Hello, I am new!

MissPears Posts: 5 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hello everyone, I have just joined today so am still trying to get used to this site..

Has anyone got any tips or advice for me?

I have dieted before and I occasionally (when I am on a mission) exercise so I am not a complete virgin, but for those of you who have been using this site for a while any tips would be much appreciated!

Thank you.


  • My friend just told me about the site today and I decided to give it a try. I haven't stopped smiling yet, because maybe there is some hope for me. Good Luck with your goals. :smile:
  • MissPears
    MissPears Posts: 5 Member
    So far I have found it really helpful and I have noted everything I have eaten and the exercise I have done. I didnt realise how quickly the calories add up!

    How much do you want to lose? I have 16lbs to lose until I reach my target weight.

    Good luck, you can do it! :-)
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member

    Welcome to MFP!

    The only tip I could advise is

    1. to log absolutely everything and stick to your daily calorie allowance.
    2. to eat protein at every meal, but especially breakfast, it fills you up and stops you snacking or cheating.
    3. surround yourself with lots of supportive buddies on this site, comment on their pages and they return the favour and that encouragement and support is worth a million quid, believe me.
    4. do not keep weighing yourself, set aside one day per week to weigh and measure yourself and record the results in a book and on MFP

    You can do this xxx
  • MissPears
    MissPears Posts: 5 Member
    LotusF1ower, thank you very much, that is very helpful.

    I hadn't measured myself so I will do that... once I find my tape!
  • I'm trying to lose 25lbs and keep it off :smile:
  • I'm trying to lose 25lbs and keep it off :smile:
  • :smile:
  • vetsnatural
    vetsnatural Posts: 186 Member
    Hi My name is Yvette,

    Good Luck with your goals and I welcome any advice as well.
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    Welcome aboard. You are in the right place for motiovation and support.
    Ive been here since July and altho I went off track a little during the holidays I have been very successfull.
    When you really want it this is definitely a great way of doing it.

    The principles behind this method will stand you in great stead for a long term life style chnage that we help you avhieve your goal.

    This is a marathon, not a sprint. some weeks you might not lose or even gain, but by logging everything you eat you can see where you went off track and learn from that.

    Good Luck, try to get a group of friends on here who will comment and support you on your journey

    Gem x
  • drmags
    drmags Posts: 1
    I am new to this too - well using it at least ! I agree we need to pool our ideas and goals are great but they must also be realistic - so dont set them too far ahead either and expect things to go up and down - its the downward trend that counts afterall.

    SO mine are 1/2 kg max a week - I have 35 kg more to lose - have already lost that over 3 years ago with WW and kept it off - but been stagnant for 1 1/2 years - and don't want to go back to a system or paying anyone etc - so secret to my success this time will be all the lessons I have learnt from my past dieting - the good bad and the ugly too - cos it is all valuable, I binge between 5-7 so I need to divert myself then for instance and knowing yourself and your own strengths and weaknesses are key !

    No 1 - exercise daily if at all possible even if it is only 20 minutes in front of the TV !! ( doesn't make you lose weight really - only 20% is attributable to exercise) but great for toning and making me not want to eat and blow all that hard work !
    Use the heart foundation guidelines for good fats and good nutrition or what ever is medically similiar for healthy eating and DOES NOT have the word DIET around near under or over it AT ALL !!!,
    I will not be depriving myself of anything i like - instead eating in moderation and cutting back my portion size to healthy amounts,
    Weigh myself only once a week and measure too,
    keep this handy food diary up to date on my iphone and track changes on this site to pick up any trends to see where I might be straying or can improve.
    Commit to finding other local people and like this on line people who can support me, encourage me and also understand how hard it is to achieve long lasting weight loss too
    Trawl websites for great ideas to help - its all been done before and use what will suit me - like keeping gum in my bag , carrying water with me so if I smell something or I dont think I ma hungry when I am actually thirsty and keeping fresh food like carrots in plain site in the fridge and fruit too - chopped up like watermelon ready to go when I am in a rush and want to cram something , anything down my gullet ! etc etc
    lastly reward my good losses with non food related things such as movie tickets or a magazine or an accessory and I put $10 per 1/2 kg lost in a jar to fund my new wardrobe ( or alterations !!)

    Good Luck to you all - lesser and greater people have achieved their goals - we are seriously not unique as much as we like to think we are - so if they can do it so can we !!
  • MissPears
    MissPears Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for all your replies and good luck to you all!

    I am now on day 4 and I find logging everything is the best form of motivation. Also, reading everyone's sucess stories is a great inspiration.

    I think I have found a 'Pal' for life! :-)

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