Daily reasons to stay on track

Ok this is also to help me keep on track and keep focused but I'm going to post my reasons in getting fit and healthy.

Anyone is welcome to add their reasons to help them stay focused. I might right just one a day or a few if I'm having a tough time It doesn't matter really :) Just want to remind myself why I'm doing this.

1) Because I'm fed up of being fed up with myself
2) Because the works xmas party is in 7.5 months and I don't want to get stressed or upset picking a dress or feeling I have to get 'the fat dress' to cover my lumps and bumps
3) I'm 26 next year, I don't want to carry on hating myself and living like this
4) I rarely finish what I set out to do, It would be nice to finally cross this off the list
5) tired of starting over and starting 'Day 1'
6) I have eaten junk and hated myself for 25 years and regretted my life and not taken chances or risks, maybe try eating well and exercising for the next 25 years I will see change.
7) to show off my body and not hide it under layers even in summer
8) I proved I can do a marathon, I need to prove I can finally get down to my goal weight
9)So I can't use my weight as an excuse
10) To like what's in the mirror


  • Julieanna269
    Julieanna269 Posts: 33 Member
    Great reasons and a good idea. I've been struggling lately and fallen of the healthy eating plan. Need to get back on track so here are my reasons:

    1) to reduce my cholesterol levels
    2) to get more fit and active and stop my knees from hurting when I climb the stairs
    3) to be within a 'normal' weight range and not 'overweight' (just managed to get below the UK 'obesity' weight range)
    4) to look good at my daughter's wedding even though they've not name the day yet, lol.
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    Good reasons Julieanna. Well done on getting below 'obesity' you can do it!

    11) To give a massive F*** Y** to people who have mocked me at school/work/anywhere because of my weight
    12) I work in a very male dominated office and they have certain 'ideas' of women, I don't want to conform but I want to be stronger than them all mentally and physically. (they are mainly over weight middle aged man so its not like they can judge women anyway)
    13) So I don't have a 'baby belly' when I look down at my stomach while both sitting or standing
    14) to be healthy
    15) To be able to say 'I did the best I could and be the best I could be'
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    Whoops haven't done this for a few days, I guess like my diet I find it hard to do over the weekend. Any way time to get on with it.

    16) To be happy in the Bikinis I have
    17) to have extra energy
    18) so I can actually get on and do stuff and not just laze around
    19) because to be honest I prefer to be busy and active
    20) to stop turning to food in tough times
    21) Food is fuel not pleasure
    22) To have a healthy body ready to start a family
    23) To walk with my head held high
    24) I'm starting a role in HR with my current company and I want to make them proud, the company is growing and I want to be able to 'hold my own' as it were.
    25) to run 5km in 30mins
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    FUN! This is such a great idea, my god.

    26. To look BANGIN' as She-Hulk this September.
    27. To feel as strong and sure as I used to.
    28. To be the fastest, lightest and surest-footed in my zumba class. I don't want to feel awkward and graceless anymore.
    29. To be able to pick my friends up and walk off with them!
    30. To go biking with the boy I'm crazy about and give him a run for his money.
    31. To one day have a safe, easy, healthy pregnancy.
    32. For the confidence to look that boy in the eye and tell him everything.
  • PeanutButterLover1984
    PeanutButterLover1984 Posts: 17 Member
    This is a great idea - I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon:

    1) To feel good when I look in the mirror
    2) To not have difficulty picking clothes to wear
    3) To look good at 2 x weddings this year
    4) To have more confidence
    5) To be fitter (tho I am injured at the moment)
    6) To be healthier
  • Squible
    Squible Posts: 359 Member
    The more the merrier :)

    Great reasons guys, I'm gonna start pinning mine up at home (esp on the fridge) to remind me!
  • Fattackler2013
    Fattackler2013 Posts: 142 Member
    This is a great topic. My reasons for changing include:
    1) Feeling happier in body and mind
    2) Not feeling as tired/ out of breath when doing the simplest of exercise
    3) I want to feel happy and more confident
    4) I want to prove to others and myself that I can start and stick to something and come out better at the end of it
    5) I want to start a family one day so I'll need to live a long, healthier life
    6) I want to wear smaller sized clothes
    7) I want to love myself.
    8) I don't want to run the risk of encountering any major health problem like diabetes or heart problems.
  • HaibaneReki
    HaibaneReki Posts: 373 Member

    1) to keep annoying people by how much I've changed
    2) so I can keep my wife proud and "on" *nudge-nudge wink-wink* :bigsmile:
    3) to give my daughter the fit and confident father she'll need growing up
    4) to be able to wear what I (read - my wife) want
    5) to satisfy my manly vanity :tongue:

    6) better, faster, stronger!!!