Let's Do This

JoyTN Posts: 28 Member
I've been on MFP for a while but have been inactive. I'm back and ready to get fit!! I did lose 20 pounds last fall and LOVED the feeling. I've also kept it off. Nothing like putting on clothes and them being too big. :) My energy level has also increased.

I can never have too many friends. Motivate me and I'll motivate you!


  • rachaelgoslan
    Hi there, I began MFP last year but really didn't begin until Feb this year after seeing photo's of myself at last years work Christmas party looking well lets say quite chubby. Over the past 5 years I've gone from being a size 10 to a 14. I obviously knew I'd put weight on but seeing the photo's was a real sobering moment. It made me realise that if I didn't do something by the time I reach 40 in two years time Ill probably be a size 16. Using the app is simple and easy, I'm able to plan my meals and exercise ahead of time which is a great help to me and my busy lifestyle. Thank you and good luck

    Rach x:wink:
  • nonacgp
    nonacgp Posts: 132
    Hi Joy...glad to help and be helped. I've been away from MFP for 8 months or so. I've been back at it vigorously for about 2 wks. now. I find MFP motivating in and of itself. It's fun seeing how easy it is to stay within your calorie range when you document what you've eaten. (not to mention seeing the added calories you're allowed when you document your exercise.) If I can figure out how to do it, I will send you a friend request. My food diary is public. Good luck!!
  • JoyTN
    JoyTN Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks Rachael. I was a size 16/18 and now I'm down to a 12. I've always tried to lose weight but my husband and I separated in July of last year and that kickstarted my weight loss. I wasn't eating much and I walked all of the time just to think and get rid of some stress. Long story short, my husband and I are back together and happier than ever and I'm down to a size 12. After he came back I ate more but was aware of what I was eating and I kept up the walking. I slacked over the winter but didn't gain any weight back luckily. I'm ready to get back to it and lose another 20. I can do this! :smile:
  • Dhommy
    Dhommy Posts: 2
    hello everyone out there im a mom of 4 looking to lose some weight dont know where to start or how i google and this came up im hoping to find some support in here i really need it and get on track to a healthier life style thanks :D
  • JoyTN
    JoyTN Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks Carol! I'm sure you saw "my story" in my reply to Rachael. Any and all motivation is very much appreciated. Good luck to you too!
  • alfdog86
    alfdog86 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey guys - I'm a graduate student looking to get healthier so I can enjoy my life (like wearing nice clothes and bikinis) and have good health as I age. I'm too young to already dislike how I look and not have self-confidence. My friend pointed this website out to me, and I can see that it's been helpful for so many people. Congratulations to everyone for working so hard and getting great results!!
  • JoyTN
    JoyTN Posts: 28 Member
    I've belonged to MFP for a while but just today got back on here. We ALL can do this! Send me a friend request and we'll motivate each other.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Welcome back!!!!!!

    Come on cute summer clothes!
  • JoyTN
    JoyTN Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks Nancy! :smile:
  • alfdog86
    alfdog86 Posts: 10 Member
    Yeah, cute summer clothes! It's too hot to wear baggy everything and jeans. Welcome back, and we can do this - I know it's helped me be accountable for how much I eat when my friends can see everything. I'd gotten really good at lying to myself concerning the calories in the food that I ate. That's my problem area - what's your problem areas?
  • JoyTN
    JoyTN Posts: 28 Member
    Soft drinks are my biggest problem. I love PepsiMax! I have cut back a lot though. While at work, I try to drink water all day and so far, so good.
  • 37lbs_to_go
    37lbs_to_go Posts: 61 Member

    I just "re"joined today as well. I've been going at it alone but need that extra push accountability provides. Would like to start Couch 2 5k (C25K) when weather permits.

    Weaknesses: Never meet a pastry, cake or cookie I didn't like. Lack of free time.

    Strengths: I'm very strong despite being overweight.
  • Kprebstle
    Kprebstle Posts: 3 Member
    I just started MFP about 3 weeks ago and haven't really lost that much weight yet. I am looking for support as well. Good luck!
  • aubsangels
    aubsangels Posts: 24 Member
    I agree and am right there with you. I'm also looking at friends to help keep me motivated. They don't have to say anything but just seeing their progress will help keep me motivated!!! Let's do this!
  • alfdog86
    alfdog86 Posts: 10 Member
    Joy - You may have heard this before and it may not be what you want, but you can pour seltzer water into a container/bottle with some sliced fruit and leave it to mingle overnight, then take it to work with you. It still gives you the fizzy drink sensation, and the possible fruit/herb combinations are endless. Hope this helps!

    I am such the same with the sweet tooth - I used to eat as much as I bought - even a whole bag of chocolate at times! I've tried incorporating a treat into my day every day and so far (4 days) it has worked and I haven't gone crazy and eaten the entire bag/box yet. I use weight watchers fudge bars. Another thing I do is try to make naturally sweet but healthy foods into a 'dessert' - like putting pumpkin pie spices and vanilla into pumpkin, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, etc. Or lightly freezing smoothies to make sherbet. Blending frozen banana slices with nut butter and milk is also a phenomenal ice cream substitute. The rest of my diet is pretty healthy, it was just my sweet tooth that was killing me!

    Hope some of these suggestions help someone!
  • JoyTN
    JoyTN Posts: 28 Member
    I appreciate any and all tips. I'm doing pretty good with water. I just need Crystal Light to go in it and I'm good to go. That's all I drink while at work. I don't really have a problem with sweets, thankfully. I can really take them or leave them. Fast food is a problem of mine. I'm still working on that one!