My - 50lb Journey

I need to log daily and be accountable for the bad as well as the good. Sick to death of yo yo dieting, been over weight all my adult life and its getting worse not better.

I just cannot do another fat summer. Food seems the most important thing in my life !


  • I feel like I'm in the same boat, I can't keep doing this anymore! I want to lose 45 lbs and then I'll re-evaluate from there.. feel free to friend me and we can keep each other accountable!
  • 8/5/14 5.30pm. As a trial had my dinner, no bread. In all honestly feel no less full than I would have if I had, had it. I will start logging my food from tomorrow. Although I have a large hurdle before then. I work night shift, so need to sort that out too. Most of my eating is done, while I am not hungry, so working on physical hunger instead of emotional hunger. That is the plan but i dont expect to solve 30yrs of eating when not hungry to go away over night.