College and weight loss

vladamisa Posts: 72 Member

Please sponsor me its free and all it does is give me a better chance at the scholarship, I only have one more year of college left and I can not afford it so I have been looking for scholarships. I am a studio art major with a minor in photography all I have is one year left and I will have my BA. I would greatly appreciate it if you create an account and sponsor me.

Thanks so much

Christina Vaughn


  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    So, what exactly does it have to do with weightloss?

    -10 for attempting to lead me on.
  • vladamisa
    vladamisa Posts: 72 Member
    well the more I stress over college funding the worse it is for working out, this semester alone has caused a lot of stress and I did not get to keep to my routine that I had created in the beginning because of money issues
  • vladamisa
    vladamisa Posts: 72 Member
    I did not mean to lead you on in any way, sorry if that is how it came across.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    It requires me to register BEFORE I can see anything of what this is about. Sorry, I'm a bit paranoid about things like that (I don't need any more spam!)

    Have you looked into scholarships at your school? In the U.S. (not sure that's where you go), there are generally scholarships intended for women, especially in underrepresented fields, or who are (will be) first generation college-grads, as well as other types of scholarships. Look through your department, and also go to the academic counseling center to find out about little-known scholarships. And have you looked into Grants? The government has grants available for low-income students, that you don't have to pay back.
