The elliptical doesn't do anything?



  • Loralrose
    Loralrose Posts: 203
    Elliptical burns calories just like any other aerobic exercise. It won't make you stronger but it will improve aerobic fitness and let you eat more calories without gaining weight.

    Personally, I like the elliptical machine because I have a bad knee. If running is too high impact I'll either do the elliptical or ride my bike. Just pick whatever you like doing and enjoy your workout.
  • AKNMHunt
    AKNMHunt Posts: 168 Member
    Get an ElliptiGo

    I want that so effing bad!
  • KathieSwenson
    KathieSwenson Posts: 179
    Okay. I try not to reply but I couldn't help on this one. First of all yes the elliptical helps however that is just your cardiovascular system. You would out do me any day In that area because I don't do much cardio. Im changing that. For total fitness there are three areas. Strength, flexibility and cardio. Each one if you were to take a fitness test like I had to in college for a keniesiology degree would be part of a total fitness test. Where you may be good in cardio you may be bad in strength or flexibility. Where I'm good in flexibility I lack in cardio. The best thing to do is to focus on all three. Ideally you should do strength 3 times a week so I have been advised by fitness trainers and instructors. Needless to say I wouldn't let anyone tell you what does and does not work. Each person is different and each persons body reacts differently. It's all in how you train and if you train in the area you lack in so you can better your overall fitness.
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    Get an ElliptiGo


    Well this looks fun. Hold on while I check Google.
    Oh, wait. Base model is like 2 grand. :huh:

    OP, I agree with swapping the order/duration of your workout. Strength first, then cardio.
  • 32sami
    32sami Posts: 380 Member
    I can't speak for other peoples experience, but when I get off the elliptical I'm usually soaked in sweat to the point I can wring my hair out so I know for a fact I'm getting something out of it.
  • itsadogslife
    itsadogslife Posts: 209
    Add some resistance, squat low when pedalling backwards. Make your legs burn
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    it burns some cals like all cardio exercises.

    It will do very little in regards to maintaining LBM while dieting
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Everytime I tell someone about my workout routine that involves an hour on the elliptical and a half an hour of weights, why is it that they always say ' oh I heard the elliptical doesn't do anything to your body' or something along those lines. This makes no sense. I feel very tired and sore after the elliptical for that long, is it actually possible that it's not making any improvement on my body what so ever? I go at a fast pase and burn around 600 calories in that time frame. I thought I was doing awesome!

    1. People who say things like are talking more ideology than science.

    2. People who say things like that are talking out of their alternate orifice.

    Having said that, if you are always doing the same hour every time on the elliptical, then your cardio program is likely not balanced. You will get better cardio training results by including interval and tempo workouts, along with endurance work.
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    as long as you are incoporating weights and mixing it up (incline stair master) you should see a difference :)

    But I use the elliptical for about 30-35 mins or incline machine then do a good 35 mins weights :D
  • badwolves
    badwolves Posts: 33
    You do get a good cardio workout out of it, but those machines really tend to overestimate calories burned. I mean, all machines do, but the ellipticals especially. Keep doing it if you like it, but I'd suggest getting a heart rate monitor that calculates calories burned so you get a more accurate idea :)
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    my two cents…

    reverse your order..

    hour weight lifting, thirty minutes on the elliptical….

    ^^ Agreed if you're going for body re-comp
  • crissi725
    crissi725 Posts: 82
    You need to switch up the incline and the resistance as often as possible to keep your muscles guessing. Different inclines will target different parts of your legs.

    Frankly, I've found that an adaptive motion trainer is light years better than an elliptical. If your gym has one---USE IT. You can switch up your stride and direction (front wards, backwards, like a stair stepper, long stride, shallow stride, your normal jogging/running stride) at any speed you want. You can change the resistance also. I absolutely love them. Sooooooo much better than an elliptical.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    If someone is saying that it does nothing then they are telling you that they are doing it wrong! Besides anything other than sitting on the couch is a good thing, period!
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Crank the resistance WAY up and it feels like running through a river upstream with sandbags on each foot. Do a short session of intense resistance.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    It has it's benefits. It has been an important part of my fitness and weight loss. So has the treadmill, lifting weights, and counting calories. If you're more concerned with body composition then spending more time on lifting weights would be more beneficial.

    I love doing HIIT workouts on the elliptical.

    In the end, only you know your goals. Do what you want and what makes you feel good.

  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Get an ElliptiGo


    those are actually pretty cool..

    Really? .... each to their own definition of cool:indifferent:
  • kramsnilloc
    I have lost 63 pounds in just over 10 weeks by using the elliptical for 30-36 minutes 6 days a week. I keep a fast pace with medium resistance and high elevation averaging 370 - 450 calories per elliptical workout. I spend the other 30-36 minutes on a stationary bike alternating the medium resistance up and down by 2 steps every 3 minutes at 100 RPM for an average of 445 - 485 calories per stationary bike workout giving my daily calorie burn of 815 - 935 calories. Yes the elliptical and stationary bike work for weight loss and cardio. If you are serious about losing weight, IT WORKS!!!!!
  • kendall916
    kendall916 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I have lost 63 pounds in just over 10 weeks by using the elliptical for 30-36 minutes 6 days a week. I keep a fast pace with medium resistance and high elevation averaging 370 - 450 calories per elliptical workout. I spend the other 30-36 minutes on a stationary bike alternating the medium resistance up and down by 2 steps every 3 minutes at 100 RPM for an average of 445 - 485 calories per stationary bike workout giving my daily calorie burn of 815 - 935 calories. Yes the elliptical and stationary bike work for weight loss and cardio. If you are serious about losing weight, IT WORKS!!!!!

    I agree. What matters is that you put the time and effort in on improving your body! I'd love to use a elliptical but sadly they don't work for someone who is one legged. As long as you mix and match using a elliptical with a treadmill and stationary bike you will go far!
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    You can get a great elliptical workout. It's up to you! The fast you go the harder your heart works, which is the goal. Getting that heart rate up. People can be such party poopers. If you're feeling it, you're working it. :)
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    Everytime I tell someone about my workout routine that involves an hour on the elliptical and a half an hour of weights, why is it that they always say ' oh I heard the elliptical doesn't do anything to your body' or something along those lines. This makes no sense. I feel very tired and sore after the elliptical for that long, is it actually possible that it's not making any improvement on my body what so ever? I go at a fast pase and burn around 600 calories in that time frame. I thought I was doing awesome!

    To add to my earlier comment, working out is just like anything else in life, what you get out of it is directly tide to what you put into it. So if someone tells you that they aren't getting anything out of an elliptical machine (e-mach) than they are not putting enough into it! Period!
    I love the e-mach, and have used it ever since I first used it to rehabilitate myself from an injury years ago.
    What is important here is that you enjoy it and that you are getting something out of it. Don't let others opinions sway what you do, you keep doing what works for you. And you are doing awesome! Keep it up.