May Running Challenge: Novice

Hello MyFitnessPal Friends, and let me say that it's been a long time.

I used to use the site all the time, and got myself into the best physical condition of my adult life, but through both complacency and being busy (new baby) have fallen off track. I beat myself up for a while, and found that did nothing for me, so that's enough about the past, let's look forward to the future.

For the last month I've been I'm back in it, and I'm motivated, and ready to give my best again. I do best in a group setting, and wanted to invite some of you to join in with me, and help me with my journey...maybe I can even help you.

I am going to organize a 60mile run/walk challenge for May, and this should be the perfect opportunity to slowly get geared back up for the Summer months. 2 miles a day should be pretty realistic for most of us, and we'll work up to a 100 mile challenge by September. It's gonna be hard work, but is a lot better with a team to surround you!

A little about me. I am 35, male, and have at times been in great physical condition (at my all time peak I was 6'0 225lb with less than 10% BF). Unfortunately a life of playing sports, and honestly being crazy, has caused my body to slow tremendously, but I've still got a lot of fight left. You will find I enjoy encouraging others, sharing things that motivate me, and sharing my successes with the group. I'm not perfect, but I try, and I don't hold others to a standard of perfection. We all fall, but what are you willing to do to get up?!

If any of this sounds good to you, go ahead and add me to your friends list, and we'll do this thing together! I'll also monitor the tread, and will provide tracking tools for us to use during May. Okay novice runners, and those who have maybe taken a while off, it's time to jump start Summer and beat the streets for 60 miles!


  • JasonD334
    JasonD334 Posts: 94 Member
    Bump.... Surely there are others looking to get a start on your running routine.
  • JasonD334
    JasonD334 Posts: 94 Member
    So a thread on "would you add the person above you" or "does the person above you look good naked" or "would you date the person above you" gets over 1000 responses per thread, but when someone is looking for people to get healthy with it's all crickets... Figures... :frown:
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    There's already a well established series of threads for all running abilities which is probably why you have had no replies.

    Maybe join into the May one there
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Im looking to get back into running! (did a program last year and worked up to a 5k run)
    Over the winter with my S.A.D I stopped running..

    Now that the weather is making me feel better.. I have that urge to run again!!

    Dunno if I can do 2 miles EVERY day. If I work out EVERY day I get very exhausted..

    But would love to jump on the band wagon and try my best! =)
  • jemimasmum
    jemimasmum Posts: 249 Member
    I've entered a 10k event on 24th May. Don't think I'll be doing 2 a day but certainly 15 a week.
    I'm in if that'll do!
  • JasonD334
    JasonD334 Posts: 94 Member
    Score...we've got a few who are willing and ready! Awesome, and in the words of Barney (not the grape thing) this will be Legen....Dary!

    Thank you all, and to the one who corrected pointed out the other running threads, I understand but wanted something I felt many who are just starting up would be able to complete.

    May is only a few days away, so I'll be looking for a few more participants, but one way or another I'll be in touch with you all soon!

    Thank you all very much,


    P.S- I ran 15 miles this week, so I'm well on my way!
  • grrrlwonder
    grrrlwonder Posts: 59 Member
    I'd love to join you! I've started to hit the road again, but I could do with some accountability. I've probably got 12-15 miles per week in me right now, but Ive signed up for a half in Aug so it's time to start ramping up!
  • MamaGab92
    MamaGab92 Posts: 77 Member
    I would like to try this. I tried to start a C25K program about a month ago and then ran into bursitis problems in my knee and haven't been able to run for a couple of weeks. I've decided to get back at it by walking at first an eventually switching over to running again. Maybe this challenge is what I need to get motivated to do it. I am 47 years old and about 50 lbs. overweight, so I am definitely at the "novice" level. ;-)
  • ntaylorut
    ntaylorut Posts: 31 Member
    I am in. My last events were a 4-miler in November and a 5K on Thanksgiving. Since then I have put on 15 lbs and I need to get it off. The snow is finally melted and I can see the sun at times so it is about time to get back to it. I signed up for a half marathon in October to give myself something to works towards. Last week I got out twice and it took me slightly over 20 minutes to do 2 miles, which is really depressing considering I ran a 26 minute 5K on thanksgiving.

    My usualy routine is that we put the kids to bed around 9pm and I go out for a run from 9:30 to 10-ish. My goal is 50 miles total between today and May 31st.
  • healthfulnow
    healthfulnow Posts: 245 Member
    I am in. I just completed my first half marathon yesterday. I have done 3 - 5K's over the past year (the extent of my running career), and need something like this challenge to keep me running and accountable over the next few months when I don't plan on doing any summer races.
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Im not much of a runner, so I am only aiming for 25 miles this month.

    May 1st -1.25

  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    May 1st - 1.25
    May 4th - 2.00
    May 5th - 1.15

    Total = 4.40
    Goal = 25
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    May Novice Running Challange:
    May 1st - 1.25
    May 4th - 2.00
    May 5th - 1.15
    May 6th - 2.50 (walked last .50)
    Total = 6.90
    Goal = 25
  • JJ48Fan
    JJ48Fan Posts: 50
    Ok so I haven't been good at updating the board. I am going to try to get better at that. I fell behind already because I have been sick for the past 3 days but I'm going to still shoot for my 40 miles this month.

  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    May Novice Running Challange:
    May 1st - 1.25 May 4th - 2.00
    May 5th - 1.15 May 6th - 2.50 (walked last .50)
    May 12 - 2.00
    May 13 - 2.30
    Total = 11.20
    Goal = 25