Totally lost my motivation

No idea why, just really struggled over the past few weeks, have ended up eating crap and doing pretty much zero exercise. Haven't dared weigh myself.

4 weeks to go to the wedding, no way I'm going to hit my target weight for it (although, I've lost enough to be happy about it). Really need to get back on it and try to lose at least another 7lbs by then though,


  • CBinVA
    CBinVA Posts: 1 Member
    I've lost mine too but TODAY is the day to jump back on the bandwagon! You can do it!
  • LashaudeJames
    Don't be discouraged man. Jump back on track. It's never too late to make those good decisions again!
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    Spring fever is hitting us. I lost my motivation when I went on vacation 2 weeks ago. Yesterday wasn't great, but not as bad and I had been doing.

    One of the reasons may be that you are happy enough with the point you are at now. If you are comfortable right now, realize that the break from the constant monitoring may have been needed. But don't totally give up. Focus on the wedding, but make decent choices for food. Also, stress for a wedding makes you not want to do anything, but the best thing to do is get moving.

    So pick today to get moving. No excuses, just get it done.

    Good luck.
  • shunggie
    shunggie Posts: 1,036 Member
    I've been trying to get back on track myself. I just started logging as a first step. Logging at least makes me think about what I'm eating. I was in a bake brownies and have one every night mode there for a few weeks. Now I'm back to logging- I havn't stayed below my goal but I have stayed below 1500 which if I"m not tracking would probably go to 2500 without too much trouble. Baby steps is the way for me. Now if I could just motivate myself to get up early and go for walks. That really works well but I'm so dang lazy in the morning it's pathetic. Good luck and congrats on the wedding!!!
  • millermkarate
    millermkarate Posts: 46 Member
    Today is a fresh, new start :) The first step was logging onto MFP....try hard today and step on the scale in a day or two :) A few weeks from now you will be back in the groove and happy that you started today! Congrats on the wedding!
  • bekim123
    bekim123 Posts: 391 Member
    Losing your motivation is easy to do. I imagine it happens to some extent for everyone. The key is to realize that you have control on what happens from this point forward. Don't beat yourself up too hard about what's happened in the past, it's behind you now. Focus on what's ahead that you can control.
  • shamang_followtheway
    "Follow The Way"

    “The Seventh Plain”
    Weight Management Program
    Compiled by Shamang.

    1. Drink a glass of warm water with natural squeezed lemon/lime juice & a teaspoonful of honey or ½ chelated kelp tablet, with a glass of warm water, a splash/1tbs of organic cider vinegar & a teaspoonful of honey on an empty stomach daily.
    2. Using ginger in cooking, burns fats and controls cholesterol levels.
    3. Drink a cup of green tea after meals. Green Tea is very helpful to reducing weight and does not restrict the absorption of nutrients compared with some other popular beverages.
    4. Using white/black/red pepper will increase the body’s metabolic rate.
    5. “Seek the inner child within yourself”; Get a little more exercise daily to re-energize your body. Skip around your home for a few minutes, dance to the music, play hopscotch with the children, play on the swings, “be young again”. Swimming, cycling and walking are a great way to kick start increasing your activity and metabolism, and far cheaper than a gym membership….. Just do more…and be more!!!
    6. Avoid alcohol, bread, pastries, and limit butter & margarine in the dieting period, they pile on the pounds; and continue to monitor intake thereafter.
    7. Minimize the intake of salt, and replace with herbs.
    8. Use skimmed or semi-skimmed organic milk as this will limit consumption of animal steroids and animal antibiotics.

  • segwayne
    segwayne Posts: 52 Member
    It seems almost weird if not moot for a lot of people to offer cliche answers like "don't give up", etcetera, but the fact is that we've all been there. Motivation isn't free or limitless.

    All I can offer is that -- Just like a weight loss plateau -- motivation is just something that you have to sometimes force yourself through to see any change. Push through it though this "motivation plateau" and you'll notice that it comes back naturally after a few days... Being motivated to lose weight, work out, or whatever just becomes the status quo after a while...

