P90x3/P90x Hybrid Schedule?

Hey everyone,

I'm in week 11 of P90x3 doubles program and was thinking of doing a hybrid of P90x3 and P90x after I'm done with this. I was wondering if anyone has a recommended schedule that they've been using for such a hybrid. I really love the cardio based routines in X3 and miss the strength training from the original P90x. Worst case scenerio, I'm going to mix and match but hoping someone here has attempted this and is willing to help :)

Thanks in advance!


  • gnelsonsa
    gnelsonsa Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I've done 2 rounds of P90X, one of P90X2 and one of P90X3. Yes, I love anything P90X! I loved the 30 minute workouts in P90X3 but I did miss the hour long P90X sessions. I was thinking of doing the same thing you are. I think as long as you stay with what you are supposed to be working out that day (upper, lower, cardio, yoga, etc) you can pick a DVD from any one of the programs. I'm actually going to start doing that today!
  • jeeves_17
    jeeves_17 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks. That's what I've put together for myself when I start it in 2 weeks. Hopefully it goes well! Thanks for your input :).