41 year old mum of two teens needs a friend - 28 lbs to lose

TaraDes72 Posts: 1 Member
Hi! I'm hoping to be in contact with my new friend regularly :) I am following weight watchers points (which i've had success with before and i like the fact that it monitors fat and carb levels) and logging on to fitness pal to monitor salt levels etc etc I am a reluctantish exerciser and now that my babies are nearly grown up I can take some more time to focus on me :D


  • jox14
    jox14 Posts: 26 Member
    Add me
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Sounds familiar. :)

    I'm 39 (40 this October) and my kids are 12, 14 and about to be 16. I've been off & on this journey for years, and truly feel like something is different this time. I've gone from ~178 at Christmas 2013 to 150.5 this morning. Quite excited by today's weigh in! I'm 5' 5.5" and aiming for around 135-140.

    I've never been fond of exercise either. I have a busy life, with home/work/school (I'm a grad student after FINALLY getting my undergrad degree last year) and planning a structured exercise plan is something I've never managed to stick to. Monitoring my food intake, when I make the effort of course, has never been hard. I use a food scale at home & work. What I think is different for me this time? I'm not focused on 'exercise' but in being more active. Ultimately that means I do exercise but I don't feel like it controls me. I monitor my activity w/ an activity tracker and make sure to get at least 10k-12k steps per day. Sometimes 15k-20k but it depends on the day as I have an office job & a 2nd job as well.

    Would love to have more friends, to hold me accountable and to try and help in some way as I can.
  • shamang_followtheway
    Follow The Way:glasses: :glasses: :heart:

    “The Seventh Plain”
    Weight Management Program
    Compiled by Shamang.

    1. Drink a glass of warm water with natural squeezed lemon/lime juice & a teaspoonful of honey or ½ chelated kelp tablet, with a glass of warm water, a splash/1tbs of organic cider vinegar & a teaspoonful of honey on an empty stomach daily.
    2. Using ginger in cooking, burns fats and controls cholesterol levels.
    3. Drink a cup of green tea after meals. Green Tea is very helpful to reducing weight and does not restrict the absorption of nutrients compared with some other popular beverages.
    4. Using white/black/red pepper will increase the body’s metabolic rate.
    5. “Seek the inner child within yourself”; Get a little more exercise daily to re-energize your body. Skip around your home for a few minutes, dance to the music, play hopscotch with the children, play on the swings, “be young again”. Swimming, cycling and walking are a great way to kick start increasing your activity and metabolism, and far cheaper than a gym membership….. Just do more…and be more!!!
    6. Avoid alcohol, bread, pastries, and limit butter & margarine in the dieting period, they pile on the pounds; and continue to monitor intake thereafter.
    7. Minimize the intake of salt, and replace with herbs.
    8. Use skimmed organic milk as this will limit consumption of animal steroids and animal antibiotics.