Gym workouts for stomach and thighs?

Hey guys!
So i have been exercising for 4months now AND eating right since January 2nd. I have lost 10pound all together, and was just wondering me starting Gym tomorrow will that make me lose weight quicker?

I want to tone my stomach (lose fat) and my inner thighs!
Anyone got any tips on what to use at the Gym to sort these parts out? I am going on holiday in August so I have 3months too lose another half a stone !


  • lostandconfussd
    lostandconfussd Posts: 1 Member
    The treadmill and the rowing machine are great for your legs, so is the step machine if your gym has one fo them. Stomach, crunches and sit ups are always best for that, if your gym has weights look on the side of them and see which parts of your body you'll be working on. Also the vibroplate is really good for toning, so long as you take it seriously and hold all the poses correctly, Hope this helped? xx
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    No specific excersise to target those areas from my understanding.
  • Thank you Hun!
  • matuskap
    matuskap Posts: 131 Member
    For a beginners, usualy full body workout is recommended and i pretty much second that based on my experience with others.
    And the second point about burning fat from a specific part of body, not much you can do about that. Bodys preference of bodyfat storage place is for the most part genetic. Exercising a bodypart does not really burn fat from that place specifically. Recovery after training burns a hell of a lot of aclories tho. So instead of focusing and overtraining one bodypart, it could help a lot more to train overall body as mentioned in beginning.
  • gav25091129
    gav25091129 Posts: 11
    Hiya Abbie

    I would recommend a cardio based workout with interval training thrown in, as this burns more calories than a steady state plod.
  • ctinawilson
    ctinawilson Posts: 127 Member

    You can't spot reduce fat (unfortunately!), so you need to pick exercises that burn lots of calories. Then once you've reduced fat, if you still want more definition, you can start building muscle - this is effectively what 'toning' is, for girls ('toning' is a term the media have coined as women don't seem to like the thought of putting on muscle).

    Steady state cardio exercises (like jogging) burn fat AND muscle, so you want to avoid doing these in isolation if you want to maintain your muscle mass (or stay 'toned'). If you want definition, instead, try a combination of HIIT cardio and weight training. Pick a weight that is a challenge for you, and this will bump up how much fat you burn.

    The best exercises for fat burning are full body 'compound' exercises - think squats, burpees, push ups, plyometrics, lunges, dead lifts. Try them with weights to increase effort, but you can do them just with bodyweight and get great results. Any movements that use as many muscles as possible will burn more calories - makes sense if you think about it, they're bound to burn more calories than movements that use only a couple of muscles.

    HIIT and weight training are fantastic ways to get in shape (plus they cause a kind of 'after burn' which continues to burn more calories the next day while your muscles heal, and have a positive effect on your metabolism), but always remember focus on your full body, rather than just one spot. There is genuinely no point doing crunches for example, if your aim is to get rid of belly fat.

    It is not possible to put on muscle while losing weight (eating at a calorie deficit), but if you lose the fat you're aiming for and still want more defined abs, then you can start to incorporate core exercises that focus more closely on this area.

    Also, the old adage, 'Abs are created in the Kitchen' is so so true, if you eat well, you're much more likely to see positive results. Low sugar, balanced carbs, fat and protein.

    Hope this helps, I'm still trying to figure it all out, but since i started weight training and HIIT, I have lost 15% body fat and inches from my waist and thighs - which is what you're aiming for, so thought it was worth a comment :)

  • Hello!

    You can't spot reduce fat (unfortunately!), so you need to pick exercises that burn lots of calories. Then once you've reduced fat, if you still want more definition, you can start building muscle - this is effectively what 'toning' is, for girls ('toning' is a term the media have coined as women don't seem to like the thought of putting on muscle).

    Steady state cardio exercises (like jogging) burn fat AND muscle, so you want to avoid doing these in isolation if you want to maintain your muscle mass (or stay 'toned'). If you want definition, instead, try a combination of HIIT cardio and weight training. Pick a weight that is a challenge for you, and this will bump up how much fat you burn.

    The best exercises for fat burning are full body 'compound' exercises - think squats, burpees, push ups, plyometrics, lunges, dead lifts. Try them with weights to increase effort, but you can do them just with bodyweight and get great results. Any movements that use as many muscles as possible will burn more calories - makes sense if you think about it, they're bound to burn more calories than movements that use only a couple of muscles.

    HIIT and weight training are fantastic ways to get in shape (plus they cause a kind of 'after burn' which continues to burn more calories the next day while your muscles heal, and have a positive effect on your metabolism), but always remember focus on your full body, rather than just one spot. There is genuinely no point doing crunches for example, if your aim is to get rid of belly fat.

    It is not possible to put on muscle while losing weight (eating at a calorie deficit), but if you lose the fat you're aiming for and still want more defined abs, then you can start to incorporate core exercises that focus more closely on this area.

    Also, the old adage, 'Abs are created in the Kitchen' is so so true, if you eat well, you're much more likely to see positive results. Low sugar, balanced carbs, fat and protein.

    Hope this helps, I'm still trying to figure it all out, but since i started weight training and HIIT, I have lost 15% body fat and inches from my waist and thighs - which is what you're aiming for, so thought it was worth a comment :)


    Thank you so much! Great info!
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Defintely keep focusing on nutrition for weight loss. You lose weight in the kitchen, and get fit in the gym. Use exercise for fitness. Keep up the good work.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    Stronglifts 5x5will make your whole body sexy