April 2014 CYCLING Challenge



  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Well, I think I am done for the month. Not sure I will be able to get out and ride this evening so....

    Here is my finals for April I think.

    355.9mi - 19h 23m - 16 rides
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
    4/1 - 12.5 miles @ 16.6mph
    4/3 - 9 @ 18mph
    4/4 - 9 @ 18mph
    4/6 - 20 @ 15.8mph
    4/9 - 23 @ 15.5mph
    4/10 - 16 @ 15.8mph
    4/11 - 16.3 @ 16.3mph
    4/14 - 10.5 @ 17mph
    4/15 - 12.2 @ 17.5mph
    4/16 - 14 @ 17.5mph
    4/17 - 17.2 @ 17.2mph
    4/19 - 23.1 @ 15.8mph
    4/20 - 30.8 @ 15.8mph
    4/24 - 10 @ 18.5mph
    4/25 - 16.4 @ 16.4mph
    4/26 - 34.1 @ 16.1mph
    4/28 - 17.5 @ 17.1mph
    4/29 - 19 @ 18.5mph
    4/30 - 18.6 @ 18.6mph

    329.2 total for April.

    Just getting warmed up for May. :drinker:
  • MLitke12
    MLitke12 Posts: 15 Member
    I'd like to hit 125 miles in April (30ish a week) Since the weather here is still unpredictable, it will be a mix of outdoor and indoor trainer miles.

    April 1-12.1 on trainer
    April 2-9.1 on trainer

    April 6 -12.7 miles on trainer

    April 8- 9.4 miles - outside wahoo!

    April 12- 22 miles outside
    April 15 6.4 miles inside
    April 21- 11 miles outside
    April 23 - 9.5 miles outside
    april 25- 25.5 miles outside
    April 26- 7.3 miles
    Total so far: 125

    Goal Met!!! I pushed myself yesterday to get that last bit in because it looks like rain for the next few days here.

    Add in April 30- 6 miles - Total for the month 131! Now to figure out my May goal....
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Was able to get one more ride in last night so here is my April.

    1/April - 19.7 miles - 75:13 - 15.7 mph
    5/April - 49.7 miles - 123:37 - 20.7 mph
    6/April - 12.4 miles - 40:13 - 18.5 mph
    7/April - 18.9 miles - 64:22 - 17.6 mph
    9/April - 19.0 miles - 61:51 - 18.4 mph
    10/April - 19.0 miles - 59:39 - 19.1 mph
    11/April - 12.4 miles - 39:46 - 18.7 mph
    15/April - 21.0 miles - 71:19 - 18.4 mph
    18/April - 19.0 miles - 61:15 - 18.6 mph
    19/April - 18.9 miles - 61:29 - 18.5 mph
    20/April - 26.6 miles - 98:05 - 16.3 mph
    21/April - 28.3 miles - 88:02 - 19.3 mph
    22/April - 28.4 miles - 91:04 - 18.7 mph
    26/April - 18.9 miles - 62:20 - 18.2 mph
    27/April - 25.0 miles - 85:01 - 17.6 mph
    29/April - 19.0 miles - 63:00 - 18.1 mph
    30/April - 18.9 miles - 60:01 - 18.9 mph

    Totals for the month
    374.8 miles / 20 hours 23 minutes / 18.34 mph
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Here is the link for the new thread. I didn't finish April as strong as I would have liked, I was struck down by a terrible cold and all of my energy has been put into just running my family. Here's hoping for a better month!

  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    Here is the link for the new thread. I didn't finish April as strong as I would have liked, I was struck down by a terrible cold and all of my energy has been put into just running my family. Here's hoping for a better month!


    Sometimes it is a struggle to keep up. I fell short of my goal but still rode 86 miles. Thanks for having this challenge!
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Barely hit my goal of 300 miles this month and the wind this past week made it tough to play catch up. 301.66 miles total with an average speed of 19.9 mph (so close to 20). I'll be enjoying a day of rest tomorrow before firing things up again on Thursday.

    Some great efforts this month. Faugsu, seems like you really amped things up this month. Way to go. Hornsby and Cowbellsandcoffee both had strong finishes as well. SingingSingle put on a really road show with those high miles.

    My hat off to each of you. Way to finish strong.

    Hats off to you too! In reality, my goal centers around the hours for the structured training I do. Not to mention, I had a 66 mile gravel race in there for April which skewed things a bit.

    Here's to May being warmer than April was, and that the nasty Spring winds taper down a bit...
  • Menoz
    Menoz Posts: 7
    I'm late adding in my final tally, but here goes:

    April 2nd: 37.6 km/23.4 miles in 2:18:00
    April 3rd: 34 km/21.13 miles in 2:02:00
    April 7th: 40.8 km/25.35 miles in 2:22:42
    April 9th: 32.6km/20.26 miles in 1:54:46
    April 11th: 40.3 km/ 25 miles in 2:18:54
    April 14th: 41 km/25.48 miles in 2:22:22
    April 16th: 44.2 km/27.46 miles in 2:38:00
    April 18th: 41.7 km/25.91 miles in 2:28:13
    April 23rd: 40.3km/ 25 miles in 2:20:27
    April 24th: 36.6 km/ 22.75 miles in 2:10:58
    April 27th: 17.8km/11 miles in 1:08:00
    April 30th: 19.0km/11.8 miles in 1:09:13

    Grand totals: 425.7km/ 265.63 miles

    I'll take it! :)
  • I love the water! I think I drink too much water, I've been known to drink 1-2 liters a day. Currently I only drink water when I'm thirsty, or when I feel like having some different water water haha really only drink coffee and soy milk. I kind of thought it would help with weight loss is not fat expelled through urine?