Early morning workouts - Eat before??



  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    It depends on the intensity of your workout and how you ate the night before.
  • ReikiLove
    ReikiLove Posts: 26 Member
    Before I go to the gym, I just have coffee. I can't exercise with food in stomach. I eat an nutrition/meal bar after, depending how hungry I am. But it's up to the individual to decide what works best. There is no formula.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I swear that my 130 calorie Special K protein bar before my a.m. workout not only helps me wake up and find energy, but it starts up my metabolism for the day so that I don't go into starvation mode.

    I almost shot dr. Pepper out of my nose laughing
    I dont' understand what is funny

    They found it amusing because you managed to pack a bunch of fitness myths pretty densely into one sentence.

    You do not "start up" your metabolism and your body does not go into "starvation mode" just because you haven't eaten for 10 hours.
    Thanks for the kind explaination. I am pretty sure that being on MFP is supposed to be a support system rather than a spot to make fun of people who don't totally understand how to be healthy.

    Mockery is just a quick means to make people question their pre-conceived notions. There is no reason to support a bad idea and bad ideas are not you personally even if you have held those ideas. I think if you look honestly at why you believe in starting a metabolism and starvation mode you will find that there is not much there.

    I have no interest in insulting people, I'm just blunt.
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    I work out in the A.M and I don't eat breakfast. I feel better doing it on an empty stomach and I can't really eat anything that early anyway but after my work out I'm starving so I usually eat a good meal
  • leadiax3
    leadiax3 Posts: 534 Member
    I like Aaron. He is helpful.
  • ChasingMyBliss
    ChasingMyBliss Posts: 803 Member
    Thanks to EVERYONE for the feedback!! The overwhelming answer is.... do what makes you feel good. Just make sure the daily outcome is a deficit, and no problems. Nice to have confirmation that I am doing OK!
  • 281Danielle
    281Danielle Posts: 113
    To me personally it's whatever works for you, I workout mid-morning a couple hours after breakfast but a few hours before lunch. I cannot workout right after eat, it slows me down and make me sick to my stomach. I have heard the same thing your trainer said but honestly I can't see it making much of a difference. I would stick with whatever works for you.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I swear that my 130 calorie Special K protein bar before my a.m. workout not only helps me wake up and find energy, but it starts up my metabolism for the day so that I don't go into starvation mode.

    I almost shot dr. Pepper out of my nose laughing
    I dont' understand what is funny

    They found it amusing because you managed to pack a bunch of fitness myths pretty densely into one sentence.

    You do not "start up" your metabolism and your body does not go into "starvation mode" just because you haven't eaten for 10 hours.
    Thanks for the kind explaination. I am pretty sure that being on MFP is supposed to be a support system rather than a spot to make fun of people who don't totally understand how to be healthy.

    I'm just chiming in to say that *I* laughed because I honestly thought you were joking. The post just read like you were being facetious.
  • ChasingMyBliss
    ChasingMyBliss Posts: 803 Member
    I go to the gym first thing in the morning. I usually don't eat anything before I go. Is this making my workouts less productive for weight loss? I was told by a trainer at the gym that exercising on an empty stomach makes it so that the most calories will be pulled out of stored fat to fuel the workout, and will in turn help speed weight loss. What do you think?? And if I do eat before, what is best?

    Show this to your trainer....


    I am going to just show it to myself one in a while as a reminder not the think too hard about things. And to promote giggles!! Thanks!
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I swear that my 130 calorie Special K protein bar before my a.m. workout not only helps me wake up and find energy, but it starts up my metabolism for the day so that I don't go into starvation mode.

    I almost shot dr. Pepper out of my nose laughing
    I dont' understand what is funny

    They found it amusing because you managed to pack a bunch of fitness myths pretty densely into one sentence.

    You do not "start up" your metabolism and your body does not go into "starvation mode" just because you haven't eaten for 10 hours.
    Thanks for the kind explaination. I am pretty sure that being on MFP is supposed to be a support system rather than a spot to make fun of people who don't totally understand how to be healthy.

    I'm just chiming in to say that *I* laughed because I honestly thought you were joking. The post just read like you were being facetious.

    ^ pretty much this. It wasn't intended mockery. I thought it was a joke as well. Apologies.

    On that note, I have no issue quickly dispelling this stuff as it floats around because it's frustrating and has no basis in science. And I like science