Ladies, That Time of the Month?

So today, my college exams ended at 6:15pm and my Crossfit class was at 6:30pm.
I was on my way there, but turns out they moved to a different location during my hiatus, so I spent a good hour trying to find it. Needless to say that I didn't find it and I missed class.

So I decided to go to the Dollar Tree to have a melt down.... because that's what you do when it's that time of the month


For those of you who don't know.... Dollar Tree is my vice because everything is literally $1 (I know.... blows my mind every time).
I usually get whoopers, salted kettle chips, and gingersnap cookies because... well because this

And this


So ladies, I'm curious, what is your vice during that time of the month?
Also any stories you want to share?


  • BrittDoesIt
    BrittDoesIt Posts: 54 Member
    ha I absolutely love this post. It is halarious but I am sorry you're feeling down. I am just a huge sweets eater and once I start I literally feel like I can. not. stop. UGH especially chocolate
  • HerkMeOff
    HerkMeOff Posts: 1,002 Member
  • 120by30
    120by30 Posts: 217 Member
    Salty carbs!

    Love the op, by the way!
  • SuperSammi22
    SuperSammi22 Posts: 65 Member
    Nacho Cheese Doritos dipped in jarred Queso Cheese. (The kind you get at the gas station.) I am ashamed yet not ashamed at the same time. Lol.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I drown my sorrows in a brownie sundae.
  • kayla_who
    kayla_who Posts: 540 Member
    Hershey's cookies n' cream candy bar and it better be a king size!
  • blesseddiva77
    blesseddiva77 Posts: 32 Member
    Yes chocolate does it for me. I found out that weight watchers has chocolate snacks that are not many calories so I chose that and dont have to feel so guilty.
  • Sallyrose5994
    Chocolate and potato chips alternating, lol
  • tgmichelleee
    tgmichelleee Posts: 144 Member
    ha I absolutely love this post. It is halarious but I am sorry you're feeling down. I am just a huge sweets eater and once I start I literally feel like I can. not. stop. UGH especially chocolate

    Hahah soooo true!! It's like once you start.... there's no stopping... ever lol
  • candicane38
    candicane38 Posts: 3 Member
    Chocolate takes me under every time....Brownies and Hershey's with Almonds !
  • tgmichelleee
    tgmichelleee Posts: 144 Member
    Salty carbs!

    Love the op, by the way!

    :flowerforyou: :happy:
  • tgmichelleee
    tgmichelleee Posts: 144 Member
    Chocolate and potato chips alternating, lol

    you and I are on the same wavelength, great minds think alike ;)
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Peanut butter cups, especially if those peanut butter cups are in soft serve ice cream.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    You know what's bad for me, not the food, or just the plain frustration and fatigue because geez that happens. (Everything takes me 2x as long because I'm so tired.) But, what really bothers me is that I have so much sympathy for other girls who have painful cycles.

    When I have my period, inevitably, 1/4 of my female student population is having their cycle at the same time as me. Girls will come to me with cramps and ask for medicine and I'm not allowed to give them anything. They're listless and in pain and all I can do is say, "I'm sorry, kiddo." While I'm suffering through my cramps, I try to encourage them to power through it and get up and walk if they need to. But, I know that as soon as it's lunch time, I can take another Midol.

    It makes me feel like a hypocrite, and I get really sad and sympathetic for them. Kids try to peer pressure me into 'just give her something, we won't tell.' But I really absolutely can't. It wears me down so bad that I want to cry. I hurt. They hurt. I'm frustrated and helpless to help them even though there I am with a bottle of Midol in my purse.

    High school is so grrr sometimes! All I can do, if it's really bad for them, is let them go to the Nurse to lay down. All we can give them at school is ice packs and bandaids. >_< Sometimes the girls just give up and go home, but it's such a waste to lose an entire day of instruction just because girls don't have basic pain medication at school.

    It's probably because I'm already emotionally sensitive, but I freaking HATE it.

    And when I came home today, I ate a slice of raspberry chocolate mousse cake after dinner. It was good. Midol was better though, seriously, way better.
  • KatJ_NZ
    KatJ_NZ Posts: 31 Member
    I love this post!

    Personally, it makes me feel so nauseated that I tend to be *under* calories. This probably puts me in a minority! I try to eat red meat where possible, a burger is good because it's bland, high-cal, and meaty.

    However, any time is cake time as far as I'm concerned :happy:
  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    Ha! THIS!!! :D

    My weakness is Bourbon Creams and slouching on the couch :( Not pretty, but delicious!

    Kaela x
  • tgmichelleee
    tgmichelleee Posts: 144 Member
    You know what's bad for me, not the food, or just the plain frustration and fatigue because geez that happens. (Everything takes me 2x as long because I'm so tired.) But, what really bothers me is that I have so much sympathy for other girls who have painful cycles.

    When I have my period, inevitably, 1/4 of my female student population is having their cycle at the same time as me. Girls will come to me with cramps and ask for medicine and I'm not allowed to give them anything. They're listless and in pain and all I can do is say, "I'm sorry, kiddo." While I'm suffering through my cramps, I try to encourage them to power through it and get up and walk if they need to. But, I know that as soon as it's lunch time, I can take another Midol.

    And when I came home today, I ate a slice of raspberry chocolate mousse cake after dinner. It was good. Midol was better though, seriously, way better.

    I completely agree with you in that I really sympathize for people with painful cycles.
    I think I'm really lucky in that I get no cramps, no nausea, no headaches, nothing. I've never taken a Midol in my life! Honestly me and my cycle are totally cool... besides the emotional roller coasters and insatiable hunger :grumble:

    But you bring up a good point, I don't think it's been scientifically proven yet, but it's an indisputable fact among women that if you know someone on their cycle, somehow or another you will be getting yours within the next few days lol Its like the passing of the baton haha
  • 32sami
    32sami Posts: 380 Member
    Anything I can get my hands on lol. Everything is guilt free for a couple days so I take advantage.
  • hjblackburn26
    Love your post and I'm sorry your not feeling well!'s anything I can get my hands on!!

    Also during that time of month I feel so, what's the word....ICKY....that I don't feel like exercising. Does anyone else feel this way?
  • DaivaSimone
    DaivaSimone Posts: 657 Member
    I never had painful cycles, but I tend to be sooooooo hungry, I could litteraly eat twice as much as usual. Probably more then this. I'll try to stick to the usual toast before bed, so I won't go that much over. But please, don't put a bag of chips in front of me.