100 jumping jacks an hour in addition to morning gym time

Hi there,

So about me:
Not new to exercising
Not new to eating healthy

The most fit I've been was about a year ago. I had an active job as a kindergarten teacher and exercised nearly every day. I was at about 125 with a great diet.

Since then I've started a new business that requires me to work from home, obviously not much activity going on at a computer desk.

I still have a good diet, I pretty much just eat whole foods with limited carbs and cook about 80% of my own meals. I do crossfit in the morning and focus on different body parts everyday, but my job is keeping me idle, making my goal to get back to my previous body a really big task.

Will doing something like 100 jumping jacks or some kind of cardio exercise every hour get me back where I want to be faster than My Fitness Pal's estimated one pound a week? Does anyone have experience with this?

Looking forward to feedback! Thanks!


  • gls1548
    gls1548 Posts: 13 Member
    So have you tried this and got any results? I have an office job and also sit at a desk between 8-10 hours a day. I'm currently trying to get into better eating habits and working on getting up in the morning and doing anywhere between 20 - 45 minutes of exercise in the morning. But I really just want to get myself into that mind frame of working out and being healthy and I KNOW sitting at a desk that long is unhealthy and always thought well if I did 100 jumping jacks every hour, or just marched in place for 100 steps, or jumping rope for 100 jumps (obviously not a real jump rope) but if doing that every hour throughout the day would help with the weight lost. I personally just started this today so I have no results to show for it, but I see you posted this awhile ago and was wondering if you noticed any results? Or if you would recommend it?
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Jumping jacks would burn a few extra calories each hour ... most calculators have it in the single digit burn per minute at a "vigorous" exertion. The bigger question is why the rush to "get me back where I want to be faster" than a very manageable one pound per week loss?
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Just eat at a calorie deficit. Jumping jacks aren't magic. And if you're only 140 pounds, there's no need to try losing faster than 1 pound a week. Even that may be an overly aggressive goal.
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    I like the way you think.........keep on keepin' on :-)
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    You work from home? Have you considered a standing or even a treadmill desk? They're expensive, but they'd keep you from sitting idly while you're working.

    But adding bursts of cardio throughout the day can't hurt! Switch from jumping jacks to jump squats to activate different muscle groups, maybe? That sounds like a fun idea!
  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    in my humble opinion... any activity or exercise is better then nothing... even if others say it wouldn't help much... nevertheless... if it will make you feel better just do it...

    As a teacher -- what I have done was put all the student's desks in a large circle and in the middle of the circle i put a large round table... and I walk around the large table... and while most of the students think I’m either walking around looking at their work and talking with them... however, what I’m really doing is trying to get my 15,000steps in everyday...

    So for me... walking has been the key for losing so much weight and maintaining it...
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Hi there,

    So about me:
    Not new to exercising
    Not new to eating healthy

    The most fit I've been was about a year ago. I had an active job as a kindergarten teacher and exercised nearly every day. I was at about 125 with a great diet.

    Since then I've started a new business that requires me to work from home, obviously not much activity going on at a computer desk.

    I still have a good diet, I pretty much just eat whole foods with limited carbs and cook about 80% of my own meals. I do crossfit in the morning and focus on different body parts everyday, but my job is keeping me idle, making my goal to get back to my previous body a really big task.

    Will doing something like 100 jumping jacks or some kind of cardio exercise every hour get me back where I want to be faster than My Fitness Pal's estimated one pound a week? Does anyone have experience with this?

    Looking forward to feedback! Thanks!
    I dont dothis, but 3 days a week at work I will at each hour of the day stop and do a set of pushups, usually the leaning kind onto a desk. Has helped my strenght no doubt, is quick, easy to do and gets the heart rate pumping!

    ..and still takes up much less time than those who go take smoke breaks or head to the vending machines!
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    If you are doing crossfit to your max effort then you already have your answer. " I was at about 125 with a great diet."
    Diet wins every time, you can out eat any exercise you do.
  • feedfeedfoodfood
    feedfeedfoodfood Posts: 26 Member
    Sorry for my delayed response! I haven't check back on this post in a while. I actually only did the burst of cardio every hour for about a week. It made time speed by! I would recommend it, but I didn't feel as much energy as I typically do from just completing a workout 30-60 minute workout. Studies show that it doesn't matter whether you divide your 30 minutes of daily exercise up throughout the day, as long as you get it in you will have similar results.

    I'd give it a try and see if it works for you. Your metabolism will keep working faster the more energy you're using and the better food you're eating. Good luck!