Love Handles. WTH?

I know, this is probably not a new topic. However, I have tried almost every single exercise under the sun subscribed for these pesky little boogers. Now here is the kicker. I only have a love handle on the left side? What the heyyyyy?! Any suggestions on disappearing acts for this unattractive side bag?


  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    Time and consistency with diet and exercise is the only remedy outside of surgery. There's no known method of spot reducing via exercise.
  • n_unocero
    n_unocero Posts: 445 Member
    I'm the same way. although both of my hips are fat, my left one is worse. apparently when I was born my left hip didn't develop correctly. I was in physical therapy as a newborn. so now I'm lop-sided.

    and if anyone has an answer to making them shrink i'd like to know it too. I think just cutting body fat is the only real way to make them disappear.
  • 2dogzrule
    2dogzrule Posts: 245 Member
    I call them nodules. I get one bigger than the other when I gain weight or get bloated and I hate it.
  • superdeformedchibi
    Well, that's a head-scratcher!

    Assuming that the love handle is just fat that's waiting to come off then if you just keep doing what your doing it should go away on its own eventually.

    I wonder if it could be you have more developed muscles on one side that's causing it bulge outward and be more noticeable? Just food for thought, though, I'm not sure if that even happens; maybe some of the more experienced among us have a better idea of what's going on?
  • shyfranklinstein
    Those get gone as a result of super consistent diet and then exercise IMO.
  • 120by30
    120by30 Posts: 217 Member
    I suffer from this sort of problem, as well. In an area slightly higher than yours. My left side has always been bigger than the right, but as I've lost weight, the difference has gotten worse and definitely more noticeable. I guess just keep maintaining the calorie deficit and hope it all evens out. I'm sure your one love handle will go away in time.
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
    Time and consistency with diet and exercise is the only remedy outside of surgery. There's no known method of spot reducing via exercise.
    tis the truth
  • Stephie597
    Stephie597 Posts: 15
    Thank you all for the overflow of advice. I am at a total loss of 80 pounds, i noticed "them" before when I was at my heaviest. But now that i have lost the weight, my right one has disappeared completely, and i'm left with the ever so annoying left flap. I will continue with my diet regimen and exercise will update if anything decreases. :)
  • superdeformedchibi
    80 lbs lost?! Good for you; be proud, friend!