ZUMBA for the Wii

Hello MFP ilk .....

Purchased ZUMBA for the Wii last night .... it's pretty fun, and even if I dont get the moves exactly, it's basically glorified latino aerobics that keeps you moving (key, right?) and gives you a fun workout!!!

So I was thinking if anyone else out there finds it easier to do the game with your sneakers on, or not? I am sure it is recommended to have sneakers on, but I was annoying myself with the "squeak" from the noise I was making ....


  • helengator1
    lol! we jsut talked about this yesterday. we do it witout sneakers. we dont dance in sneakers so we figure it's okay. enjoy!! a bailarrrr...
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    I had a friend teach me the beginning moves of Zumba last night at my house, and I ended up removing my tennis shoes. Doing it on the carpet barefoot was best for me, although I do need to find some kind of foot support that works. I'm thinking of getting the Wii program too.
  • LoriT129
    LoriT129 Posts: 312 Member
    Zumba = Ricky Martin on crack :) But oh so much fun!!!
  • sdsmart
    sdsmart Posts: 25 Member
    I didn't know they did Zumba for Wii! Is it worth getting????
  • helenk1
    Maybe it's my age (38), but when we first got our Wii 2 Christmas' ago, I developed plantar fasciitis from using it all the time barefoot. That pain in the bottom of my foot hurt for MONTHS, even now sometimes a bit when I first get up in the morning. So now I always wear exercise shoes when I'm working out, both inside and outside the house!

    Thanks, though for mentioning the Zumba Wii game. I'm going to check that out!
  • sharondenn
    sharondenn Posts: 7 Member
    Interesting ..... I got the Wii Fitness last Christmas and only recently started to use it barefoot ..... when I got it for Christmas, my husband also got me the Reebok tone sneakers, so I wanted to use sneakers .....

    But then I look @ the insructors on the Wii Fitness and they are barefoot .... at least they look it .... thanks for sharing!
  • sharondenn
    sharondenn Posts: 7 Member
    It was $39.99 ... it comes with a waist strap ...... which consistently slid off my hips ....

    I would have liked it much much better if you could "see" the instructors from both angles .... I am one to follow along in the back, with the instructor facing the mirror .... like when you do Wii Fitness , you can view the instructor from the front or back .... that would help me out A LOT!!!

    It was a lot of fun, and this morning, I feel it!!

    If this was $50 I would not of bought it ...
  • kamarys13
    Hello !!! My name is Kamarys, I'm Zumba instructor and Personal Trainer. For any type of training is recommended use sneakers to avoid injuries.
    Remember you're using a video game, so the instructor does not have shoes, but in our trainings always talk about the importance of wearing proper footwear.
    You can buy some sneakers dance or you can put a rubber floor that you can buy at walmart. But be sure to use the sneaker ..
    I never use the video game, but in my classes there are movements in which you could injure yourself if you do not have the right shoes.
    Enjoy your game! Zumba for fitness and fun!

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I know in class, a lot of ladies wore dancing sneakers which looked to be better than wearing sneakers. I used to think the sneakers were a bit cumbersome and felt like I had weights on my feet at times. Maybe you can look into purchasing something like that? Here's an example of what I'm talking about:

  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    I've been doing my Wii Zuma for two weeks now and have tried both with and without sneaks, and have decided to definitely purchase sneakers made for dance. My regular ones are too cumberson and without sneaks I don't have the right support I need for my ankles.
  • sharondenn
    sharondenn Posts: 7 Member
    I know in class, a lot of ladies wore dancing sneakers which looked to be better than wearing sneakers. I used to think the sneakers were a bit cumbersome and felt like I had weights on my feet at times. Maybe you can look into purchasing something like that? Here's an example of what I'm talking about:

