

I came on this after coming out of a long hospital stay back in June, (i put on a lot of weight in hospital and before they like to feed you up on carbs when your not moving!!) I lost a good 6KG and had a break but now really struggling on loosing, first things first I NEED weekends to be treat time ( I don't massively overeat but allow myself some choc and alcohol - ps not a binge drinker just a wineoholic..) However I am super strict in the week and exercise as much as I can..

My goal calories is 1200 and I really struggle to keep to this, I seem to be stuck on one number on the scales!

So attempting to have "friends" on this to see if it helps!

Am i doing the right thing?> if not help!

So yeah.. help!! :)


  • MrsMarLis
    MrsMarLis Posts: 15 Member

    Do you count your calories on the weekend, you could be eating more then you think. That is way the scale isn't moving. I also don't try and hit my marcos on the weekend, but I try and stay with in my calroie range.

    What is hard about the 1200 not enough? Because I am sure you can eat more then that.

    Others that want to help more will want to know how tall you are how much you currently weigh.
  • livinatthegym
    livinatthegym Posts: 81 Member
    If you are struggling with having low calories try adding fiber and protein to your diet and drink water before and after you eat it. It should really fill you up.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I would suggest starting here:

    And then using this link to make sure your calorie goal is set reasonable:

    And I would also suggest incorporating your wine and chocolate and other foods that you love into your diet.
  • emilyn1985
    emilyn1985 Posts: 2
    This was me too until I changed a few things. 1. Stick to your goal. If 1200 is too low, try 1350 or 1400. Unless you are very short or small you can probably still loose on this. 2. If you cheat too much on the weekends, you might be sabotaging your diet. Which do you want more?? 3. I stopped eating back my exercise calories. This is new for me, but has helped the most. I try to be active most days, I enter my exercise and food calories, but I dont eat back my exercise cals (maybe 100 max if im starving, but I make sure its a good healthy choice- protein, fruit, etc) Committing to this has really helped and I am down 1.7 pounds in 2 weeks :) I was "on MFP" for a while before, but even if you log EVERYTHING like I was, logging doesnt make you lose weight, if you still eat 1800-2000 cals/day. Deficit does. Move more, eat less. It works
  • sjokerbud
    sjokerbud Posts: 5 Member
    I also treat myself on the weekends however it is one meal like pizza or Mexican food.The way I do it is I eat this early enough in the evening were I can get a good walk in before bed time...If its 1000 calorie meal I will walk 45 mins or so this has done good for me so far....