    I can't say that I will ever look forward to going to the gym, or exercising really, but it's something that needs to happen, and once you get to it, you usually feel better knowing that you had the commitment to make it happen.

    Good luck,

  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I feel ya.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    First change your outlook. You don't NEED to lose 7lbs, you want to. There isn't some life or death time limit on this weight loss. If you truly want to lose that weight by the goal deadline you chose, you will find a way.

    Motivation isn't easy, sadly it isn't sold in a bottle otherwise we'd all be super smart/rich/fit/whatever.

    Find out your WHY and then work out your HOW. You'll get there.
  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member
    It happens to everyone. I lost my motivation this past week, and fried chicken just seems to be the only thing on my mind. But I've realized that I worked so hard for everything, and I am not going to give it all up for some tasty chicken. You've already come so far. Just pick yourself back up and finish this journey! Congrats as well :)
  • TheAverageDan
    TheAverageDan Posts: 10 Member
    Often it is our discontent that is our when it is gone, we need to find it elsewhere. Remember that you don't necessarily need to do a 30 minute aerobic exercise to qualify as exercise. Download RunKeeper (if you dont already use it) and link it to MyFitnessPal... then go for a walk. There is something gratifying about burning even an additional 50 calories (that you can now eat and still be on goal)... or if you over do it at the dinner table, you can head out and offset it.

    Motivation is always the hardest part of the process. Instead of looking for motivation, concentrate on the math of consumption vs. burn and challenge yourself to be more active.

    Next time you get hungry, go for a walk instead. If you are still hungry when you get back, you will have already burned some of the calories you are about to eat.

    Our eyes are always bigger than our stomach so start with a portion half the size of what you think you actually want and decide if you are still hungry after you are done.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Every day is a new day to start over! Good luck getting back in the groove.
  • Andy__Dane
    Andy__Dane Posts: 46 Member
    Cheers all,

    I am determined to get back on it, just a blip with being so busy sorting everything else out has meant I haven't had time to get to the gym or the climbing wall. Combined with a few meals out to catch up with friends / family before the wedding, and it's all gone downhill.

    Will be getting back to the gym tonight and I'm juggling less things now that I've finished building my website.

    Thanks for the encouragement (and the friends requests)!
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Climbing wall! Awesome, spend extra time doing the activities you love- and it will enhance your motivation.

    - sounds weird, but another motivator for me is just purchasing new workout clothing, I may not feel like going to the gym, but rocking a new shirt or shoes will help get my feet in the door.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    Right there with you. It's the end of the school year, illness and hospital bills seem to keep piling up, minor injuries / exhaustion (that's an exaggeration, but...), everything just seems to sap my motivation. I've barely kept it together with eating maintenance and not surplus calories, but we haven't worked out in a week and I just don't feel like starting again.

    Trying to force a hike and/or trail run this afternoon. Hopefully the weather improves and picks up my mood. Hang in there! I keep telling myself it's okay to skip a week of exercise as long as I jump right back on the horse.
  • srslybritt
    srslybritt Posts: 1,618 Member
    Glad I'm not the only one. Mine's been since January... took on a second job and ever since then, I've slowly but surely been ruining all of my hard work. I know I need to get back up and work for it, but the thought of it just exhausts me. I hope you find what drives you again--we'll get through this!

    (Seriously, so glad I'm not alone here)
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    2 recommendations to help you start getting back on the wagon.

    Weigh and record your weight every day!
    Log all your food every day.

    unless you need psychotherapy for self sabotage you will see the error of your ways and gain the motivation to correct it. Or you will realize you need psychotherapy.

  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member

    Weigh and record your weight every day!
    Log all your food every day.
    - the truth!
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    Im in the same boat, but think of yourself 4 weeks from now, and aim to make that person happy and proud! I know you can just DO IT. :D