Weekend Gluttony

I have a serious problem with keeping myself under control at the weekends. Monday - Friday I'm really disciplined and make great progress and when it comes to the weekend I end up undoing all of my hard work.

I think the main problem is that I travel across country to my parents at weekends and the house is stocked with ALL of my binge trigger foods. I asked them to stop buying them for when I arrived but they looked at me funny and said my little sister wants those foods.... I would stop going back there for a month or so to see if that helps, but I've driving lessons booked there until July.

Seriously going around in circles here and if anyone has any advice then fire it at me!


  • JamMarie1987
    JamMarie1987 Posts: 17 Member
    I've had to struggle with this ever since at 15 I first was serious about losing weight. My parents stock their house FULL of so much crap (as well as the good stuff). My Mum (as much as I love her) is the worst for it. She constantly asks for advice on how to lose weight and eat right, yet she'll see something on sale and buy a TON of it (ie, biscuits, chips etc).

    It's very VERY hard to learn to control yourself enough to say no (Mum's greek, they don't understand no in relation to food), but it is possible!

    It took me years, haha. But even though I still have slip ups every now and then, it's getting less and less often that I binge and regret it the next day, week, month!

    Good luck! :)
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    I know its really hard, but your just going to have to really TRY your best!!!

    It all depends how much you want this, How much do you want to lose weight or how much do you want to stop bingeing???

    I have been a nightmare the last few months food wise, but recently I am getting back into it, and you really DO feel amazing with yourself when you eat better!

    If you shine within, you shine on the outside..........!!!

    I know its sooooo hard girl, My mum buys crap for my little bro who's so tall and skinny & eats crap! I have to watch it.

    I look at a cake.... And its on my hips ....!!!!

    Drink lots of water to keep you full
  • asarwe
    asarwe Posts: 73 Member
    Log it BEFORE you put it in your mouth. That way you can make a choice whether or not that item is worth it.

    Don't start eating something if you know it will trigger a binge.

    Practice your self-control. The harsh truth is that it is not your parents responsibility that you keep to your plan. It is on you alone. I have the same problem when visiting my family, but in the end it's my choice what i put in my mouth.

    I know this is hard, but keep going. You can't count on there never being a situation where you are tempted to eat something you shouldn't or more than you should. See it as practice for the big bad world. I'm sure your parents want what's best for you, but if you are only there for the weekend they, and your sister, have to be free to live their lives when you are not there.
  • sbarella
    sbarella Posts: 713 Member
    I also visit my parents on most weekends. I found that If I eat more during the week I can easily practice moderation on weekends and just have a small portion of that yummy lasagna or *insert any delicious food here*.
    If I restrict myself too much Mon-Fri then I want to eat all teh foods (and I usually do).
  • alexuh
    alexuh Posts: 108 Member
    I have the same kinda problem with visiting my boyfriend's parents. Whenever I stay at their house, ESPECIALLY weekends, they offer me so much food and when I turn it down get offended. Snacks and meals. If I was my own parents who were offended I wouldn't be too bothered, they'd get over it :laugh: but it's my bf's so I obviously don't wanna upset and want to make a good impression!... - having their sausage sandwich, that bar of chocolate, that slice of bread, even when I genuinely don't fancy it. Means I just have to be stricter the next few days. Which sucks a little.

    I'd recommend taking your own healthy snacks. I've been taking my own porridge and make my own breakfasts, that way I start my mornings as usual so I'm not tempted by too many treats and give into everything. :smile:
  • JazmineYoli
    JazmineYoli Posts: 547 Member
    Bring snacks and good choices with you to keep away from temptation.