Too much Whey Protein?

BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
is there such a thing?

ive been finding that im often under my protein goals, is there any negatives to downing a 4-scoop shake every day?

im not actually going to do it every day, but just ones that im under by a huge amount, it'd be nice to know that i have that as a backup plan. and i do realize that getting protein from actual food is better nutrient wise, this is strictly a question about whey


  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    No real issue. For the most part protein is protein. I never found liquids to be very satiating but some people do. I'd prefer whole foods like chicken or steak but if shakes are easier for you then go for it.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    Nothing wrong with it as long as the remainder of your diet is pretty nutrient dense. The only problems with getting a large amount of protein this way are:
    Missing out on micronutrients

    So if you aren't going to feel overly hungry and the rest of your diet is in check there's no problem.
  • rm33064
    rm33064 Posts: 270 Member
    That's partly why they make them. Some people can't eat the amount of protein they want each day. It's especially tough for people trying to eat a gram or more per pound of body weight but also want to consume a lot of vegetables and fruits. It can add up to a lot of food to put down everyday.
  • sheltol
    sheltol Posts: 120 Member
    Excessive protein intake for someone with kidney problems can cause problems however the groups I'm
    In have people eating 50% protein without issue.
  • alubaigan
    alubaigan Posts: 1
    I think whey protein is high quality protein which is readily absorbed by the body. However 4 scoops of whey protein may be too much protein. I believe one scoop of whey protein provides half the minimum daily requirement of protein. Greek yogurt is a good source of protein. As with any other nutrient, it may be wise to get the nutrient from a wide variety of sources.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    I'd rather eat my protein than drink it.

    So you are drinking about 100g in protein per day, how high did you set your protein macro at that you need that much whey?
    i also would prefer to eat it but i find it pretty hard to meet my protein goal while staying under on my calories

    recommended is .8g/lbs(lean mass) right? im assuming id be around 175 totally lean, so thats around 150g/day. usually i find im around 100. 4 scoops was an exaggeration just to see what the negatives would be, in reality id need only 2
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    if you're downing 4 scoops a day your diet is ****ed up.

    You're not eating enough natural protein.

    Granted, it's probably not bad, but not good either. There's things in meats / fish that are not in whey that's 100% better for you.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    I'd recommend 1 -1.5 servings of whey a day if the rest of your diet is in check.. I used to eat a LOT more of my whey, and in turn it gave me some pretty bad acne (yes, whey gives people acne, along with milk)
  • norcalskater
    norcalskater Posts: 194 Member
    I would avoid downing a 4 scoop shake of protein. Instead try to space it out more. That's a lot of protein at one time and your body might not utilize it all the same way it would if you took 2 scoops earlier in the day and 2 later. I have whey protein but I do everything I can to avoid having to take it.