Full time Student, Full time job- Early 20's !!

Next week Monday I will be starting college in the afternoons from 6pm- 9pm. While from 8am-5pm Monday-Friday I work full time. So I will be out and about for almost the whole day. Any people who are in the same situation feel free to add me. I'm looking to find ideas for snacks and pre-cooked meals ect. I'm 19 but anybody who is in the same boat as I am feel free to add me. I feel like I won't be able to survive. BUT excited at the same time :)))


  • Completion2014
    yes i understand the struggle im a full time student and i work 48 hours a week. Never have missed a day.
  • k_nicole87
    k_nicole87 Posts: 407 Member
    I'm with you even though I'm in my (late) 20's. I'm a full time student and work full time at a VERY stressful job. I'm also a mom and wife. There aren't enough hours in the day. But I still make time for the gym at least 4 days a week and a little UV coffin me time.
  • jaenders06
    jaenders06 Posts: 63 Member
    I completed a full time Masters Program while working full time in October 2012. If you need any suggestions or an ear to listen to please feel free to send me a message! It's not always easy to do but it's totally worth the hard work and dedication.
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Hey - I'm in my late 20s but also full time student, full time work, and mom and wife.... though my husband probably takes care of me more than I take care of him :)

    On Sundays I make two meals to eat off of for the week for dinners and that I can take to work for leftovers.
    I preslice my fruit and vegetables either on Sundays or the night before for lunches and snacks for the next day for my daughter and I.
    I eat more protein bars than I would like to admit :)
    Preparing yourself for the next day is absolute key - plan your meals, plan your snacks, plan your workout times.

    Most days I'm up at 5am to go to the gym. Sometimes, I get up at 5am to do homework but I always keep the routine. I also use my lunch to go for a walk if I ran in the morning or run if I lifted in the morning. It is crucial to plan when you know you are going to be busy and out of the house!

    BTW - when I was 19 there is no way I could have handled all of this. I was way too busy out partying and being dumb. I give you incredible kudos for jumping in!!