. It's kind of a treat because it's sweet.
  • elvb
    elvb Posts: 423 Member
    I drink a 16oz coffee with cream and splenda every day! I am pretty sure I wouldn't survive without it. I've lost almost 30 lbs in the last 4.5 months so it's not hindering me at all as far as I'm concerned. :)
  • CarolHudson11
    It's a big, fat YES for me. I drink it with fat free Hazelnut creamer (35 cals/tbsp) and splenda. I usually have 2 and will budget the calories from the creamer into my day. It's the only thing that gets me going and keeps me from being cranky. I am not a morning person.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I have 3 cups in the morning of "leaded" and in the early evening on cold nights I will have 3 cups of "unleaded". I use low fat 1/2 & 1/2 that is 25 cals per 2 tablespoons that I log in my diary. I have never had any issues with caffeine, unless it was to go without!
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    I've started to have morning coffee with a packet of Truvia and a splash of skim milk. I like it because it's something low calorie that's warm and sweet.
  • sewist
    sewist Posts: 40
    I drink decaf because I am sensitive to caffeine. I use Splenda and Simply Smart milk. The calories are unfortunate but coffee is a huge pleasure for me so it stays in my food plan for mornings and most evenings as well.
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Caffeinated coffee is a food group for me, usually a couple of cups black in the morning and maybe a cup or two through out the day if someone makes it in the office. I have cut my Coke Zero intake down to 1 a day and that has helped me out a lot.
  • freeatlast20
    freeatlast20 Posts: 120 Member
    i drink 3 cups in the morning with non dairy creamer...its the one thing i wont give up and i log my calories. its worth it to me.
  • Diva_Of_Geneva
    Diva_Of_Geneva Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not a coffee drinker.
  • simpleliving
    I thought of drinking green tea instead to see if it would make any difference in how I feel and to reduce the creamer calories (flavored -50 cal) usually twice a day. Instead I am going to try the green tea in the afternoon and keep the coffee for the mornings.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    I absolutely love coffee. Black or with soy milk. 2 cups a day, at the minimum. :love:
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    There are compounds in coffee that are really good for you. Of course, in moderation. Enjoy that cup of coffee - we have to have some healthy indulgences.
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    I drink 3-4 cups a day. FF half and half and splenda. Idk if it's counter productive...but I'm down to my goal weight and have been here for a couple months...
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Yes for me! About 1 1/2 cups with a teaspoon of honey and FF half and half. Honestly, I'm usually to busy to finish it, but I'd never miss attempt my morning without it.
  • LoveMy3Boys
    LoveMy3Boys Posts: 562 Member
    YES! for me. I only try to do 2 cups a day
  • Bryan190
    Gotta have my hi-test! In the morning 3-5 cups strong, black, no sweetener. Early evening a double espresso. I must say that with the weight loss the caffeine does affect me more in the evening than it used to, so I try not to drink it after 8 pm.
  • purroxide
    Caffeine is great for your metabolism. The main "bad" thing about caffeine is that if you over-do it, you'll develop a sensitivity to it and end up with the shakes and anxiety-like symptoms every time you drink it, but diet-wise, coffee is wonderful. Just remember to drink a glass of water for every coffee you have because it's really dehydrating!
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Caffeine is great for your metabolism. The main "bad" thing about caffeine is that if you over-do it, you'll develop a sensitivity to it and end up with the shakes and anxiety-like symptoms every time you drink it, but diet-wise, coffee is wonderful. Just remember to drink a glass of water for every coffee you have because it's really dehydrating!

    I was just going to say that too. It's said alot of the time we mistake being thirsty for being hungry drinking coffee without water could make a person more hungry. The best advice i got for dieting was drink a glass of water for every caffinated drink you drink.