Trying to build my community!

haleyc717 Posts: 20 Member
Hi everyone! My name is Haley, i'm 23, and I am just starting to get back into health, fitness, and using MyFitnessPal!! I would love to have more friends to help encourage me and to hold me accountable! I just started a program called The Body Fat Breakthrough by Dr. Ellington Darden, and I'm really excited about it, but I know its going to take long term commitment. I REALLY want to stick with it, to commit, and really transform my body. I have about 20-25 lbs of fat to lose and I'd like to build muscle definition as well. If you are a nice, encouraging person, and an active MFP user, please feel free to friend me! I'm all about staying positive so maybe we can help each other out!


  • KalieHudson
    KalieHudson Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome back Haley! Making friends on here is a great way to keep you accountable and motivated on your fitness journey. I know for me it really made a difference. I still have a bit of a ways to go myself I have sent you a friend request so we can help support each other. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • Travko
    Travko Posts: 55 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. Motivating friends are so vital in this process, as sometimes it can feel rather lonely (especially if you're the only one in the house eating better and exercising).
  • J_Remps
    J_Remps Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Haley!

    I need to lose about 20 pounds as well. I added you! I need friends as well for moral support! Anyone is free to add me :)
